Pupalia lappacea

Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss., Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 2: 132 1803. (Syn. Achyranthes atropurpurea Lam.; Achyranthes echinata Retz.; Achyranthes lappacea L.; Achyranthes patula L.f.; Achyranthes styracifolia Lam.; Aerva velutina Moq.; Amaranthus arctioideus Perr. ex Moq.; Cadelari lappacea (L.) Medik.; Codivalia lappacea (L.) Raf.; Codivalia patula Raf.; Desmochaeta flavescens DC.; Desmochaeta lappacea (L.) Griff.; Desmochaeta patula Schult.; Desmochaeta sanguinolenta Link; Desmochaeta xanthioides A.Br.; Kommia hamulosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf. (Unresolved);               Pupalia atropurpurea (Lam.) Moq.);
¿ pu-PAL-ee-uh ? — from the Malabar name for this plant, pupalvalliNomenclator botanicus
lap-uh-SEE-uh or lap-uh-KAY-uh — like a burrDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: creeping cock’s comb, forest burr • Assamese: বনসত bonxoth • Bengali: দুয়ো কুয়ো duya kuya • Dogri: जोजड़ा jojda • Gujarati: ધોળો ઝીપટો dholo jhipato, ગાડર ઝીપટો gadar jhipato • Hadauti: आंधीझाड़ो aandheejhaado, चिरचिड़ो chirchido, चिरपीटो chirpeeto • Hindi: भूरट bhurat, दिन का तारा din ka tara, झोझरू jhojhru, नागदमनी nagadamani • Kachchhi: ગડર ભુરટ gadar bhurat, રિઢ ભુરટ ridh bhurat • Kannada: ಅಂಟುಪುರಲೆ ಗಿಡ antupurale gida, ಬಿಳಿ ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ bili uttaraani, ಹರಿದಛಗ haridacchaga • Konkani: सित्या कुरडी sitya kurdi • Malayalam: പൂപ്പാൽവള്ളി pooppaalvalli • Marathi: चिकटा chikta • Nepali: उल्टा कुरो ulta kuro • Odia: ଜଟଜଟିଆ jatajatia • Rajasthani: चिप्टियो भरूट chiptio bharut, चिरपिटा chirpita • Tamil: ஆடைஒட்டி ataiotti, ஒட்டொட்டி ottotti • Telugu: అడవి ఉత్తరేణి adavi uttareni, అంత్రీత antreetha, తెల్ల ఉత్తరేణి thella utthareni
Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/06/pupalia-lappacea-l-juss.html
Distribution: tropical Africa, s Africa, Arabia, India, Malesia, Australia; elsewhere introduced in tropics
Perennial herb up to 1 m tall, much branched, swollen at nodes; densely tomentose; leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic to oblong or even orbicular, tomentose to subglabrous, petiole up to 2 cm long; flowers green to purple, in clusters of three flowers, deflexed after flowering, outer modified with yellowish to purple spines, in terminal spikes elongating to 50 cm in fruit; bracts persistent; tepals 3-nerved, oblong; Capsule ovoid.
BSI Mah flora mentions only 2 var. of Pupalia lappacea
Leaves ovate-elliptic c 8 cm long. Flower awns yellow … … … … var. lappacea
Leaves suborbicular, 2-3 cm long; Flower awns brown … … … … var. orbicular


Achyranthes aspera riddle from Hooghly:

This is wild herb or under-shrub found in a village thicket.
Unlike A. aspera var. aspera it is much more robust, taller and seems to be woody.
My search results :
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : about 4.5 feet tall wild herb or under shrub in unused land
Date : 26/9/12, 10.50 a.m.
Place : Nalikul (Hooghly)

I hope Pupalia lappacea
Pl. notice spiny bracts.

Pupalia lappacea from Panipat-2010:
This one was shot in September 2010 from Panipat District Haryana

Pupalia lappacea (Linn.) Juss., Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist. Paris 2: 132, 1803; Achyranthes lappacea Linn., Sp. Pl. 1: 204.Straggling, annual, tomentose undershrub, upto 1 m high. Leaves opposite, petiolate, elliptic or ovate, 4-6 x 2-3 cm, membraneous, glabrous. Flowers in distant clusters, arranged in terminal spikes, white, woolly. Urticle thinly membraneous, oblong, nearly 0.2 cm in diameter, abruptly narrowed at the apex.

