Pseudanthistiria heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 219 1896. (Syn: Andropogon heteroclitus Nees; Anthistiria heteroclita Roxb.; Hypogynium heteroclitum (Roxb.) Roberty; Pseudanthistiria hispida Hook.f.; Pseudanthistiria intermedia Birari & D’Cruz; Sorghum heteroclitum (Roxb.) Kuntze);
. India to Bangladesh as per POWO; . Common name: Indian Christmas Grass .
Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Poaceae at Thane for ID :: 18 OCT 09 11:49 :: DV30 : 3 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Place, Altitude: Vaghbil, Thane … about 50 ft asl Pseudanthistiria heteroclita Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Poaceae along Amba Ghat for ID :: 20 DEC 10 04:57 :: DV29 : 2 images. 4 posts by 3 authors.
Grass Place, Altitude: along Amba Ghat … about 1446 ft asl Pseudanthistiria heteroclita Identification of grass requested. : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
I am attaching 2 images of a grass species collected from high altitudes at Easternghats.
the plant is about 50 cm in height. Pseudanthistiria hirta Thank you …, for your efforts, but the plant list or Gamble FPM has no such species, whether it has any synonyms. I am thankful to you if my doubt is clarified. need free specimens for identification. interesting species for me A specimen was handed over to BSI Deccan circle for identification, they too could not, only 2 plants are located in the interior, if I could I will collect more If I get free specimens of above grass (with inflorescence) then I could try for name. My tentative remark about grass is seems to be interesting species. Sorry, the species name was spelt wrongly. It is Pseudanthisthiria hispida. . Grass for ID : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 19NOV21 : AK – 011: 3 images. Wild grass seen today (19.11.21). Themeda Species? Pseudanthisthiria heteroclita This is again new to me.
Currently I am in Nasik, which has a lot of grasslands.
So I’m finding new ones. Pseudanthistiria heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f. ?? I also think it should be Pseudanthisthiria heteroclita, seeing the general habit, long white bristles and top leaves. I will have to wait for the next rainy season to click more images. Habit: Herb
Height: ~1m
Loc- Abhera biological park kota
Date- July 2022 Pseudanthisthiria heteroclita . Pseudanthistiria heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 18, 2009 · 11:48 AM IST: 3 images.
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Pseudanthistiria heteroclita
Updated on December 24, 2024