Pseudobombax ellipticum (Cultivated)

Pseudobombax ellipticum (Kunth) Dugand, Caldasia 2: 67 1943. (Syn. Bombax ellipticum Kunth; Bombax mexicanum Hemsl.; Carolinea fastuosa Sessé ex DC.);
Shaving Brush Tree;
Deciduous tree without spines; leaves palmately compound with 3-6 elliptic leaflets; flowers appearing before leaves; calyx about 8 mm long with 10 basal glands; petals tinged pink, linear-oblong, up to 15 cm long; stamens numerous, 3/4 as long as petals with red filaments, anthers yellowish; capsule fusiform, up to 15 cm long.



I am uploading my photographs of Pseudobombax ellipticum from Delhi, growing in Delhi University Campus, Photographed in April (Flowers) and June (leaves), 2009

We had a very beautiful, spectacular tree in Lalbagh which, alas, has long since fallen prey to termite infestation.


A large deciduous tree with greyish smooth bark, digitate leaves, broadly elliptic leaflets. Flowers solitary on terminal branches, 20 cm long, stamens numerous purple or white (hence the name Shaving Brush tree). Originates from Mexico. Does not set fruit in Pune. How to propogate this beautiful tree?

Though I have not attempted personally, I have it on good authority that P. ellipticum, at least the pink form, strikes easily from cuttings. White form should behave similarly. If not, it can be grafted on most other tree-type, similar Malvaceae, including Pachira.



Not Pachira rosea – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

The Shaving Brush Tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum), has been widely misidentified in India, for some unknown reason, as Pachira rosea.
Name plates in Nehru Park, Delhi and Lal Bagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore, give the name Pachira rosea. Even the book “An Atlas Of
Major Flowering Trees In India” by M S Swaminathan has it wrong.

Thanks, … Here is a link for details:

According to Dr. Almeida who identified this tree, this is the only Pseudobombax ellipticum in Mumbai also called shaving brush tree, flowers are seen in Trees of Delhi book. Saw this palmate leaved tree on 18 July, ’10 at Rani baug.

Here are flowers from Delhi to complete your display. The flowers of this deciduous tree appear in April before the leaves appear. Attachments (3)

Great Sir ! Beautiful shots, thank you so much for sharing these. I hope I can see the flowering next season in Mumbai !

You should, with much more humid climate in Mumbai. Last year I could see a few shrivelled flowers. This year I was more lucky to find good blooms. You have to be on lookout, the flowering period lasts few day in April in Delhi.

Yes I will, thank you for the info. of the exact timing of flowering in Delhi. I suppose it may be a few days earlier in Mumbai or later ?




This stunning flower is now blooming in Chennai.

– I just saw the spelling error—–PSEUDOBOMBAX ELLIPTICUM.


Your stunning Psedobombax ellipticum in Chennai has fair cousin in Rani Bagh, Mumbai…have attached the photographs. The flowering here is over and the tree is totally without flowers & leaves. I have never seen this lone tree fruiting in Rani Bagh. Have you noticed Psedobombax ellipticum fruiting in  Chennai before? 2 images.

– Nice to know about the presence of these trees I have observed a Red coloured one in Pune Univ. Bot Garden, and the white coloured one in Sahakarnagar area in Pune which features as a front page on Shrikant ji’s book Trees of Pune.

They don’t fruit here. Propogation can be done by vegetative means only

I saw this fantastic beauty for the first time about two weeks ago and was dazzled by the picture it made, a single flower blooming right on top of an elegant bare tree, with the sun making the stamens glow.  I have been visiting the garden on and off and seen only two or three flowers on the tree at any time. The gardener told me that it did not set seeds and when I asked him to make me a cutting, made the excuse that the branches were high up and if someone climbed it, the tree would collapse. I was thrilled to come across this tree as I had seen the cover pic on The Trees of Pune and not thought it was here in Chennai.
However I shall follow up to see if any pods are formed.





Sharing the pictures of white and Pink varities of Pseudobombax ellipticum
Non Native; Planted in gardens Pune.



Pseudobombax ellipticum


Thanks … for nice pics..

I have started sorting out my pics only yesterday, will take one more day for uploading..hope this violation is allowed..!!