Yes … Another nice set of photograph


Pupalia atropurpurea Moq. ? Hooghly 18-12-12 sk2:

“Bengal Plants” describes two Pupalia species – 1) Pupalia atropurpurea Moq. and 2) Pupalia lappacea Moq.
Is this Pupalia atropurpurea Moq., or is it the same Pupalia lappacea Moq., as in my other post at – efi thread?
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : seems to be straggling herb, in wasteplace
Date : 15/12/12
Place : Hooghly

Pasting the link of the “Bengal Plants” page

Both are synonyms as per all links given in refrences as at efi site link:

Thank you Sir, also found a link of a document on Pupalia


QUERY :: author citations of Pupalia lappacea … (family Amaranthaceae):
Please help in letting me know if these are two separate identities:
Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.
Pupalia lappacea (L.) DC.
From my searches, Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. is certainly a valid name.

Yes without any doubt.

Many thanks …
Going further, (referring to Cooke’s The Flora of the Presidency of Bombay) want to know whether:
Pupalia lappacea, Moq. in DC. Prodr, v.13, part 2 (1849) p.331 would be treated same as Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.
Intention of query is to know status of Pupalia atropurpurea Moq. in DC. Prodr, v.13, part 2 (1849) p.331.

Yes … P. lappacea Moq. ex DC is synonym as it is dated 1849 as against 1803 of (L.) Juss.
P. atropurpurea (Lam) Moq., 1849 is also synonym according to both GRIN and The Plant List (pl. don’t get confused with it being regarded as synonym of P. lappacea var. lappacea, and then treating latter as unresolved. If P. lappacea is an accepted name, var. lappacea can’t be unresolved).

Thank you very very much Gurcharan ji for resolving the query and for the clarification too.
Will go with Pupalia atropurpurea (Lam.) Moq. as synonym of Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.
(But sometimes I naively wonder at the science of taxonomy that two plants with different habits get merged as one identity !).

Here is the article and you all will know why it is still unresolved. May be we can resolve this, but needs lot of work.
survey_Pupalia Juss_Amaranthaceae.pdf



02022013 BRS 451: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. confirmation.
Location: Pichandikulam, Vilupuram Dist.
Date: 02.02.2013
Habitat: garden
Habit: shrub

This should be Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss…


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: Pupalia lappacea from . Kadapakkam BRS 003:
Sharing the images of Pupalia lappacea, from Alambarai Fort, Kadapakkam.

Many thanks for sharing an interesting plant.
Pupalia a genus with opposite leaves which I can see here.
The inflorescence clusters must be having fertile flowers subtended by modified sterile flowers a distinguishing feature given in the key. Pseudostaminodes absent.


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: NS 011: Pupalia lappacea:
This sticking, semi-erect herb was shot from Panipat and Morni Hills…. Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.

Very very nice photographs …
This is I was looking for. After I read the character : Fertile flowers subtended by modified sterile flowers. I thought at least someone will come up with pictures showing this and it seems we are able to see this in Pupalia lappacea (1).JPG and
Pupalia lappacea (2).JPG from your photographs.
Very good.

Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss., Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 2:132. 1803
Syn: Achyranthes atropurpurea ; Achyranthes lappacea ; Pupalia atropurpurea
Perennial herb up to 1 m tall, much branched, swollen at nodes; densely tomentose; leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic to oblong or even orbicular, tomentose to subglabrous, petiole up to 2 cm long; flowers green to purple, in clusters of three flowers, deflexed after flowering, outer modified with yellowish to purple spines, in terminal spikes elongating to 50 cm in fruit; bracts persistent; tepals 3-nerved, oblong; Capsule ovoid.
Photographed from Delhi.

Very good set of photographs showing quite a few characters!

Herb near Pandav Falls for ID :: 15 SEP 13 :: DV : 10 images. 12 posts by 7 authors.
Panna National Park … about 500 – 1800 ft asl
Date / Time: 15 SEP 13 at 02:06 PM … Altitude: about 842 ft asl
ID please … (family: ?)
Dear friends, to me this is a new plant and find it interesting.
Habit: herb, standing about 40 – 60 cm, including the 5 – 10 cm long inflorescence at the end.
Habitat: on slope, semi-evergreen patch of forest, moist due to rivulet flowing nearby

The flower is about 3 – 5 mm across.
… this place is a popular sight-seeing spot – the Pandav Falls.

