Ichnocarpus frutescens

Ichnocarpusfrutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton, Hortus Kew. 2: 69 1811. (Syn. Aganosma affinis (Roem. & Schult.) G.Don; Apocynum crassifolium Salisb.; Apocynum frutescens L.; Beluttakaka malabarica (Lam.) Kuntze; Carruthersia daronensis Elmer; Chonemorpha bantamensis G.Don; Chonemorpha malabarica (Lam.) G.Don; Echites affinis Roem. & Schult.; Echites bantamensis Blume; Echites caryophyllatus Roth [Illegitimate]; Echites caudatus Blanco [Illegitimate]; Echites caudatus Blanco [Illegitimate]; Echites ferrugineus Thunb.; Echites frutescens (L.) Roxb.; Echites malabaricus Lam.; Echites trichonemus Zipp. ex Span.; Gardenia sinensis Lour. ex B.A.Gomes [Illegitimate]; Gardenia volubilis Lour.; Ichnocarpus affinis (Roem. & Schult.) K.Schum.; Ichnocarpus bantamensis (Blume) Miq.; Ichnocarpus dasycalyx Miq.; Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R. Br. …………; Ichnocarpus leptodictyus F.Muell.; Ichnocarpus microcalyx Pit.; Ichnocarpus moluccanus Miq.; Ichnocarpus navesii Rolfe [Invalid]; Ichnocarpus ovatifolius A.DC.; Ichnocarpus oxypetalus Pit.; Ichnocarpus sogerensis Wernham ex S.Moore; Ichnocarpus volubilis (Lour.) Merr. .; Micrechites sinensis Markgr.; Periplocapal vallii Dennst.; Quirivelia bantamensis (Blume) F.N.Williams; Quirivelia frutescens (L.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida; Quirivelia zeylanica Poir.; Springia indica Van Heurck & Müll.Arg.; Tabernaemontana parviflora Poir.; Thyrsanthus parviflorus (Poir.) Miers);
Trop. & Subtrop. Asia to N. Australia as per WCSP;
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan), Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland), India (widespread), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir, Jammu), Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, peninsular Malaysia (widespread), Borneo, Moluccas (Aru, Buru, Halmaheira, Ceram, Tanimbar), New Guinea, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Flores, Sumbawa, Timor, Wetar), Philippines (widespread), Palawan, Bismarck Arch. (New Britain, New Ireland), Andaman Isl. (South Andaman Isl.), Nicobar Isl. (Car Nicobar Isl., North Nicobar Isl., Central Nicobar Isl., Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.), Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Sagaing,
Shan, Taninthayi, Yangon)
as per Catalogue of life;
ik-no-KAR-pus — Greek: ichnos (vestige) and karpos (fruit)… An encyclopedia of plants
froo-TESS-enz — becoming shrubby … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asblack creeper • Bengaliশ্যামা লতা shyama lata • Gujaratiશ્યામલતા shyamlata • Hindiबक्खर बेल bakkar belधीमर बेल dhimar belदीर्घ मूला dirgha-mulaकाली दूधी kali dudhiश्यामलता shyamalata • Kannadaಗೌರಿಬಳ್ಳಿ gauriballiಹಾಲುಗೆಣಸು halugenasuಕರೇ ಹಂಬು kare-hambuಕೂಗಲ ಬಳ್ಳಿ koogal balli • Konkaniकांटे भोंवरी kante bhonvriकृष्णसरवा krishnasarwa • Malayalamനന്നാറി nannariപാൽവള്ളി palvalli • Marathiकाटे भोवरी kate bhowariकृष्णसारिवा krishna sarivaश्यामलता shyamalata • Nepaliदुधे लहरा dudhe lahara • Odiaମହିଳା mahilaପ୍ରିଯଙ୍ଗୁଲତା priyangulataଶ୍ଯାମ ଲତା shyama lataସୁଆଁ ନଇ suan nai • Sanskritकृष्णसारिवा krishnasarivaश्यामलता shyamalata • Tamilஊதற்கொடி utar-koti • Teluguకొరంపాల korampalaమానితివ్వ manitivvaముంతగజ్జనము munta-gaj-janamuనల్లతీగ nallatiga • Tibetanthal tras nag po • Tuluಆಚಾರಿಬೂರು acharibooruಪೆರುಬಳ್ಳು peruballu
… more names in Sanskritचन्दनगोपा chandanagopaचिह्नधारिणी chinhadhariniदीर्घमूला dirghamulaगोपा gopaकालघंटिका kalaghantikaकालपेशी kalapeshiकाष्ठसारिवा kashthasarivaकृष्णमूली krishnamuliमह mahaमहाश्यामा mahashyamaमसूरविदला masuravidalaपालिन्दी palindiप्रियवर्णी priyavarniसुभद्रा subhadraउत्पलगोपा utpalagopaउत्पलसारिवा utpalasariva


