Pyrus calleryana (Introduced)

Pyrus calleryana Decne.Jard. Fruit. 1: 329 329 1858. (syn: Pyrus dimorphophylla Makino; Pyrus kawakamii Hayata; Pyrus mairei H.Lév.; Pyrus tsiukyoensis Koidz.);
Central & S. China to Vietnam, Central Japan, Taiwan: China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam; Introduced into: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iraq, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Himalaya, West Virginia as per POWO;

Pyrus cauleryana Decne., Jard. fruit. 1:329, sub t. 8. 1872
Bradford pear, Calerry pear
Deciduous tree with broader ovate leaves up to 8 cm long, short acute, crenate, glabrous; flowers 20-30 mm across, white; fruit globose, 10-14 mm across, dotted with brown.
Photographed from California

Flora of Mississippi, USA-011: The Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana of Rosaceae) is one of the commonest
ornamental plants in the state of MS,
native to China & Vietnam.
This could be a hybrid variety. Fruits are about 1 cm in dia, ripening brown by the end of fall.

Yes, in bloom they are really a great treat to the eyes.

The photographs are wonderful but I am confused about the situation. I have seen such scenes in winter in Kashmir when there is a fresh snowfall and extreme chill in the night keeps snow sticking to branches. That part is expected, and icicles also may be seen when thawing starts and ice (melted snow subsequently frozen) starts dripping. But strangely the ground is completely without any snow, and most significant I have never seen cherries persisting on tree when the leaves have shed. I have seen rather ornamental Malus species in California persisting fruits when leaves are about to fall, but then California does not have long snow filled winter season.
Perhaps you can throw some light on this spectacular sight.

To tell you the truth I thought you experts could throw some light for me because it was rather sad to see the trees and their cherries encased in ice. Could it have been a freak snow fall?

Were they really cherries?. Cherries won’t stay on the tree till leaf fall, ornamental apple would. A freak snow with tree having cherries won’t make leaves disappear. Interesting to investigate.

I think we are wowing a forwarded (many times over)  set of pictures…
seems it has been making rounds… original poster may have absconded…

   first, after the initial wow, I thought could this be a hoax?
ANS: do not know…
   Second:  Could these icicles  be man made?
ANS… yes could be…
similar to the scenario in FLORIA and Georgia…
where citrus is grown… if in December the forecast is for below freezing to freezing temperature in the nite… then farmers are advised ( and they do it ) to sprinkle enough water on the trees so that the water would freeze around (completely ) the oranges and that frozen water at 0 degrees C would act as a thermal blanket of sorts…
and protect the fruits and trees from the merciless below freezing temperatures…
something like that may have happened here…
    BUT I /we  must not get taken in by forwarded and re-forwarded messages from now on…

I have seen (also touched and experienced:) this kind of ice formation on Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) trees, here in oxford, mississippi, during last winter, when the trees were bearing ripe fruits.

Yes … Possible with Pyrus or Malus but I can’t imagine about cherries.

What … has written is also practised here in Germany, if they forecast sudden temperature fall after the trees start fruiting. Farmers sprinkle water till the fruits, in fact the buds, are covered totally with ice.
A fruiting tree with ripe fruits and no leaves look somewhat strange.

Tree For ID : California : 16OCT14 : AK-1: 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7).
Posting some trees seen during a short trip to California.
Since these are new to me, would appreciate the help of our experts.
This first tree was seen in Fremont, where it was seen commonly.
Cultivated tree mostly in parking lots.
Could this be Pyrus species, Pyrus calleryana, the Ornamental Pear?

I think it is Callery pear, Pyrus calleryana.

what season? month?

Pictures taken on 27th Sept, 14.

ok so fall color change has just started
you pic also show a rare berry or two
i think its Prunus cerasifera unless someone has better answer 

This looks more like Pyrus calleryana, the Callery Pear to me as … has also suggested.
Leaves of Prunus cerasifera were smaller.
Sir ji, can you please have a look and validate the correct id.

just the size of the leaves does not make a tree…
just as discussed in Panda’s thumb.. size of the skull does not make a superior race of humans…
the world is weird, vast and wonderful, full of taciturn detours…  only precision yet an  open mind will help.

Yes Pyrus calleryriana. More beautiful when flowering, I have captured it flowering in December and first week of January, although regular flowering is reported to occur in early to middle spring. They were already in fruit when I visited USA in mid April..

beautiful flowers from afar, but don’t go too close
we hated these in the snowy states
flowers in april… spring a bit earlier now because of global warming
flowers have a foul unpleasant smell
i wont spell it here
google it for yourself i am sure nytimes etc have written about it or some blogs

they also break branches easily and uproot in storms
also are invasive
parks departments in NE hate them to some degree
fallen off the fashion list

Tree For ID : California : 21OCT14 : AK-19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Seen in a parking lot.

Pictures taken on 6th Oct,14 in Sacramento.
Tiny orange colored fruits in bunches.
Pyrus Species?

one or other cultivar of callery pear
very very common all over usa
and source of much allergenic pollen
needs to be banned along with the millions of maple… both use up a lot of water.
(along with many other though) 

Thanks … I had thought so too, but wanted expert validation since all these trees are new to me.


Rosaceae Fortnight : Pyrus calleryana : California : 14SEP15 : AK-39 : 39/41 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Seen in Fremont during Sept,2014.
Identified by …


Updated on December 24, 2024

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