Ptisana fraxinea

Marattia fraxinea Sm., Pl. Icon. Ined. 2: t. 48 1790. (syn: Marattia cuneiformis de Vriese; Marattia fraxinea Smith (ambiguous synonym); Marattia macrophylla de Vriese; Marattia microcarpa Mett. ex Ettingsh.; Marattia oppositifolia Sm.; Marattia sorbifolia (Bory) Sw. (ambiguous synonym); Myriotheca fraxinea (Sm.) Poir.; Myriotheca fraxinifolia Bory; Myriotheca sorbifolia Bory; Ptisana microcarpa (Mett. ex Ettingsh.) Murdock);
SW. India as per POWO (Ptisana fraxinea (Sm.) Murdock);

Terrestrial herbs with erect, massive rhizome, 30 x 30 cm. Fronds 120-250 x 130-150 cm, bipinnate, deltoid in outline; stipe 100-130 cm long, thick, scaly and hairy; pinnae 50-60 x 18-22 cm, elliptic-oblong, acuminate; pinnules 9 x 1.5 cm, oblong, acuminate, cuneate at base, serrate along the margins, coriaceous; costa raised above and below, veins indistinct above, distinct below, at right angle to costa, rarely forked. Synangia 1.5 x 0.5 mm, dark brown, on veins, submarginal. Spores 22-25 mm in diameter, globose, smooth.

Wet or marshy areas in evergreen forests
Tropics and subtropics of the World
(Attributions- K. P. Rajesh as per India Biodiversity Portal)


Marattia SN20420a : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 4 mb.
Marattia fraxinia Sm.
Wild stout fern with bipinnate large leaves from Western Ghats Tamilnadu.

I need to see a close-up of a few sori. Can you post that?


Pl find the close up image.
Attachments (1)  – 3 mb

I think the sori are rather young – but I guess that that’s OK.
Incidentally it is pretty rare, now, I gather – and I only saw it in Father Manickam’s garden outside Kodaikanal, which is still maintained.




POWO (Ptisana fraxinea (Sm.) Murdock) Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) POWO  India Biodiversity Portal  Flora of peninsular India  Central African Plants – A Photo Guide

Updated on December 24, 2024