Ranunculus cantoniensis

Ranunculus cantoniensis DC., Prodr. 1: 43 43 1824. (Syn: Hecatonia pilosa Lour.; Ranunculus brachyrhynchus S.S.Chien; Ranunculus diffusus Forbes & Hemsl. (ambiguous synonym); Ranunculus fibrosus Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Ranunculus japonicus f. hirsutus Makino; Ranunculus napaulensis DC.; Ranunculus pennsylvanicus subsp. napaulensis (DC.) H.Riedl; Ranunculus polycephalus Makino; Ranunculus ternatus var. hirsutus Boiss.; Ranunculus trilobatus D.Don (ambiguous synonym); Ranunculus vernyi var. hirsutus (Boiss.) Koidz.; Ranunculus vernyi var. japonicus Nakai) ?;
India: North – Western Himalaya to N.E. India, subtropical to temperate regions. Growing on grassy slopes as weed in irrigated fields at 1000-2500 m. Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Manipur; Pakistan; Myanmar; Nepal; Bhutan; Malaysia; Indo-China; Korea and Japan as per Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams];
China (S-Anhui, W Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, W-Hubei, Hunan, S-Jiangsu, Jiangxi, S-Shaanxi, Sichuan, SE-Yunnan, Zhejiang), Taiwan, Bhutan, ?Sikkim, Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), South Korea, Nepal, Indochina, Bonin Isl. (Chichijima, Hahajima), Jammu & Kashmir, India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya), Pakistan (Lahore), N-Burma,
Vietnam, Laos
as per Catalogue of life;

Ranunculus cantoniensis DC. (accepted name) ??? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (17)
Location: Godawari, Nepal
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Date: 10 January 2017

I think do not match with images under threads at Ranunculus cantoniensis

can you send rolulatte leafes?

But it is also closest to the line drawing as per Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams]

What should we consider this sp. as …?

Keeping it as Ranunculus cantoniensis ? for the time being.

Ok …

To me dense dome of carpels without prominent styles does not go with R. cantoniensis

Yes, it appears close.





Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams]
Updated on December 24, 2024

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