Prashant Awale

The Book of Orchids:  A life-size guide to six hundred species from around the world”  has been recently published by Kew.

I am happy to inform you that they had included one photograph of “Peristylus constrictus ” taken by me in this book (Page no: 181).

Hearty congrats dear … !!!!
May many more of your pictures get into such top publications.


Can I use a few selected images of Phyllanthaceae from efi with due acknowledement to photographers for my book entitled  Indo-Burmese Phyllanthaceae now scheduled  to be published in January  2018?

…, you may also use any image from my photostream at flickr if it suits your book. Please use search facility to get to any image.

Thanks ….

Yes …, U can use the images whenever U want..

I am delighted that you have accorded your permission. I am already having some good images and with a few more from the efi there will be about 70 species with images out of 240. 

Thanks, …  Individual permission is required from members. I think most of our members will be willing to help you in this matter. Pl. let me know if you find any trouble with any of our members. 

Congratulations …, I think every member will happily contribute images …, rather I would say you should ask for full resolution pics.

Thank you … for the kind advise.  

I will request all individuals separately for full resolution images under intimation to … in due course, towards the end of the year. … has already sent me some beautiful images.

Thanks, …  I think that will be better. 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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