Same seedling from the previous post.
ficus? Hooghly 29-01-13 sk2: Found this wild plant that may grow to a tree or shrub in a village thicket. There were a few of them, wild, with various shapes of lamina. The last picture is of a second individual. Species : UNKNOWN H & H : 3 to 5 ft high, leaves are more than 1 ft long, both surface rough, stem hairy Date : 29/1/13 Place : Hooghly just a guess.. some Croton ? Ficus heterophylla ? Thank you very much …, i was reading description of Ficus heterophylla in the “Bengal Plants”, “Flora of British India”, “Flora Indica” and in FoC. I found that the following points, as have been described in the above documents, are missing in my plant –
Otherwise rest of the description seems to be ok with this plant. when growing in the shade and covered by other plants F. heterophylla can have much larger leaves and their shape is very variable. Thank you very much for the ID and its confirmation for one more time. Flora of China writes, “Stipules caducous”, so thats the reason you didnt find the stipule on plant. I am attaching one reference for you. Please check Ficus heterophylla and then check the references on the list, most of them are there online for free, I checked a few too. There are illustrations too. Unfortunately no one writes that leaves are above 1 feet long sometimes. Buta s the name HETEROPHYLLA suggests that leaf shape and size would be certainyl variable. I assume you can actually write one article about the heterophyllous leaves of Ficus heterophylla. If possible please check if you have any pic of the apex of the where new leaf buds are present. I love Ficus and there are some more people like … who can be of help too if you can contact him. Attachment Taiwania_Ficus.pdf what a nice paper lists more than hundred ficus(es) in India no wonder I see a ficus looking tree and cant place in in my memory classification of about 10 … this would help to know and not to go crazy when I cant classify something…. but where do I find a key? so that I can (slowly) (painstakingly) to all of these 100+ ficus(es) ….? Actually Ficus is not easy to describe and identify without fruits. Thank you very much. I don’t have any pic of the apex of this plant. Neither, did it secrete any latex when i plucked a leaf. This is not F. heterophylla L.f., no matter what experience of … tells. Please wait until you have the flowers and fruits. It may very well not be. What a lot of persistent hard work on both of your parts… to recall a case from 2013 … … if you have all your pictures from last year you probably did see it at the HORT its the first big tree after you come out of the office and turn right, it even has a prominent green backed label board with prominent white writing or vice versa .. cant remember which is newer board.. one at the Kol Bot G is even older tree with quite prominent well developed buttresses … if i remember correctly its on the path that leads towards the Ganges if you are coming from the great banyan tree, quite a few hundred steps from it.. Perhaps I have missed both the trees in HORT or in Shibpur Bot., I fail to remember if I have noticed it there. This plant may be the same. I am not sure. Recently I have found it again where I did find Baliospermum I uploaded a few days ago. Moreover, a recent thread on Ficus reminded me of this thread. I do not know what this plant maybe. I would wait for its flowers or fruits or both! Till then it remains unresolved. fair enough if its pterygota alata var irregularis.. flowers in end of winter so till then rememeber this thread or mark your calendar to revisit if its a ficus most flower in spring as in now and fruit in middle of the hottest summer By the way the red bead tree Adenanthera pavonia should start flowering now… be on the look out for it Yes Didi, I will remain alert for both the trees. |
Pterygota alata ?
Updated on December 24, 2024