Nice pictures … for me this is Pupalia lappacea Amaranthaceae, the landscape pics are also very fine…

Thank you very very much … for this ID. Great help.

Here are the names for this plant that I compiled earlier …
… creeping cock’s comb, forest burr • Gujarati: gadar bhurat • Hindi: नागदमनी nagadamani • Kannada: ಅಂಟುಪುರುಲೆ ಗಿಡ antupurule gida • Konkani: sitya kurdi • Malayalam: പൂപ്പാൽവള്ളി pupalvalli • Tamil: ஒட்டொட்டி ottotti • Telugu: ఎర్ర ఉత్తరేణి erra uttareni, తెల్ల ఉత్తరేణి tella uttareni
Calling … to validate the Gujarati name – gadar bhurat; and to provide it in native script.

yes … is right, It is Pupalia lappacea

In fact, the common name ગડર ભુરટ – gadar bhurat – is the Kachchhi name of this plant. In Gujarati, it is known as ગાડર ઝીપટો – gādar jhipato – owing to the tendency of the fruit to cling on to the fur of passing sheep [ગાડર].


Names of Plants in India .:. Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. :1 image. 1 post by 1 author.
via Species‎ > ‎P‎ > Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. … family: Amaranthaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
¿ pu-PAL-ee-uh ? — from the Malabar name for this plant, pupalvalli … Nomenclator botanicus
lap-uh-SEE-uh or lap-uh-KAY-uh — like a burr … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known ascreeping cock’s combforest burr • Gujaratiગાડર ઝીપટો gadar jhipato • Hindiनागदमनी nagadamani • Kachchhi:ગડર ભુરટ gadar bhurat • Kannadaಅಂಟುಪುರುಲೆ ಗಿಡ antupurule gida • Konkanisitya kurdi • Malayalamപൂപ്പാൽവള്ളി pupalvalli • Tamil:ஒட்டொட்டி ottotti • Teluguఎర్ర ఉత్తరేణి erra uttareniతెల్ల ఉత్తరేణి tella uttareni 
botanical namesPupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. … synonyms:Achyranthes atropurpurea Lam. • Achyranthes lappacea L. • Desmochaeta atropurpurea (Lam.) DC. • Desmochaeta flavescens DC. • Pupalia atropurpurea (Lam.) Moq. • Pupalia lappacea var. velutina Hook. f. … Flora of Pakistan
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Photographed near Pandav Caves, Panna National Park on 15 SEP 13
Many thanks to … for the ID in earlier post.

¿ pu-PAL-ee-uh ? — from the Malabar name for this plant, pupalvalli … Nomenclator botanicus

lap-uh-SEE-uh or lap-uh-KAY-uh — like a burr … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: creeping cock’s comb, forest burr • Assamese: বনসত bonxoth • Bengali: দুয়ো কুয়ো duya kuya • Dogri: जोजड़ा jojda • Gujarati: ધોળો ઝીપટો dholo jhipato, ગાડર ઝીપટો gadar jhipato • Hadauti: आंधीझाड़ो aandheejhaado, चिरचिड़ो chirchido, चिरपीटो chirpeeto • Hindi: भूरट bhurat, दिन का तारा din ka tara, झोझरू jhojhru, नागदमनी nagadamani • Kachchhi: ગડર ભુરટ gadar bhurat, રિઢ ભુરટ ridh bhurat • Kannada: ಅಂಟುಪುರಲೆ ಗಿಡ antupurale gida, ಬಿಳಿ ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ bili uttaraani, ಹರಿದಛಗ haridacchaga • Konkani: सित्या कुरडी sitya kurdi • Malayalam: പൂപ്പാൽവള്ളി pooppaalvalli • Marathi: चिकटा chikta • Nepali: उल्टा कुरो ulta kuro • Odia: ଜଟଜଟିଆ jatajatia • Rajasthani: चिप्टियो भरूट chiptio bharut, चिरपिटा chirpita • Tamil: ஆடைஒட்டி ataiotti, ஒட்டொட்டி ottotti • Telugu: అడవి ఉత్తరేణి adavi uttareni, అంత్రీత antreetha, తెల్ల ఉత్తరేణి thella utthareni

