ID required-PC-04-29.03.2015 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please ID this succulent plant, the picture is taken at Pusa flower show 2015, Delhi. no succulent has this bell shaped large yellow flowers. if i could see the flower spike ? its only a remote suspicion that its a freesia… cold weather plant being increasingly grown by floriculture companies in india mostly for export.. do you have any more pictures that perhaps you took from its own level, or sideways? Since freesia belong to the same family as iris gladioli and even crocus its ok that you thought its may be succulent the leaves can be a bit juicy looking… iris grows by the pond bank if you recall… Sorry for the wrong post. Please ignore it. |
Freesia species/ hybrid ?- Pusa flower show 2015, Delhi
Updated on December 24, 2024