Project Matheran – Flora Walk report 27-01-2012: On 27th Jan., three of us walked/trekked from Matheran to Neral station and observed the list of floral species, attached herewith. Many species (Apprx 25-30) are still to be IDed and many species we left, unphotographed, because of lack of academic knowledge and resources. Anyhow, that is what inspiring us to move a mile ahead and get the species properly documented and observed.
Wonderful initiative, So the flora walks have started. Our Karnataka Flora walk will happen in mid Feb. Will update all of you about our program. Thanks for encouragement sir……finally we have started the documentation and have got fantastic field team…with individual interests in birding/flora/butterfly etc…..
Project Matheran – Flora Walk report
Updated on December 24, 2024