botanical namesPupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. … homotypic synonymsAchyranthes lappacea L. • Cadelari lappacea (L.) Medik. • Celosia lappacea (L.) Medik. • Codivalia lappacea (L.) Raf. • Desmochaeta lappacea (L.) Griff. … accepted infraspecificsPupalia lappacea var. lappacea … heterotypic synonymsPupalia atropurpurea (Lam.) Moq. … and more at POWO, retrieved 14 June 2024

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
creeping cock’s comb, forest burr
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
written in: Assamese (অসমীয়া) … spoken in: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya
বনসত bonxoth
  • Many thanks to Monoj Nath for help with this name … facebook
  • Baree – The Home Garden of Assam
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
দুয়ো কুয়ো duya kuya
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (डोगरी) … spoken in: Jammu & Kashmir … spoken by the Dogras
जोजड़ा jojda
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
written in: Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) … spoken in: GujaratDadra & Nagar HaveliDaman & Diu
ધોળો ઝીપટો dholo jhipato
ગાડર ઝીપટો gadar jhipato
~~~~~ HADAUTI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हाड़ौती or हाड़ोती) … spoken in: Hadoti region (s-e Rajasthan), neighbouring areas of Madhya Pradesh … other names for this language: Harauti or Hadoti
आंधीझाड़ो aandheejhaado, चिरचिड़ो chirchido, चिरपीटो chirpeeto
  • Many thanks to Sonu Kumar for help with these names via Instagram
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: Uttar PradeshBiharMadhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
भूरट bhurat, दिन का तारा din ka tara, झोझरू jhojhru
नागदमनी nagadamani
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
written in: Gujarati (કચ્છી), Sindhi (ڪڇّي) … spoken in: Kutch region of Gujarat
ગડર ભુરટ gadar bhurat
  • Many thanks to Viplav Gangar for help with this name … efloraofindia
રિઢ ભુરટ ridh bhurat
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಅಂಟುಪುರಲೆ ಗಿಡ antupurale gida
ಬಿಳಿ ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ bili uttaraani
ಹರಿದಛಗ haridacchaga
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी), Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ), Malayalam (കൊങ്കണി), Perso-Arabic (کونکنی), Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat
सित्या कुरडी sitya kurdi
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep
പൂപ്പാൽവള്ളി pooppaalvalli
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
चिकटा chikta
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: NepalWest BengalAssamSikkim
उल्टा कुरो ulta kuro
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
written in: Odia (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) … spoken in: Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ଜଟଜଟିଆ jatajatia
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (राजस्थानी) … spoken in: Rajasthan
चिप्टियो भरूट chiptio bharut
चिरपिटा chirpita
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ஆடைஒட்டி ataiotti
  • for Pupalia lappacea var. lappacea … Tamil names of Botanical names by Yercaud Ilango
  • or ஆடையொட்டி atai-y-otti … for Pupalia orbiculata (B.Heyne ex Wall.) Wight … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
ஒட்டொட்டி ottotti
  • for Desmochaeta lappacea (L.) Griff. … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra PradeshTelangana, Puducherry
అడవి ఉత్తరేణి adavi uttareni, అంత్రీత antreetha, తెల్ల ఉత్తరేణి thella utthareni
~~~~~ Last updated: 14:05 17-06-2024 ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Both Malayalam and English names are correct.

Herb for Identification: AVD01:07122013: Attachments (7). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Please help me identify this herb. Does this belong to Amaranthaceae?
Inflorescence: approx 20 cm long.
Flowers: aprrox. 1 cm

Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. Amaranthaceae

Yes, beautiful images of Pupalia lappacea

Need id assistance of JNU Plant 150415SP1-4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

I need id assistance of following images belonging to Amaranthaceae?
date: 15/04.2015
Locality: JNU New Campus
Habit: prostrate decumbent

This should be Pupalia lappacea

Many many thanks … for your id assistance

Amaranthaceae ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Please ID the amaranthaceae Plant
Place – Mohali, Punjab
Date of Click – 29th June, 2016
Temperature- 37degrees
Humidity – almost 75%
I think it is Pupalia lappacea
Please confirm

