Ranunculus longicaulis

Ranunculus longicaulis С.А. Меу. in Ledebour, Fl. Alt. 2: 308. 1830. (Syn: Ranunculus gramineus Spreng. (ambiguous synonym); Ranunculus nephelogenes var. longicaulis (C.A.Mey.) W.T.Wang (ambiguous synonym); Ranunculus pulchellus var. longicaulis (C.A.Mey.) Hook.fil. & T. (ambiguous synonym)) as per Catalogue of life;
R. pulchellus var. longicaulis (India: Kashmir (Ladakh), Himachal Pradesh (Pangi, Spiti Valley), Sikkim; Pakistan) as per Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams];
Siberia (W-Siberia, C-Siberia), Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan, Wardak, Parwan), Pakistan (Chitral), Jammu & Kashmir (Zanskar), ?NW-India (?Lahul) as per Catalogue of life;
Common name: Long-Stem Buttercup

ID for Leh Flowers 8a & 8b :  20 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).
Please help with the identification of this plant

Oxygraphis polypetala
Adding mine from Rohtang Pass
Attachments (1)

… not familiar with Himalayan flora … but finding … plant different from … the leaves and flower (petals) differ … could be yet wrong.

I imagine if you are looking at the right leaf.
Flora of China writes this as a synonym of Oxygraphis endlicheri (Walpers) Bennet & Sumer Chandra, Indian
Forester. 108: 374. 1982.
Just for your information. 


There is real confusion here. The plant uploaded by … is clearly Ranunculus (see five petals and five petaloid sepals), it is precisely R. pulchellus, common at higher altitudes.
The plant uploaded by …, is however, Oxygraphis polypetala. kindly note nearly 13 or more petals (characteristic of this genus) and nearly orbicular leaves.
Attaching my herbarium specimen of R. pulchellus from Ladakh.

I see the point there. I am wrong. Sorry for the mistake and thanks for correcting.


I may be wrong though. This sketch is from eflora of China.

On second thought, I doubt your plant to be Ranunculus pulchellus.
Leaf margin is supposed to be lobed in pulchellus and the flower is supposed to be solitary, but yours is entire with branched inflorescence.
I may be wrong though, but I thought your plant could be new record for India, Ranunculus nephelogenes var. longicaulis.

Flora of British India places this species in a group with entire leaves with a note sometimes lobed in R. pulchellus. As such entire leaves are a rule and lobed an aberration. I have many more specimens of this from Ladakh near Leh. Flora of China also writes leaves sometimes three-lobed. Please read the key from 64 to 67 carefully.

I am hesitant to agree with this. I am talking about your herbarium and not … plant!! I still say, I may be wrong……

Key in flora of China says:
Stems 15–20 cm; blades of basal leaves ovate, elliptic, or obovate, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, 1–3-denticulate on each side …. R. pulchellus
Blade of basal leaf not divided; Petal apex rounded; leaf blade of basal leaf ovate, narrowly ovate, oblong, or linear-lanceolate ………. R. nephelogenes.

Thanks … What a coincidence. After reading your earlier mails I went through the whole key starting from begining and imagine where I reached: R. nephelogenes var. longicaulis, the variety with petals almost equalling sepals. The description matched. I went back to Flora of British India India and found Ranunculus longicaulis listed as a synonym of R. pulchellus
So following a more recent publication, … plant is Ranunculus nephelogenes var. longicaulis
Thanks for your critical analysis which led me to rethink and research further,

Thanks a lot for resolving the issue finally. One of my biggest problem is, I dont get taxonomically satisfied so easily, and secondly, I dont start well if it is not an orchid.

Let us wish we have many more such fruitful interactions. Can you please check from Indian revision of Ranunculaceae (Fascicles or any other recent one) the status of this taxon? Obviously FBI considered this as mere variation of R. pulchellus.

I will try to check, but unfortunately, we dont have all th fascicles here at WII. Will check and let you know soon.

I think I found something exactly what you are looking for.
So our plant is Ranunculus pulchellus C.A. Mey. var. longicaulis (C.A. Mey.) Hook. f. & Thomson
Please find it attached.

Thanks a lot … for such a useful revision of Indian Ranunculus

Though everything in the discussions was difficult to digest at one go we are enjoyed it.
We are interested in many such informative discussions.

That is why I love this group. The discussions are often intense and so fruitful, and results achieved so fast. In this particular case … spent whole night awake and I the day time to achieve a mutually agreed identification.
It is good that all of us want to get satisfied to agree to a conclusion.

