Pseudocodon grey-wilsonii

Pseudocodon grey-wilsonii (J.M.H.Shaw) D.Y.Hong, J. Syst. Evol. 52: 548 (2014). (syn: Codonopsis convolvulacea subsp. grey-wilsonii (J.M.H.Shaw)
D.Y.Hong; Codonopsis grey-wilsonii J.M.H.Shaw; Codonopsis nepalensis Grey-Wilson, nom. illeg.);    
S. Tibet to C. & E. Himalaya as per WCSP;
East Himalaya; Nepal; Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;






Codonopsis grey-wilsonii J.M.H. Shaw : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (8)

Here is a submittal for a Campanulaceae species that is not yet on your website.  I hope to curate some of my identified photo specimens to contribute to the excellent resource that eFI provides.

Codonopsis grey-wilsonii J.M.H. Shaw

Reference: Lammers, T.G. and L.L. Klein. 2010. A synopsis of Codonopsis subg. Pseudocodonopsis (Campanulaceae: Campanuloideae), with description of a new species of uncertain provenance. Botanical Studies 51: 553-561.

Synonym: Codonopsis convolvulacea subsp. grey-wilsonii (J.M.H.Shaw) D.Y.Hong

Submitted and photographed by Elizabeth Byers.

Date/time: August 6, 2017 and September 4, 2017.

Location: Jorsale, Khumbu, Nepal. 2810 m elevation; lat 27.7818, long 86.7225

Habitat: Wild: thickets along trail and banks of river

Plant habit: twining herb

Height: 30-150 cm

Leaves: Alternate, simple, toothed, roughly cordate at base. Petioles 3-12 mm long.

Inflorescence: Solitary, terminal.

Flowers: Corolla rotate, 5-lobed, blue-purple, with a darker reddish-purple ring around the white-hairy center.

Distinguishing characteristics: “Codonopsis grey-wilsonii differs from [C. convolvulacea & C. vinciflora] by its longer (3-13 vs. 1-3 mm) petioles and larger flowers, with corolla lobes 30-45 (vs. 14-23) mm long and pubescent (vs. glabrous) on the lower third internally” – Lammers and Klein 2010.  Flora of China Vol 19 distinguishes the taxon from other C. convolvulacea affiliates by: “leaf blade mostly cordate (less often rounded) at base; corolla with a broad dark purple circle at base.” 

Thanks, …, for this wonderful addition.

Updated on December 24, 2024