02082011-BS-001; An asclepiad for ID from a Village near Karnal:
pls id this climber shot from a village Near Karnal Haryana
Wild, flowers not seen, simple opposite decussate leaves

Hemidesmus indicus

May be Tylophora or Hemidesmus I am waiting for its flowers. As till today i could not locate flowers on this climber

Hemidesmus indicus.

Hemidesmus indicus to me as well.

Certainly not Ichnocarpus frutescens as Ichnocarpus frutescens is in flowering stage in our area. Hemidesmus indicus is also doubtfull as Hemidesmus indicus is there in my college and looks different from this, however may be a variety id H indicus. I am trying to catch this in flowering stage to get any concrete idea

In the absence of flowers, the colour of latex may be used to distinguish these two. The latex is yellowish in Quirivelia frutescens (Ichnocarpusf.), whereas, it is milky white in Hemidesmus indicus.

Latex was surely milky white

Then it is surely Hemidesmus indicus 🙂

i guess Ichnocarpus frutescens from family Apocynaceae

This is 100 percent not Hemidesmus indica. I had plenty around my house in Chennai. I will upload the photographs after searching from my archive.

… latex test has been done taht is milky white. I am still searching this plant in flowering when i wil get that i will share

I guess the roots of Hemidesmus indicus are aromatic pls check it.

This does not look like Hemidesmus indicus to me. My photographs of Anantmul are available at this link

seen in flowering stage surely Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton.



Plant from ID from Bandhavgarh:

I photographed this plant yesterday on roadside in Panpatha Sanctuary.
Basically it’s a creeper.
I saw Common Crow butterfly laying on this plant.
Plant height about 8-10 inches. Leaves about 3-4 inches long.

Looks like Hemidesmus indicus

Yes, Hemidesmus indicus

its Ichnocarpus frutescens

Agree with … Ichnocarpus frutescens

My Id is wrong, you are right …

This looks like Combretum albidum [C.ovalifolium] to me.

It is Ichnocarpus frutescens

Any way, This plant was growing on roadside so perfectly legal to bring it home and grow it in the garden to see the flowers for Perfect Validate ID.

Yes Ichnocarpus.

Flora of Chakrata: Ichnocarpus frutescens from Chakrata region: 6 images.
Ichnocarpus frutescens from Chakrata region
pls validate

Yes, I agree with … id.

No … i could not see fruits

Yes Ichnocarpus frutescens, pods are very thin and size around 5-7 cm long, dark brown color,,


ID No. MS 101012 -106 – Ichnocarpus frutescens – ID confirmation requested:
Attaching herewith the photographs of Ichnocarpus frutescens. Photo was taken in a shrub jungle near Mysore in Karnataka on 07.10.12. ID confirmation requested.

Yes …, I agree with the id.

Yes … You are right


Ichnocarpus frutescens …. Please validate AS-18Oct2012:
This plant looks like Apocynaceae : Ichnocarpus frutescens…. Please validate.
A scandent shrub / climber photographed in the outskirts of Chennai, flowering sparsely in end September.

  • The leaves are opposite, entire, blade is stiff, shiny and smooth above,, whitish, sub-glabrous below. New growth is bronze tinged, as are the branchlets.
  • The Flowers are small, calyx 3 to 4mm, the petals are 6-8 mm long and distinctive, narrrowing into filiform ends, twisted, fringed only on the right margin

No tendrils or spines were visible, so I was wondering how these climb. Another plant which had similar leaves had grown to 16 ft over a coconut tree, but since it was not flowering I cannot be sure if it was the same.