Thank you all for helping with the identification of the plant.
I am indebted to you all 

Location – Near Panamik Hot springs, Nubra Valley, Ladakh
Altitude – 14000 feet (Approx)

Habitat Wild
Flower size 5 to 7 mm

I think this is Ranunculus longicaulis as per images, references and details herein.
Ranunculus pulchellus looks different as per images, references and details herein.


Ranunculus flamula?? : 26 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Zara Valley, Ladakh
Elevation : 5000m.
Date : 3 August 2020
Habit : Alpine meadow
Found this at about 5000m in an alpine meadow in Ladakh. it looks like Ranunculus flamula but I am unsure so any second options?

Pl. post high resolution image to see the details.

I think may be different from Ranunculus flammula as I can not see the upper leaves in this image (also details are not clear) as per

Ranunculus pulchellus I hope if flowers are 1.5 cm across, basal leaves less than 5 cm long,  cauline mostly 3-lobed; or if flowers 3 cm across, basal leaves 7-10 cm long disappearing before flowering, cauline up to 30 cm long, mostly entire then R. lingua.

I am convinced that Ranunculus flammula does not reach the Himalayas. This is most likely Ranunculus pulchellus or Ranunculus longicaulis (sometimes treated as a subspecies of the former).


I have attached a better photograph – I hope the resolution is better.
Attachments (1) – 1 mb.

Could it be Ranunculus nephelogenes??

Ranunculus pulchellus seems good
Ranunculus flammula D. Don (non L.) is the synonym
Unfortunately both BSI Floras Flora of Jammu & Kashmir and Flora of India are Silent about it, eFlora of Pakistan, however, mentions it.

My Herbarium specimens from Ladakh, 1971
Attachments (2)  – around 1 mb each.

Thanks, … There is another one Ranunculus flammula L., which is an accepted name as per POWO, Catalogue of Life and The Plant List Ver. 1.1

Yes … Our plant is R. flamula Don, not L.

Following three varieties are recognised in India

1a. Basal leaves margin ciliate, petioles hairy …. 24.3 var. stracheyanum
b. Basal leaves margin glabrous, petioles glabrous …… 2
2a. Cauline leaves long, linear; stylar beak straight with broad apex ……1 var. longicaulis
b. Cauline leaves narrowly elliptic; stylar beak recurved with narrow apex … 24.2 var. pulchellus
All are found in Ladakh, Can be checked in field or better more images

I think may be var. stracheyanum as per this image and as per keys given by …

I would rather go with var. pulchellus
Here are three illustration 2010 revision of the genus in India and cropped image of Deb ji’s plant.


R. nephelogenes Edgew is the synonym of R. pulchellus according to this 2010 revision Revision of Genus Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae) in India Taiwania, 55(3): 273-314, 2010 by R. K. Srivastava.

eFlora of Pakistan also mentions:
Some anthors have included plants with linear leaves of higher altitudes under Ranunculus nephelgenes at K. It is not clear whether plants from Pakistan designated as Ranunculus pulchellus var. longicaulis (C.A. Mey.) Hook.f. & Thoms. with small flowers of less than 1 cm in diameter are identical with the species described by C.A. Meyer.

Thanks, …, I think this is Ranunculus longicaulis as per images, references and details herein.
Ranunculus pulchellus looks different as per images, references and details herein.
Pl. see FoC illustration (which gives better appreciation) and discussions at ID for Leh Flowers 8a & 8b

Yes Ranunculus longicalulis since var. longicaulis is now raised to species level.

Interesting but true myself and … had intense fruitful discussion ten years back  ID for Leh Flowers 8a & 8b


Ranunculus nephelogenes in FOI : 5 posts by 1 author.
Image by Thingam ji of Ranunculus nephelogenes in FOI, may be of Ranunculus longicaulis С.А. Меу. (syn: Ranunculus nephelogenes var. longicaulis (C.A.Mey.) W.T.Wang), which only is reported from the area in Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams]

It needs to be corrected as per Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams]


I’d 300622 JM3: 4 images.
Near to Warila Pass (17200 ft), from Syok valley, Ladakh on 17.6.22.

Looks like Ranunculus !

Ranunculus longicaulis C.A.Mey. ??

Appears close as per images at Ranunculus longicaulis С.А. Меу.

Adding two high res. images.



Srivastava SK (2010) Revision of genus Ranunculus L.(Ranunculaceae) in India. Taiwania 55(3): 273-314. [Full text with line diagrams]
Updated on December 24, 2024

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