Pyrrosia adnascens

Pyrrosia adnascens (Sw.) Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 45 (1935) (syn: Cyclophorus adnascens (Sw.) Desv. ; Niphobolus adnascens (Sw.) Kaulf.Polypodium adnascens Sw.Cyclophorus pertusa LinkCyclophorus pustulosus ChristNiphobolus pertusus (Roxb. ex Hook.) Spreng.Polypodium pertusum Roxb. ex Hook.Pyrrosia adnascens f. calcicola K.H.Shing );
Nepal to S. China and Indo-China, Central Nansei-shoto, Taiwan to Philippines: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Laos, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;


Epiphytic fern in Sikkim:
An epiphytic fern seen almost in all the trees. Request for identification.

I think this is Polypodium angustatum

Its seen on the tree branches. in East & South Sikkim, up to 1200 MSL altitude.

This is Pyrrosia adnascensa close relative of P. lanceolata, but larger fronds, weaker indument beneath and sometimes more sterile-fertile dimorphic in frond-length (but often no more so than in P. lanceolata). It appears to be a distinct species.
Pyrrosia hasn’t been in Polypodium for well over 100 years, but does belong to Polypodiaceae. I don’t know what P. angustatum is, but it’s not a species that occurs in the Indian subcontinent. Indian ferns (or from any region) are a bit of a specialist subject!
P.S. Can I mention some annotated photos of Nepalese pteridophytes – which I hope will be helpful to people?
1. To find Annapurna Base Camp trek photos offerns etc.:
Go to:,sign in as new, wait a bit and the photos with comments/titles come normalsize. They can be enlarged a bit with aplus and minus sign from the mouse on the photo itself. There is an explanatorytitle beneath each one. Sometimes onehas to do a right-click “reload” if a photo is slow to come up, orthere’s no title. Comments are welcome.
A very few more photos at the end are still tobe uploaded by me as time permits, but nearly all on now.
2. To find an account of CRFJ’s visit to Annapurna Base Camp, 2012:
Go to:,sign in as a new member, then bring up “Files” on the left and seeAnnapurna article.

Pyrrosia adnascens

The thick leaved epiphytic growing on Mango tree
At kanakeshwar,Alibag

It looks like Drymoglossum sp.

Can it be Drymoglossum niphoboloides?

This is again Pyrrosia adnascens – one has to be a bit careful when P. adnascens is smallish like this – as it then gets a bit hard to distinguish it from P. lanceolata (and leaf dimorphism is of no taxonomic value between those two, unlike what you will often read).
Please excuse my comment but I must just mention about these guesses of non- Indian species that are coming up recently. First Drymoglossum was long since, and rightly sunk into Pyrrosia over 25 years ago, and more recently supported by molecular data. Secondly P. niphoboloides is a Madagascarian species that doesn’t occur in Asia at all, and is much less scaly beneath. Hovenkamp’s monograph of Pyrrosia is surely a well known standard work and the monograph of those species that used to be called Drymoglossum – and there are no more recent revision problems concerning P. niphoboloides.
One can see that it is not listed in the three Indian Census-Lists. It is important to be familiar with Indian ferns prior to hazarding potential names. Apologies for mentioning it.

Pyrrosia adnascens


SK757 26 SEP-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Location : Pokhara, Nepal
Date : 8 August 2017
Elevation : 2600 ft.

What is this?

Thank you … for the ID of the Pteridophyta.
Pyrrosia lanceolata (L.) Farw.


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Updated on December 24, 2024

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