Pritchardia pacifica Seem. & H.Wendl., Bonplandia (Hannover) 10: 197 1862. (Syn: Eupritchardia pacifica (Seem. & H.Wendl.) Kuntze; Pritchardia pacifica var. marquisensis F.Br.; Pritchardia pacifica var. samoensis Becc.; Styloma pacifica (Seem. & H.Wendl.) O.F.Cook; Washingtonia pacifica (Seem. & H.Wendl.) Kuntze);
ID request-080112-PKA2: Requesting ID for this another Palm sp. i think this is Pritchardia pacifica yes Pritchardia pacifica, Pritchardia pacifica is a tree from the Arecaceae family, native to Tonga now also found elsewhere including in Fiji and Samoa.
Commonly known as the Fiji fan palm after one of its uses, it can grow to a height of ten metres.
The flowers are of a yellow green colour and the fruits are brown.
Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Arecaceae :: Pritchardia pacifica from Hiranandani Powai, Heritage Gardens :: ARKAUG-29 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Attached are pictures of Pritchardia pacifica captured at Hiranandani Powai, Heritage Gardens in January 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID.
How do you know these. Have they kept the record of these species?
I had attended the Tree Appreciation Walk conducted by … and … (both, members of this forum) last year. This garden/park maintained by the Hiranandani group has many species of palms and is really very beautiful. We were accompanied by one of the Hiranandani staff who worked in this department. Palm Tree for ID : Mumbai : 251218 : AK-26 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
A palm tree, probably cultivated seen at a resort in Mumbai earlier this month. (25.12.18)
Kindly help in id.
Pritchardia pacifica
Pritchardia pacifica (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024