Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 164 1834. (Syn: Ceanothus wightiana Wall.);
Nepal, India (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;
ID Request- 25012013-PKA1: Seen this Shrub on “Sidhagad”.
Date/Time: 15-01-2013 / 09:30AM Location: Sidhagad Fort, Murbad- Bhimashankar Region Altitude: 3300ft Habitat: Wild. this is Rhamnus wightii (or possibly Rhamnus triqueter) Yes, Rhamnus sp. probably R. triquetrus.. I’d be interested to know why you say it’s probably R. triqueter. I had also found this plant and had been undecided about the exact species. Thanks … for raising the doubts… in Haryana state only a single species of Rhamnus is found.. which is R. triqueter… as the pictures posted closely depict the features.. minutely serrate leaves.. greenish Thanks for your reply Sir, Nilgiris: Shrub for identification 020913MK01 : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 2 authors. Please help me in identifying this large shrub found in the evergreen forests of Nilgiris.
Leaf: 15 x 5 cm; serrate margin
Fruit: Drupe (non-edible); 0.7cm across
Date: 15 July 2013
Alt.: 2400 m asl
Place: Doddabetta, Nilgiris, TN
This shrub is Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn. of Rhamnaceae; its common in Shola (Evergreen) forests.
straggler for id 241210MK3: 5 images.
Kindly help to id this Straggler shrub. I hope this belongs to Rhamnaceae.
Date/Time- 06-11-2010 / 1:30 PM Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.2200asl; Kodaikanal, TN Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- roadside; Plant Habit-stragger Height/Length- ca. 5 M Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca. 6 x 4 cm Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- ca. 1cm across Can it be Rhamnus triquetrus? Can not confirm from my side. But, I think it may be Rhamnus triquetrus of Rhamnaceae family. To me appears close to images at Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn. as per comparative images at Rhamnus
Yes …, the plant is Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn.
Rhamnus wightii
Updated on December 24, 2024