Pyrrosia piloselloides

Assam to Japan and Papuasia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Bismarck Archipelago, Borneo, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Japan, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, New Guinea, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;


Indonesian Ferns:
Could you ID our epiphytic fern please. Is it also Pyrrosia? Thank you.

Could be Lemmaphyllum microphyllum.

Well I’d be pretty scared of attempting to identify most species in Indonesia! – apart from those I saw in Java – or those I know well from India, as it is much more complicated there, and we are so badly lacking a detailed revision of Blume’s species – or even a comprehensive checklist of species.
However in this case I reckon there’s not too much of a problem, though it is important to see a close-up of the rhizome scales, which are distinctive between the species.
It has to be a choice of either Pyrrosia piloselloides, or Lemmaphyllum carnosum (not L. microphyllum as that is a lot smaller and has very much shorter fertile fronds, only 1.5 cm. long, tending to be slightly wider or more obtuse at their apices, and has smaller sterile ones than this does). But I think that Lemmaphyllum does not occur in Indonesia?
Anyway, it looks exactly like our well known P. piloselloides to me – which is so common on trees in Assam, for example, even in towns. If it were from here I’d certainly have identified it as that!

I was thinking, I read some references and it says the length of fertile leaves in L. microphyllum can be from 2-4 cm. That ways I think it can fits into carnosum!!
Please accept my apologies for the mistake.

The plant is very much like Drymoglossum piloselloides, but may not be the same species. The length of the fertile leaf is unlike D. piloselloides. Since, the species (D. piloselloides) is very common in our area, it looks somewhat unusual. It seems … has also allowed some scope for doubt.

Well actually I identify it just Pyrrosia piloselloides – the fertile frond can sometimes become as long as that even in NE India – and as one goes into the lush climates of Myanmar, Thailand etc. you’ll often see them becoming so long unless in more open places. What I meant by my dithering was not that, but that becaus we could not see the rhizome scales (which should be diamond-shaped with dark centres and pale edges – not the long dark, spikey apices of Lemmaphyllum spp.) it was hard to confirm it – only that!
No difference between Drymoglossum and Pyrrosia – coenosori occur in several very scaly Pyrrosia, while P. nuda can be very sparse in laminar scales (stellate ones present here and there in young P. piloselloides).

Fern ID from Bangladesh SM125 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).

Habit: Herb
Habitat: Epiphyte

Location: Dhaka City

… ​and other with small with leaves directed downwards can be Pyrrosia adnascens.. not sure about this one

… and Pyrrosia piloselloides.


Acrostichum heterophyllum L. KD 13 Jan 2015 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
Attached images  may be Acrostichum heterophyllum L. (Syn. Drymoglossum heterophyllum (L.) C. Chr. Please validate.  
Date :23.01.2015
Location: Assam
Family : Pteridaceae
Genus & species : Acrostichum heterophyllum L. (Syn. Drymoglossum heterophyllum (L.) C. Chr.   
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit :Epiphyte

The plant uploaded seems Pyrrosia piloselloides (a fern)

Pyrrosia piloselloides (L.) is a synonym of Acrostichum heterophyllum L
according to a Site hosted by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

pyrrosia adnascens

I think it is Pyrrosia piloseloides belonging to the family Polypodiaceae

I’d think P. piloselloides too.  It was only a guess in the ghastly Flora of China by Hovenkamp that P. piloselloides might be a synonym of P. heterophyllum – far from certain, and one must remember the “Leiden Lumping Syndrome” – Van Steenis’ uncritical view from an immensely diverse flora that if taxa were difficult to tell apart, better to sink them!  Also WE NEED TO KNOW A LOT MORE FROM EXPERIENCE OF THE TWO taxa BEFORE SAYING THAT – SORRY Wrong button – no caps intended.




Updated on December 24, 2024

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