Ramaria stricta (Pers.) Quél., 1888 (syn: Clavaria condensata Fr., 1838; Clavaria kewensis Massee, 1896; Clavaria pruinella Ces., 1861; Clavaria stricta Pers., 1795 ……; Clavaria syringarum Pers., 1822; Clavariella condensata (Fr.) P. Karst., 1882; Clavariella stricta (Pers.) P. Karst., 1882; Corallium stricta (Pers.) C. Hahn, 1883; Corallium stricta (Pers.) C. Hahn, 1883; Lachnocladium odoratum G. F. Atk., 1908; Merisma strictum (Pers.) Spreng., 1827; Ramaria concolor f. fumida (Peck) R. H. Petersen, 1975; Ramaria condensata (Fr.) Quél., 1888; Ramaria spinulosa sensu Rea (1922) (misapplied name); Ramaria stricta var. alba Cotton & Wakef., 1919 …..);
Please identify this Staghorn fungus: Photographed at my farm last Sunday. They are about 6-7 inches tall. Please also note that fallen leaves and other debri have been cleared to take these photographs. This some species of Ramaria but to identify species I need to do microscopic studies looks like Ramaria stricta Agree with … this is Ramaria sp. … but like he said more study required… would be also good to know… what trees are growing around this and what is the altitude .. I also agreed with … this looks Ramaria stricta to me too I only said it to be Ramaria sp. and have not confirmed any species … suggested R stricta which is not a bad choice. I closely watched corals here in Canada even I have discussed with many famous mycologist all of them conveyed me the facts that corals are very tough to ID only based on morphology as they even change colour with season, time of the day, substrate e.tc. Hence at least for me its hard to confirm any species right away.
My property at Shahapur is at a maximum height of 150 ft. amsl. The fungus was found at the base of the second rock on the left in photograph 1 [& the rock at the extreme right in photograph 2]. Most of the trees are Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia]. 2 images. I agreed completely. i am also trying to collect the fungi from Orissa. this species is also available in my field site and i had taken the photograph also. The tribal people are using this for medicinal purposes (especially to cure fever what kind of fever, i am yet to conform). I am compiling them and will share in the group very soon. A link to give you a rough idea of the varieties of Ramaria…. of course the most of species listed on this may not be the Indian species.. http://mushroom.byethost12.com/coral.htmlMy knowledge of fungii is rudimentary, but am not planning on altering this much in the immediate future. Am content with you’ll identifying the fungus at the genus level. But thanks anyway. References: |
Ramaria stricta
Updated on December 24, 2024