Ichnocarpus frutescens 100%

…, Thanks for the response. I was not sure if there are similar looking species to rule out


150513 ASP 17 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 4 authors.
Please identify this plant. Unfortunately no flowers or fruits. It is a medicinal herb and a woody climber. Photo was taken in March 2013 in a herbal garden in dry part of Northern Sri Lanka.

Ichnocarpus sp?

Yes, it looks like Ichnocarpus frutescens to me too.


Hooghly today – Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This seems to be Ichnocarpus frutescens R. Br.; SHYAMA LATA (শ্যামা লতা) in Bengali (also DUDHI LATA as per Bengal Plants).

Yes, you are right. ..we call this “Bandar Bel” due to its being high up on the trees and shrubs. ..

Habit: Shrub/ woody climber
Habitat: Scrub Jungle in plain land
Flowering: Winter
Location: Tatulia, Panchagar

Ichnocarpus frutescens, Apocynaceae

……………….. Thanks …
We only one in this genus


ARJUL49 Climber for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Bangalore July 2014

looks like Ichnocarpus frutescens

Supporting …

ID Please : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Id please
A climber at Bandhavgad National Park, M.P.

Ichnocarpus frutescens (Apocynaceae).
I.frutescens in eFI.
Beautiful pictures.

nice pics, Thanks …
another white flower with fimbriated ends
would be nice to remember its physical looks…
purifies blood and possibly liver


Climber For ID : Tiny White Flowers : Bangalore : 04DEC14 : AK-13 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Climber seen growing wild on 9/11/14.
Very tiny star shaped flowers, resembling Crape Jasmine.
Curious to know the id.

Seems like Cryptolepis buchananii

It doesn’t look like Cryptolepis buchananii to me.
May be some other Species of Cryptolepis.
Experts kindly verify.

…, it isn’t Cryptolepis for sure. I typed it with Ichnocarpus in mind. It definitely is Ichnocarpus frutescens as … pointed out.

Yes, thanks for the correction.
Now, the id seems correct as per the link……

Images by tspkumar


TSP-JUN2016-08-396:Images of Ichnocarpus frutescens : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)

It is my pleasure to present few images of Ichnocarpus frutescens (Apocynaceae

Ref: http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ernet.in/hjcb2/herbsheet.php?id=373&cat=1

Ref: http://www.flowersofindia.Black%20Creeper.html

Habit: Woody climber

Habitat: Wild, Dry deciduous forests

Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl and 800 msl respectively

Date: 08-10-2014, 20-10-2014, 09-12-2014, 01-10-2015 and 15-10-2015


Please validate Gujarati names of Ichnocarpus frutescens
ધૂરીબેલ dhuribel, કાલી ઉપલસરી kali upalsari
Ref: Street Ayurveda (and a couple of blog sites, all carrying ditto content).

To my knowledge, Ichnocarpus frutescens is known as શ્યામલતા in Gujarati. The names ધૂરીવેલ and ઉપલરી (also known as ઉપલસારી or ઉપલસળી) are commonly used for Hemidesmus indicus.
કાળી ઉપલરી could well be a plausible candidate for Ichnocarpus frutescens but I have not encountered it so far.

Thank you very very much … This is great help.
I will go with શ્યામલતા !

