Wild Shrub for ID : Atlanta, Georgia : 01FEB19 : AK-3 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Wild shrub seen in Atlanta. Seen very commonly. These leaves were the first to change color. Unfortunately, I have only one picture.
Looking very close to Rhus typhina Thanks a lot for suggesting the id. I will check further. yes they do change first and seen all over since they self sow and are weedy. but you should also see the typical reddishbron seedpod panicle shaped, very unique. did you see them? did you photograph them? There were no seedpods when I visited in October. Have seen them earlier during my visit to New York. Cant recollect if I have posted on our group. Will search. no, i am not asking you to post or find NY posts. most likely they were poison sumac, a different species. its not for my information. i am asking if you noticed or photographed them with these leaves, you said it was everywhere that the leaves were changing. poison sumac has those panicles/spikes too, is poisonous. the poison sumac is not used for human consumption, birds however like them.
this here is called staghorn sumac, also has similar spikes of red/brown in fall fruits, is edible. folks make drinks out of the berries. etc etc.
so now tell me. do you have pictures of this plant in whole? or similar ones you saw in Atlanta ? thats all i am asking for No. I did not come across the flowers or seeds. These plants were seen while driving on highways and freeways.
You can’t stop anywhere on those roads. Also Kudzu. I was very eager to see it closely. But couldn’t stop anywhere.
Finally I got it in one of the parks. Have you looked at Rhus glabra? Correct foliage color in October Thanks. I will check. yes kudzu is very interesting in june and july for flowers and dec jan to look for the root/stem connection to see how it regenerates.
Rhus species- Atlanta, USA
Updated on December 24, 2024