Yes, you are right …

Submission of Puppalia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Plant name: Pupalia lappacea var. lappacea, Unknown.
Syn. Pupalia atropurpurea Moq.,
Ver. names:  Forest Burr, Creeping Cock’s Comb (Eng.); Yerri chitramulam; Erra vuttareni ఎర్ర ఉత్తరేణి;వెర్రి చిత్రమూలం (Tel.).
Family: Amaranthaceae
Perennial herbs, 1-2m tall; with long, straggling branches. Leaves opposite; subsessile; lamina 2-10 × 1-4 cm, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Flowers greenish-purple in sessile clusters in lax pedunculate terminal spikes to 30 cm long, fruiting spikes elongating to 1 m long. The imperfect bracts reduced to hooked purple awns in fruit. Perianth-lobes 5, ovate-lanceolate, aristate. Stamens 5, staminal filaments fused at the base into a fleshy, lobed, disk-like cup, that surrounds the ovary; peudostaminodes absent. Ovary with a single pendulous ovule; style slender, stigma capitate.  Achenes globose, straw colored, densely echinate. Seed ovoid, slightly compressed.
Habitat & location: Common on bushes near moist places. Photographed at Nellore Rural.
Medicinal Uses: Fruit is used in enema preperations. Used to treat cough, fever and flatulence.


Herb for ID, Rajasthan, NAW-SEP16-05 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify this herb photographed on a forested hill of the Aravali, south of Kishangarh, Ajmer District, Rajasthan in August 2016.

Pupalia lappacea, perhaps.

I agree with …

Yes it is Pupalia lappacea (L.) A.Juss.

Fwd: MS/ November/ 3 – Plant for id : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)-  2 Mb and 4 Mb.
Please ID this creeper sent by one of my friends from Chennai.

Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume

are the white flowers a variant?

Mistake happen, it is Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss., closely related genus of Cyathula.

That’s ok, … i had no idea it would be different altogether. i just thought it might be a variant. thank you for correcting us … and diagnosis
100619AB3 ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Identification, please. The leaves in the background are not the leaves of the plant of interest in the foreground.
Date/Time- November 4, 2017; 09:17 hrs
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat; 21°17.483′ N, 77°22.530′ E
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb/Undershrub
Height/Length- 3-4’ Height

Pupalalia lappacea.


Need help with id of prostrate annual with strange angular flower : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) – around 600 kb each.
bhopal; black soil; 2/10/2020

Could be pupalia lappacea

I too agree with …

Yes, it is, thank you


MS/ID/JAN/2021/4 – ID of the plant: 2 images.
Please ID the plant photographed in Chennai.

Pupalia lappacea,

Thanks a lot … for the ID very quickly.
I received the  photographs for ID with a tag “Cyathula sps ???”. Now that you have checked the characters I will take your ID as the  final  ID.

Ok, you can proceed, …, no doubt in it, I too collected and preserved both Cythula and Pupalia,

I have marked it as per your ID as final.  A timely suggestion.


Chilika lake, December 2021 :: Puppalia (?) for ID :: ARK2022-032:
This was clicked at Behrampura on the banks of the Chilika lake, Odisha in December 2021.
Requested to please ID. Is this some Puppalia?

Pupalia lappacea (L.) A.Juss. ??

Thanks … for the ID.


479 ID wild plant Achyranthes: 4 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed at Jal Mahal Jaipur Rajasthan INDIA
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 17APR2023, 07.25pm
Habitat: wild moisture wayside
Plant habit: small erect spreading herb, branches, weak stem, annual
Height: 01 feet
Leaves: alternate, elliptic, acute, simple size upto:05×3.6cm
Flower: terminal spike inflorescence, hooked sepals, diameter:05mm, green, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Pupalia lappacea (L.) A.Juss.


Amaranthaceae: Pupalia lappacea (L.) A.Juss.: 1 high res. image.
synonym: Pupalia atropurpurea (Lam.) Moq.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997


Nepali name(s) of Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.:
Please help with Nepali name(s) of Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss., if any.

Sorry … No Nepali name so far !


Updated on December 24, 2024