via Species‎ > ‎I‎ >
Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton … family: Apocynaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ik-no-KAR-pus — Greek: ichnos (vestige) and karpos (fruit)… An encyclopedia of plants
froo-TESS-enz — becoming shrubby … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asblack creeper • Bengaliশ্যামা লতা shyama lata • Gujaratiશ્યામલતા shyamlata • Hindiदीर्घ मूला dirgha-mulaकाली दूधी kali dudhiश्यामलता shyamalata •Kannadaಗೌರಿಬಳ್ಳಿ gauriballiಹಾಲುಗೆಣಸು halugenasuಕರೇ ಹಂಬು kare-hambuಕೂಗಲ ಬಳ್ಳಿ koogal balli • Konkaniकांटे भोंवरी kante bhonvriकृष्णसरवा krishnasarwa •Malayalamനന്നാറി nannariപാൽവള്ളി palvalli • Marathiकाटे भोवरी kate bhowariकृष्णसारिवा krishna sarivaश्यामलता shyamalata • Nepaliदुधे लहरा dudhe lahara • Odia:ମହିଳା mahilaପ୍ରିଯଙ୍ଗୁଲତା priyangulataଶ୍ଯାମ ଲତା shyama lataସୁଆଁ ନଇ suan nai • Sanskritकृष्णसारिवा krishnasarivaश्यामलता shyamalata • Tamilஊதற்கொடி utar-koti •Teluguముంతగజ్జనము munta-gaj-janamu • Tibetanthal tras nag po • Tuluಆಚಾರಿಬೂರು acharibooruಪೆರುಬಳ್ಳು peruballu
… more names in Sanskritचन्दनगोपा chandanagopaचिह्नधारिणी chinhadhariniदीर्घमूला dirghamulaगोपा gopaकालघंटिका kalaghantikaकालपेशी kalapeshiकाष्ठसारिवा kashthasarivaकृष्णमूली krishnamuliमह mahaमहाश्यामा mahashyamaमसूरविदला masuravidalaपालिन्दी palindiप्रियवर्णी priyavarniसुभद्रा subhadraउत्पलगोपा utpalagopa,उत्पलसारिवा utpalasariva
botanical namesIchnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton … synonymsAganosma affinis (Roem. & Schult.) G.Don • Apocynum frutescens L. • Beluttakaka malabarica (Lam.) Kuntze • Chonemorpha malabarica (Lam.) G.Don • Echites frutescens (L.) Roxb. • Tabernaemontana parviflora Poir. … and many more at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
December 15, 2012 … Yana Rocks, Uttara Kanadda

Updated: added two names in Hindi … बक्खर बेल bakkar belधीमर बेल dhimar bel

Bakkar – in Hindi script you have written bakkhar i. e.  you have united first letter of alphabet with second letter. First letter is to be united again with first letter of the alphabet and not second one.

Thanks … I could not understand what you expressed.
I am going with bakkhar as बक्खर, of which one of the meanings found in various online Hindi dictionaries is:

  1. कई प्रकार के पौधों की पत्तियों और जड़ों आदि को कूटकर तैयार किया हुआ वह खमीर जो दूसरे पदार्थों मं खमीर उठाने के लिए डाला जाता है
  2. बकरा, billy goat

Did you mean to say बक्कर ? which also means बकरा, billy goat.

Okay …,  My knowledge in Hindi is limited as it is not my mother tongue.

But dear …, I am not sure whether I am correct with my justification.
I wish someone validates this name बक्खर बेल bakkhar bel (or may be बक्कर बेल bakkar bel), as well as धीमर बेल dhimar bel.
ik-no-KAR-pus — Greek: ichnos (vestige) and karpos (fruit)… An encyclopedia of plants
froo-TESS-enz — becoming shrubby … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: black creeper, black sariva • Assamese: ক’লা অনন্তমূল kala anantamula, ক’লা দুধি লতা kala dudhi lata, শ্যাম-লতা shyam lata • Bengali: দুধি লতা dudhi lata, শ্যামা লতা shyama lata • Dogri: बक्कर बेल bakkar bel, ओआंन बेल oaan bel, सौली बेल sauli bel • Gujarati: શ્યામલતા shyamalata • Hindi: बक्कर बेल bakkar bel, धिमर बेल dhimar bel, दीर्घ मूला dirgha-mula, काली दूधी kali dudhi, श्यामलता shyamalata • Kannada: ಗೌರಿಬಳ್ಳಿ gauriballi, ಹಾಲುಗೆಣಸು halugenasu, ಕರೇ ಹಂಬು kare-hambu, ಕೂಗಲ ಬಳ್ಳಿ koogal balli • Karbi: পৰক হান্থৰ parok hanthor • Konkani: कांटे भोंवरी kante bhonvri, कृष्णसरवा krishnasarwa • Malayalam: നന്നാറി nannaari, പാൽവള്ളി paalvalli • Marathi: काटे भोवरी kate bhowari, कृष्णसारिवा krishnasariva, श्यामलता shyamalata • Nepali: दुधे लहरा dudhe lahara • Odia: ମହିଳା mahila, ମୃଗାଦନୀ mrugadani, ପ୍ରିଯଙ୍ଗୁଲତା priyangulata, ଶ୍ଯାମ ଲତା shyama lata, ସୁଆଁ ନଇ suan nai, ସହଦେବୀ ଲତା sahadevi lata • Sanskrit: चन्दनगोपा chandanagopa, चिह्नधारिणी chinhadharini, दीर्घमूला dirghamula, गोपा gopa, कालघंटिका kalaghantika, कालपेशी kalapeshi, काष्ठसारिवा kashthasariva, कृष्णमूली krishnamuli, कृष्णसारिवा krishnasariva, महाश्यामा mahashyama, मसूरविदला masuravidala, पालिन्दी palindi, प्रियवर्णी priyavarni, श्यामलता shyamalata, सुभद्रा subhadra, उत्पलगोपा utpalagopa, उत्पलसारिवा utpalasariva • Tamil: ஊதற்கொடி utar-koti • Telugu: ఇల్లుక్కత్తి illukkatti, కారంపాల karampala, కర్ర తివ్వ karra tivva, కోరంపాల korampala, మాని తివ్వ mani tivva, ముంతగజ్జెనము munthagajjanamu, నల్ల తీగ nalla tige, పాల తీగ paala theega, పాల తివ్వ paala thivva, సహదేవి sahadevi • Tulu: ಆಚಾರಿಬೂರು acharibooru, ಇಲ್ಲಬೂರು illabooru, ಪೆರುಬಳ್ಳು peruballu

