Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth) DC. (syn: Dolichos glutinosus Roxb.; Dolichos tomentosus Roth; Glycine viscosa Roth; Rhynchosia grevei Drake; Rhynchosia sericophylla Kunze; Rhynchosia villosula Thwaites; Rhynchosia viscosa subsp. viscosa ; Rhynchosia viscosa var. viscosa ); . Submission of Rhynchosia viscosa : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Family: Fabaceae Description: Woody twiners; stems glandular pubescent. Leaf 3-foliolate, petiole 5-10 cm long, terminal leaflet 5-7.5 cm long and broad, rhomboid or suborbicular; the lateral leaflets very oblique, pubescent on boths sides, gland dotted on the lower side. Flowers yellow with purple streaks, 1.5-2cm across, in 20-30 cm long axillary racemes. Calyx campanulate, glandular pubescent. Corolla yellow, papilionoid, standard obovate, streaked red, pubescent and glandular at the back, wings and keels subequal, inflexed. Stamens (9)+1, vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile; ovules 2; style curved. Pod 2.5-3 × 0.8 cm, glandular, falcate, with persistent style; 2-seeded. Habitat & location: Rare. Found in the hillside area. Photographed at N.Konda. Rhynchosia for ID: The first set is of Rhynchosia rothii, I think. Yes first one is Rhynchosia rothii in my opinion also Rhynchosia rothii Benth. ex Aitch. You see the fruit which is like Glycine max L.(soybean) and Cajanus, Atylosia cajanifolia as the wild relatives of PigeonPea. It is an impornt genetic resoursce already mentioned by D.C.S,Raju,et al in3-4 papers including Pigeon-Pea workshopat ICRISATattended by Raju and Thothatri Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth) DC. as per images herein. It is Rhynchosia rothii; Rhynchosia viscosa is closely related to R.rothii, pod recurved, long tipped with base of persistant style; leaflets softly pubescent; Thanks, … But I find the images matching with images at Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth) DC. & not with those at Rhynchosia rothii Aitch. Pl. reconsider. Thanks … The flowers (Flowers yeloow with red/ maroon streaks) and leaf look like that of Rhynchosia viscosa which is common in Nellore district and in E.ghats; but the fruit is similar to that of Rhynchosia rothii; the viscous hairs are not clear, the tip is different from R.viscosa (R.rothii has twany villous hairs on pod, flowers purple)
. 521 ID wild climber: 16 high res. images. Please ID wild climber, Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 1500fsl Flower date: 17DEC2023, 02.35pm Habitat: wild moisture evergreen misty sloppy canopied alpine Plant habit: twining climber, branches, weak warty cylindrical brownish old stem 04mm diameter, hairy young stem, annual Height: 02 meters Leaves: alternate trifoliate acute soft flexible, size upto: 12×6cm Flower: axillary spike inflorescence, size:18x20mm, purplish, non fragrant Fruit: legume green into brown hairy glossy size: 03.5×1.5cm Seed: 02 ovoid Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Rhynchosia sp. [Fabaceae]. It looks like Rhynchosia viscosa DC. I guess the ID is correct ! Yes, it is Rhynchosia viscosa dear Viplav ji, thank you very much for ID my plant .
Seed: blue 02 nos., glabrous glossy diameter: 07mm Date: 25FEB2024 Why do you think it is from the same species? Flora of China says seeds 2, black. Net images also looks different: https://www.knowyourweeds.com/it/weeds/Rhynchosia_viscosa I further followed the same plant after documenting it for the maturity of fruits, and one day, some fruits became dry, twining it’s pod and seeds visible, it seems to be blue in colour. And I am sure that there was growing only one individual of Rhynchosia viscosa. I think the seeds image captured in February 2024 (date should be confirmed next day). After maturity of fruits, the plant was fully dried, but now new sprouts growing on it, so I think it is a rhizomatous or tuberous plant. I think it may be Dumasia villosa as per https://uk.inaturalist.org/taxa/139174-Dumasia-villosa No matching dear …, flowers are not densely clustered and large in size, this seeds are looking black, but my seeds are only blue in colour and leaves are very big. A joint like line is visible in inaturalist image, but not in my seeds, and the spike inflorescence is downy, but straight in my plant. Please check screenshot Joint is not an issue pl. see However, on further checking you may be right as beak of the fruit on splitting appears similar as per https://efloraofindia.com/efi/rhynchosia-viscosa/
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Rhynchosia viscosa
Updated on February 16, 2025