Primula scapigera (Hook. fil.) Craib, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 6(29–30): 254–255 1917. (syn: Primula petiolaris var. scapigera Hook. f.);
. Central & E. Himalaya to S. Tibet: East Himalaya, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO; . primula edgeworthii: 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Primula edgeworthii, family primulaceae
Singalila national park
growing commonly near streams, springs and damp places
photographed in the first week of april Primulas are one of the most genereous flowers, very nice colors in unassuming little plants that sprout up in unlikely sunny spaces, and some of their species give useful edible oil… This is not what was known as Primula edgeworthii. For some years I have known it as P.nana
I will have to take a close-look at these images to see which species it might been – I note it is understood to be common. As stated in previous post, this is not P.edgeworthii (syn. P.nana) which would not be expected here. My initial thoughts are that this may prove to be Primula scapigera. It fits in terms of 2360-3000m & flowering March-April with records from Sandakphu, Tonglo etc. which are in Singalila near Darjeeling. I have visited this area once but that was in the autumn so did not notice what (if anything) was visible of petiolarid primulas at the time.
There are no images of this species (though it is listed) on ‘Primula World’ web-site and are hard to find elsewhere. Nor seemingly and pressed specimens at Kew (at least not any scanned in yet). Previously known as Primula petiolaris var. scapigera. There is a small photo in ‘Himalayan Plants Illustrated’ which matches quite well.
Clearly, the flowers photographed are not in perfect condition. Differences given between this species and Primula bracteosa (syn. P.boothii) given in ‘Flora of Bhutan’ cannot be seen in the photos.
This species is recorded from East Nepal (which of course borders Singalila National Park) with herbarium collections by Adam Stainton @ 2600-3500m.
Would be great to have more images of the plant but clearly one has to be trekking/exploring in March or April (these images were from first week) to catch in flower, though shots of it at fruiting stage would be helpful to confirm a characteristic.
I have another source of information to check. Further to my recent posts. I have just consulted ‘Primula’ (2003 but an up-dated volume has been published since). Richards says it was first introduced from the Singalila range in West Sikkim (slopes of Kanchenchunga) where it still grows – further supporting evidence. He mentions it being found in the Everest region, East Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. Wildflowers, Lama, Eaglenest – ID help. : 16 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
I made this image in Lama, Eaglenest NP, Arunachal Pradesh Is it a Primula? Looks like a Primula sp. May be Primula bractiosa Looks a bit different from Primula bracteosa. See the link Not sure about differences between Primula bracteosa and Primula gracilipes. Will need to think further about this. My understanding is there is a rich variety of Primulas in A.P., an area I am not that familiar with. The important characters i.e. the flowering scape is present or absent is not visible in this image. If it is present than it is P. Bracteosa or absent than P. gracilips. I have, after typing out what is below, just noticed that the FOI site has the plant photographed from this spot by … identified as P.bracteosa – I wish someone had told me this, if they knew! Anyhow, it does not alter my thoughts. If … or anyone else can return to the spot and photograph the plants at the fruiting stage, the ‘mystery’ will be resolved and give us clues as to what to look out for in the early stages of flowering. Or if the specimen they come across is in flower, then make sure you look closely to the base of the stalk of an individual flower (i.e. pedicel) to check if it is part of an umbel (and then peduncle) or not.
I am in agreement with the posting by … but would like to elaborate and provide additional information. Richards in ‘Primula’ (2003) says that P.gracilipes takes and intermediate position between the tighter, dwarfer P.petiolaris (I think only recorded from Nepal and Darjeeling-side, which if correct eliminates this from consideration for an AP specimen) and the larger, laxer P.bracteosa.
‘Flora of Bhutan’ (covering Bhutan and Sikkim, so close to AP) give a key that separates P.deuteronana (which the AP plant is not), P.gracilipes and P.petiolaris from P.irregularis, P.bracteosa and P.scapigera on the basis of: Flowers borne on pedicels amongst leaves of basal rosette, peduncles absent in flower and fruit – P.gracilipes cf. Flowers borne on distinct peduncle (often very short in flower), which elongates in fruit – P.bracteosa.
They also have slight but diagnostic differences in the shape of the calyx according to Richards but unhelpfully he does not say what. According to ‘Flora of Bhutan’ the only differences I can understand are shape of calyx teeth but these are similar. Such differences cannot be seen in most photos taken of Primulas. There is a calyx visible (albeit not very close) in the photo from AP but this does not really help much. So am still uncertain.
As to “peduncles” and “pedicels”. I think it would help to try and explain the difference. In P.gracilipes there is no peduncle as each individual flower is borne on a slender pedicel (the stalk of an individual flower) from amongst the rosette of leaves. A peduncle is the stalk of the inflorescence which in the case of P.bracteosa is present (and elongates in fruit) as seen in the herbarium specimen at Kew: This species has a single umbel of 3-17 flowers (each with a pedicel) This is Primula scapigera, an interesting find for Arunachal Pradesh.
…, I’d like to be able to post this to my website Primula World at I will contact you further about that, as I am travelling right now. |
Primula scapigera
Updated on December 24, 2024