botanical namesIchnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton … homotypic synonymsApocynum frutescens L. • Echites frutescens (L.) Roxb. • Quirivelia frutescens (L.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida • Quirivelia zeylanica Poir. … heterotypic synonymsChonemorpha malabarica G.Don, nom. superfl. • Echites malabaricus Lam., nom. superfl. • Periploca palvallii Dennst. • Tabernaemontana parviflora Poir. … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
black creeper
black sariva
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
ক’লা দুধি লতা kala dudhi lata
  • Many thanks to Ashim Gogoi for help with this name … facebook
ক’লা অনন্তমূল kala anantamula, শ্যাম-লতা shyam lata
  • Many thanks to Farmer Tridip Gogoi for help with these names … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
দুধি লতা dudhi lata
শ্যামা লতা shyama lata
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
बक्कर बेल bakkar bel, ओआंन बेल oaan bel, सौली बेल sauli bel
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
શ્યામલતા shyamalata
  • Many thanks to Viplav Gangar for help with this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बक्कर बेल bakkar bel, धिमर बेल dhimar bel, काली दूधी kali dudhi, श्यामलता shyamalata
दीर्घ मूला dirgha-mula
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಗೌರಿಬಳ್ಳಿ gauriballi
ಹಾಲುಗೆಣಸು halugenasu
ಹಾಲುಬಳ್ಳಿ haaluballi
ಕರೇ ಹಂಬು kare-hambu
ಕೂಗಲ ಬಳ್ಳಿ koogal balli
~~~~~ KARBI (also known as Mikir or Arleng) ~~~~~
পৰক হান্থৰ parok hanthor
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कांटे भोंवरी kante bhonvri
कृष्णसरवा krishnasarwa
  • WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
നന്നാറി nannaari
പാൽവള്ളി paalvalli (or പാർവള്ളി paarvalli)
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
काटे भोवरी kate bhowari
कृष्णसारिवा krishnasariva, श्यामलता shyamalata
दुधे लहरा dudhe lahara
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ମହିଳା mahila (or ମହେଳା mahela), ଶ୍ଯାମ ଲତା shyama lata, ସୁଆଁ ନଇ suan nai (or ସୁଆଁ ଲଇ suan lai)
ମୃଗାଦନୀ mrugadani, ସହଦେବୀ ଲତା sahadevi lata
ପ୍ରିଯଙ୍ଗୁଲତା priyangulata
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~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
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~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Author citation for Ichnocarpus frutescens : 3 posts by 2 authors.

How would the author citation for Ichnocarpus frutescens written ?
  1. Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton
  2. Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R. Br.
  3. Ichnocarpus frutescens R. Br.
The last among the three, seem to be written widely.

Most current & widely accepted follow Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton as per the following;

Thanks … Yes, Much of the top sites refer to (L.) W.T.Aiton, though many papers, even of recent times put it as R. Br. … and therefore the query.
I will revise my notes to show (L.) W.T.Aiton in some time.


Please validate following two Hindi names of Ichnocarpus frutescens listed at ENVIS-FRLHT
  1. bakkar-bel = बक्खर बेल
  2. dhimar-bel = धीमर बेल

A very good venture! Why don’t you start collcting Bengali names too?

Bengali names are also collected.

To me Hindi translation appears to be Ok. But I don’t know the meaning etc.

Thanks …, I will go ahead to add these names. Will revise them in case we get validations otherwise.
In course of time, found authentic spellings of the posted names as follows:
bakkar-bel = बक्कर बेल
dhimar-bel = धिमर बेल
Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/03/ichnocarpus-frutescens-l-wtaiton.html

