succulent plant mm3 25062011: These photographs were taken in july 2008 during a trip to ladakh. Rhodiola sp. may be tibetica ? The succulent plant is a Rhodiola but I am not familiar enough with the genus in Ladakh to be certain from foliage alone – especially a single, non-close-up shot.
IF an Indian botanist had collected a pressed specimen of this – it has no flowers or fruit and had sent to a major herbarium in the UK such as Kew, the specimen would have been discarded as “sterile”.
It may be that in the future as my familiarity with the genus in Ladakh improves, I will be in a position to name the plant but at present cannot justify devoting any time to attempting to identify it.
Whilst I make the point of requesting that images of foliage are included as well as those of a plant’s flowers or fruit, leaves alone, especially not in close-up are often of limited value – though it may be that this species is abundant on the pass mentioned in Nubra.
It is possible that it may prove to be the species suggested but as I am not certain about this species even when in flower or fruit, would not wish to speculate from leaves alone.
Will let you know when I am clearer.
If by chance this group has a Rhodiola expert who knows with confidence what this is, please speak up – I would be delighted to send them images of Rhodiolas from the region I am presently unsure about for their thoughts.
Rhodiola species
Updated on December 24, 2024