Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt, 206 1981. (syn: Dasyanthus conglobatus (Lam.) Bubani; Filaginella luteoalba (L.) Opiz; Gnaphalium dealbatum var. luteo-fuscum (Webb) Lobin; Gnaphalium depressum Steud.; Gnaphalium dichotomum Blanco; Gnaphalium helichrysoides Wedd.; Gnaphalium luteo-fuscum Webb; Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. compactum Kirk; Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. incanum A.Rich.; Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. luteoalbum ; Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. multiceps (Wall. ex DC.) Hook.f.; Gnaphalium luteoalbum subsp. pallidum (Lam.) Mahesw.; Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. pallidum Hook.f.; Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. sulphureum ; Gnaphalium pallidum Lam.; Gnaphalium trifidum Thunb.; Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum subsp. luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt; (≡) Gnaphalium luteoalbum L. (basionym); (≡) Helichrysum luteoalbum (L.) Rchb.; (≡) Laphangium luteoalbum (L.) Tzvelev);
Helichrysum luteoalbum, commonly known as Jersey Cudweed or Weedy Cudweed, is a cosmopolitan weed.
It grows as an erect herb up to 70 centimetres high, branching from the base. Flowers are cream, yellow, white, or pink.[1]
This species is so widely distributed that it is unclear where it is native and where naturalised. In general it is considered naturalised in North and South America, and native to every other continent.[5]
Both appear to be quite close as per Keys in Flora of Pakistan, as below:
Keys are also available in Flora of China, with phyllaries silvery gray to yellowish in Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum as per description in it.
Other important aspects as per keys are:
Dwarf herbs, 10-40 cm tall; leaves 1-veined
Annual herbs; leaves spatulate or spatulate-oblong, apex obtusely rounded, base narrower. P. luteoalbum
Stems white lanate; leaf base decurrent, sometimes slightly amplexicaul; capitula 2-4 mm in diam.
Dwarf herbs, 10-40 cm tall, usually branched from base; leaves spatulate or spatulate-oblanceolate, not amplexicaul or auriculate, whitish tomentose on both surfaces; pappus connate at base. P. affine Specimens in GBIF can be seen at P. luteoalbum (specimen one, two and three and four) and P. affine (specimen one, two).
Based on the above, I will have a relook at different posts in our database.
On further checking, I found that Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum is not mentioned in The checklist of Nepal and there is only one specimen of it from India in GBIF out of the total 18,062 available in GBIF. I feel most of the postings are correctly placed in our site at Pseudognaphalium affine (except for some of P. hypoleucum, which I have already pointed out) as per GBIF.
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum
Updated on December 24, 2024