Pseudorhipsalis himantoclada ?

Pseudorhipsalis himantoclada (Rol.-Goss.) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 4: 213, f. 214, t. 22, f. 6 1923. (Syn: Rhipsalis himantoclada Rol.-Goss.; Wittia costaricensis Britton & Rose; Wittia himantoclada (Rol.-Goss.) Woodson) ?;

Ornamental for ID Pushkar NAW-Aug-02 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

Kindly identify this ornamental plant with minute flowers on the margin of its leaves photographed in a nursery in Pushkar, Rajasthan, 2014

Looks closer to Muehlenbeckia platyclados (Polygonaceae) but not matching perfectly with it.

Thank you for showing something very unusual…
reminds me of pseudorhipsalis himantoclada

not absolutely sure though… but May be … knows for sure

PS I hope you bought one. its rather rare

I was intrigued by the appearance of the plants and hence the photos. As that point i was looking for native rajasthani species and while i didn’t find out from the nursery what these were, i didn’t buy these, guessing that they are exotics.

Does not look like matching with any: POWO

Updated on December 24, 2024

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