Rhamnus wightii

Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 164 1834. (Syn: Ceanothus wightiana Wall.); 

Nepal, India (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;

ID Request- 25012013-PKA1: Seen this Shrub on “Sidhagad”.
Date/Time: 15-01-2013 / 09:30AM
Location: Sidhagad Fort, Murbad- Bhimashankar Region
Altitude: 3300ft
Habitat: Wild.

this is Rhamnus wightii (or possibly Rhamnus triqueter)

Yes, Rhamnus sp. probably R. triquetrus..

I’d be interested to know why you say it’s probably R. triqueter. I had also found this plant and had been undecided about the exact species.
It’s true the 2 are very similar but R. triqueter is native of the Western Himalaya and the Salt range in the Punjab. According to Cooke R. triqueter has been found at 2 Deccan hill forts, Purandhar and Kori, and was likely planted there for medicinal purposes.
Rhamnus wightii is rare but it is native to parts of the Western Ghats and has been recorded from other forts as well as exposed hills in the Lonavala area.
Please will you share your views and experience with this plant?

Thanks … for raising the doubts… in Haryana state only a single species of Rhamnus is found.. which is R. triqueter… as the pictures posted closely depict the features.. minutely serrate leaves.. greenish
flowers… unarmed foliage.. I had used the word probably… one cannot be sure before actually seeing the plant… my comment was for tentative id.. I have never visited Western ghats and never seen any other species of Rhamnus… I was not affirmative in my statement…

Thanks for your reply Sir,
it’s true that it is very difficult to get a positive id only from pictures. this is a very interesting one.
The leaves of … plant appear to be quite smooth so I was leaning towards R. wightii. Perhaps they are not really different enough to be distinct species. In herberaium specimens I was not able to distinguish them.


Nilgiris: Shrub for identification 020913MK01 : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 2 authors.

Please help me in identifying this large shrub found in the evergreen forests of Nilgiris.
Leaf: 15 x 5 cm; serrate margin
Fruit: Drupe (non-edible); 0.7cm across
Date: 15 July 2013
Alt.: 2400 m asl
Place: Doddabetta, Nilgiris, TN

This shrub is Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn. of Rhamnaceae; its common in Shola (Evergreen) forests.




Kindly help to id this Straggler shrub. I hope this belongs to Rhamnaceae.
Date/Time- 06-11-2010 / 1:30 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.2200asl; Kodaikanal, TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- roadside;
Plant Habit-stragger
Height/Length- ca. 5 M
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca. 6 x 4 cm
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- ca. 1cm across

Can it be Rhamnus triquetrus

Can not confirm from my side. But, I think it may be Rhamnus triquetrus of Rhamnaceae family.
please check the link and the link therein for illustration

To me appears close to images at Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn. as per comparative images at Rhamnus  

Yes …, the plant is Rhamnus wightii Wight & Arn.  


Updated on December 24, 2024

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