Premna rajendranii

A new species of the genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) from Western Ghats of India, Premna rajendranii by Konickal Mambetta Prabhu Kumara*, Thrivikraman Sunilkumar, Villuvattathu Sreeraj, Binu Thomas, Indira Balachandrana and Valiyaparambil Thomas Antony as per link.
Congrats, Prabhu ji & the team, for great efforts.  

This is Premna, I am collected from Tamil Nadu in this March. I cant to collcet the flower.
Anyone can help me for the species identification.
It is P. corymbosa ?

Is it a tree? if yes, this could be Premna latifolia var. latifolia.
P. corymbosa is a straggler.

It is scandent in nature. I already checked with latifolia. But not matching.

Do you have picture of the whole plant? It doesn’t look like Premna corymbosa to me.

Hope you have access to Dr. Rajendran’s revision on Verbenaceae. I think there are three varieties in P. latifolia.

I am alredy discussed with Rajendran sir.
He said to me for waiting flowers. Any way it is not matching with any varieties of latifolia.
According to the species latifolia and all 6 varieties are merged to a single species Premna mollissima.

P. molisima if flowers are white

A new species of the genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) from Western Ghats of India, Premna rajendranii by Konickal Mambetta Prabhu Kumara*, Thrivikraman Sunilkumar, Villuvattathu Sreeraj, Binu Thomas, Indira Balachandrana and Valiyaparambil Thomas Antony as per link.
Congrats, … & the team, for great efforts.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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