Pseudobombax ellipticum

Pink variety

Very beautiful …



Malvaceae Week: Pseudobombax ellipticum from Delhi: Pseudobombax ellipticum (Kunth) Dugand, Caldasia 2: 67, 1943
Common names: Shaving brush tree
Deciduous tree without spines; leaves palmately compound with 3-6 elliptic leaflets; flowers appearing before leaves; calyx about 8 mm long with 10 basal glands; petals tinged pink, linear-oblong, up to 15 cm long; stamens numerous, 3/4 as long as petals with red filaments, anthers yellowish; capsule fusiform, up to 15 cm long.
Photographed from Delhi University campus in April (flowers) and June (leaves)

just optic fibres
should be pink or majenta shaving brush



Malvaceae Week: Pseudobombax ellpticum cv Alba from Panchkula: Pseudobombax ellipticum (Kunth) Dugand, Caldasia 2: 67, 1943, cv. Alba
Common names: White Shaving brush tree
deciduous tree without spines; leaves palmately compound with 3-6 elliptic leaflets; flowers appearing before leaves; calyx about 8 mm long with 10 basal glands; petals white, linear-oblong, up to 15 cm long; stamens
numerous, 3/4 as long as petals with white filaments, anthers yellowish; capsule fusiform, up to 15 cm long.
Photographed from Cactus Garden, Panchkula in April

I am uploading mine from the same place and time. 2 images.


I am also uploading my pics from same place. 9 images.

We had visited this place together in April. We are going together to Chakrata, from 15th to 19th Septemberm along with ….


Pseudobombax ellipticum ‘Alba’ from Panchkula: Pseudobombax ellipticum ‘Alba’, the white shaving brush tree is a cultivar with white instead of pink flowers in P. ellipticum. Photographed from Cactus Garden, Panchkula




Started flowering Now
Leela Palace, Old Airport Road, Bangalore

Nice pics …, looks marvellous in flowering…












Native to Mexico, the Shaving Brush is a large deciduous tree which can grow up to 30-40 feet.
In India it is widely mis-identified as Pachira rosea.
Coveted for it’s unique brush-like flowers in late winter (often February-March), the leaves are an attraction as well.
Leaves are first bright red turning a fine green as they mature with minimal water requirements, this is a fine shade tree as well as a show stopper bloomer.
Interestingly, this tree is suitable for bonsai treatment as well.
Flowers have silky rose-pink stamens topped with yellow pollen.
The wood is interesting as well, showing stripping of greens, yellows, browns and white.






Malvaceae Fortnight :: Pseudobombax ellipticum :: Mumbai:: PKAJUL23 :: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

White Shaving Brush tree from “Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai”.
Bot. name: Pseudobombax ellipticum
Family: Bombacaceae
Date/Time: 21-01-2012 / 09:40AM
Habitat: Garden
Plant Habit: Tree.







White Shaving Brush tree is flowering in “Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai”. Sharing photographs of the same.
Bot. name: Pseudobombax ellipticum
Family: Bombacaceae
Date/Time: 21-01-2012 / 09:40AM
Plant Habit: Tree.

What is that, Fork Tailed Drongo??
Nice pics, I can see the pollinators hovering over the flowers…

Yes …, Bird is Drongo. Also i could spot many pollinators hovering over the flower. Good observation..




Images recorded from Panchkula Cactii & Succulent Garden and from a flowers market in Delhi..

I hope they belong to Pseudobombax ellipticum


Images by tspkumar



TSP-JAN2016-04-04: Images of Pseudobombax ellipticum (Malvaceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors.


It is my pleasure to share few images of Pseudobombax ellipticum (Malvaceae)


Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Cultivated, Ornamental 

Sighting: Bangalore, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 09-04-2015 and 10-06-2015

very nice. love em esp the leaves

Thanks … In the absence of any other feature, barring a solitary flower I concentrated on the leaves that were perfectly lit up.



Images by Satish Phadke (Id by Tanay Bose) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)





Pachira aquatica – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

A small tree observed in Botanical garden of Kolkata on 4th Dec 2010.
Family : Bombacaceae ? Now Malvaceae.
Only few digitate leaves seen on one branch. Otherwise it was leafless.
Bright white flowers with shaving brush like white stamens and yellow anthers.
A lot of sunbirds were having merry time consuming the nectar and destroying the flowers.
It is labelled as Pachira aquatica.
The search results for the same show yellow orange flowers.
Please validate or give comments.

This seems most likely to be Pachira aquatica now considered in
Malvaceae. What are those red things below the calyx in bud?

I think this is Pachira glabra which I know has while flowers where as Pachira aquatica has red anther tips

I was also wondering what the correct ID might be.

The following link shows the flowers of both P.aquatica and P. glabra.
It also mentions that most of the trees cultivated under the name of P.aquatica are in fact P.glabra.
I think this can be P. glabra
If the link doesn’t work search in UBC botanical garden Photo of the day.

Malvaceae week :: Pachira aquaticaPachira aquatica posted earlier by me…..

Pachira reminded me of a potted plant in California store I had photographed. Yes it was Pachira aquatica, I will upload soon.

Is Pseudobombax ellipticum (Shaving Brush tree) a synonym of this plant? One such specimen exists in V.J.B.Udyan, Byculla, Mumbai. Another dark pink variety exists in BARC, Trombay.

No they are totally different plants.

Malvaceae fortnight :: Pachira aquatica :: Kolkata : SMP46 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.

Pachira aquatica



Updated on December 24, 2024