Rhododendron indicum (Cultivated)





Rhododendron indicum ‘Rose Glow’
Another cultivar of Rhododendron indicum with rose coloured flowers photographed from Nursery in Sunnyvale, California.



Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet ‘Happy Days’
Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall with lanceolate to oblanceolate leaves, up to 4 cm long, hairy on both surfaces, margins crenulate; flowers with funnel-like corolla, 2-6 cm across, ovary bristly. 
Photographed from Farmers market in Mountain View, California

Sirji you are correctly identified. 



Rhododendron indicum

Correct id.



Ericaceae (inc. Vacciniaceae) Fortnight :: Request for ID, White Rhododendron – Ooty :: ARKAPR-04 : 6 posts by 3 authors.

Attached is a picture of a white Rhododendron/Azalea from Ooty Botanical Garden captured in November 2013.

This is Rhododendron sp. I will try to send it to Rhododendron expert for species level identity

Cultivated variety of Azalea

Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet (=Azalea indica L.) 

Colour variants: Pink, White, Variegated
Native origin: Japan – Honshu, Kyushu (common name Japanese: Satsuki)
Widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. (viz., Botanical Garden Ooty, TN)  


Attached is a picture of a pink Rhododendron/ Azalea from Ooty Botanical Garden captured in November 2013.

this is gardening rhododendron hybrid indeed. Earlier it was named as Azalea sp.

It is Azelia sp.

Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet (=Azalea indica L.) 

Colour variants: Pink, White, Variegated
Native origin: Japan – Honshu, Kyushu (common name Japanese: Satsuki)
Widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. (viz., Botanical Garden Ooty, TN)  



Terrace Gardening : 5 posts by 4 authors. 3 images.
Having these perennial plants on which a beautiful flower bloom for more than 15 days. Like to know name of these plants which look like Edgeworth Rhododendron, as observed from web site of Flowers of India).

Rhododendron simsii ?  

seems to be a variety of Azalea indica. the pink var, i used to have in my balcony like Azalea Indica ‘inga’ 
the red one may be azalea indica ‘nellie‘ or some such the name nellie or prize pops up in Australia. i am not sure what it is in Indian nursery trade.
Question: how long have had them?

Updated on December 24, 2024

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