Fwd: Presence of Ichnocarpus frutescens : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 mb each.
Sir, photographed today (6.10.19) in naturally grown, blooming condition with white flowers of woody rambling shrub, locally called in Odiya as Suaanlata (Ichnocarpus frutescens)in the big govt residential area approx. 1/2acre of type, VIII, unit 6, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, used in Deepabali badabadia puja for the ancestors & made some fishing articles in rural areas., Sir, pl validate

I concur with you … for I.frutescens,


MS/ID/AUGUST/2020/15 – ID of the plant sps. : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9)
Please ID the photos received from Chennai. Photographed last week (30.9.20).
Resembles closely: Ichnocorpus frutescens. Confirm the ID.

I guess this is correct ID !

I too agree with you both

Yes. Seen recently in full bloom in Bangalore.


SK 2761 27 September 2020 : 12 posts by 3 authors. 3 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Chobhar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 14 September 2020
Elevation: 1340m.
Habit: Wild
Producing milky sap when leaf detached.

It looks like an Apocyanaceae member

Hemidesmus species ?????

Looks close but does not match elevation.

Looks close as per images and details at Hemidesmus indicus
It is found at similar elevation in Western Ghats as per details herein.
Pl. also check in Flora of Bhutan and other sources.

Thank you …!
Any idea about its flowering and fruiting phenology ? There seems to be multiple months for its flowering months in efi posts.

July to Jan. as per book link at Flora of Peninsular India

Also see Ichnocarpus frutescens as per 02082011-BS-001; An asclepiad for ID from a Village near Karnal

Most likely … Let me wait for flowering season if I am lucky!


Please identify the weed plant.
Name of plant:
Location:  near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671
Date:.               05.11.2020, 12.20pm
Altitude:           1700fsl
Habitat:            wild moisture
Plant habit:      climbing branches weak stem annual/perennial
Height:             03 meters
Leaves shape: oval
Flower:             diameter:08mm, white non fragrant

Ichnocarpus frutescens ??

Yes, it’s …

Latex of this plant is yellow coloured.

Is ID wrong …?

No doubt in ID …, Ichnocarpus only, In Apocynaceae there’s some yellow coloured latex members,

Colour indicated only for clarification.


Please identify the species: 3 high res. images.
Please identify the plant species

Where? When? Which elevation ?
However, Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton !

From Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, Meerut
This picture was taken last year.

Ichnocarpus frutescens. Agree with …  A common plant on the outskirts of my place.



Santali name(s) of Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton:
Please help me with the Santali name dudhi lota of Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton, in Ol Chiki script.
Reference: A Santali-English dictionary by A. Campbell, of the Santal mission

The transcription shall be ᱫᱩᱫᱷᱤ ᱞᱚᱛᱟ (dudhi lota).


Apocynaceae: Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton: 2 images.

synonym: Ichnocarpus frutescens R.Br.
location/date (both): Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


TATR Chandrapur, December 2024 :: Vine for ID :: ARK2025-009: 1 high res. image.

This was clicked in the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR), Chandrapur in December 2024.
The flowers were too tiny. Suggestions on FB were Ichnocarpus frutescens.
Is it possible to validate?

Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton

Updated on March 5, 2025