Pulsatilla wallichiana (Royle) Ulbr., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 226 1925. (syn: Anemone albana Hook. f. & Thomson; Anemone wallichiana Royle; Pulsatilla duthiei Gand.); . Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Deosai, Baltistan), India: Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Zanskar), Himachal Pradesh as per CoL; . N. Pakistan to W. Himalaya as per POWO; . Fwd: Pulsatilla wallichiana – confirmed identification. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- Tiff images. Whilst searching for all available images of Anemones, I came across a couple of photos taken as slides for me in the 1980s which were scanned in. They are not of high quality nor close-up but appear to be the first confirmed images of Pulsatilla wallichiana on eFI. Stewart records this species from Chitral, Astor, Baltistan and Ladakh @ 3000-3900m. He says “Early Flowering”. The plant is collected in Ladakh for use in Tibetan Medicine. In my check-list of Ladakh flora compiled in the 1980s, I have records from Lamayuru, Suru Valley (pinkish or yellowish flowered), North of Leh; also near eternal snow (pale violet flowered) on a stony slope and a shale slope @ 4450m. Note the finely-dissected leaves.
. References: 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants edited by Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett |
Pulsatilla wallichiana
Updated on December 24, 2024