Ribes glaciale

Ribes glaciale Wall., Fl. Ind., ed. 1820 2: 513 1824. (syn: Ribes glaciale var. glandulosum Jancz.);
Bhutan, Sikkim, N-India, Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), China (SE-Gansu, Henan,
W-Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, NW-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Pakistan (Kurram, Swat,
Hazara), Pakistani Kashmir (Baltistan), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin), Nepal 
as per Catalogue of Life



VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0233 :: Ribes himalense at Valley of Flowers: Ribes himalense Royle ex Decne. … (family: Grossulariaceae)

2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowersabout 11000 – 12000 ft

Seeing red almost translucent currants makes my mouth water.. wonder if this variety is edible?

yes …, this variety is edible.
Thanks a lot … for posting this beautiful pix, on the basis of this a could id my tow species, i.e. Ribes himalense & Ribus alpestre. I will try to post them for validation some time later. Thanks again.

A feedback from another thread from …:
“………… I note that images a Ribes from VOF have been named as R.himalense. This needs to be checked. Flowers of the Himalaya
say “in drier areas only” for this species and I do not think VOF counts as a ‘drier’ area. Also, if one refers to the book, ‘Valley of Flowers’ it has Ribes glaciale Wall. …………..”

Thanks … for pointing out the need for check of the posted plant’s ID.

Keys in Flora of Pakistan lead me to Ribes glaciale Wall. only.

Thanks very much … for scrutinizing the ID. I will revise my notes at flickr at the soonest.





VOF Week: Ribes from the Valley: This attractive shrub was shot from way to main valley…want to know
exact id…

Are these fruits edible?…

I haven’t tried but have heard that this is edible…..

…, I have labelled it as Ribes himalense.

I think Ribes himalense

Ribes himalense Royle ex Dcnei. in Jacq Voy 4 (Bot): 66. 1835

A feedback from another thread from …:
“………… I note that images a Ribes from VOF have been named as R.himalense. This needs to be checked. Flowers of the Himalaya
say “in drier areas only” for this species and I do not think VOF counts as a ‘drier’ area. Also, if one refers to the book, ‘Valley of Flowers’ it has Ribes glaciale Wall. …………..”

Keys in Flora of Pakistan lead me to Ribes glaciale Wall. only.




VoF Week: Ribes himalense Royle ex Dcnei from Valley: Ribes himalense Royle ex Dcnei from Valley

Good photographs

Thanks Sir for validation

A Saxifragaceae member.

A feedback from another thread from …:
“………… I note that images a Ribes from VOF have been named as R.himalense. This needs to be checked. Flowers of the Himalaya
say “in drier areas only” for this species and I do not think VOF counts as a ‘drier’ area. Also, if one refers to the book, ‘Valley of Flowers’ it has Ribes glaciale Wall. …………..”

Keys in Flora of Pakistan lead me to Ribes glaciale Wall. only.



VOF Week 310812_DS_10: Only one image I have for this tree. Looking beautiful with small red berries. On the way to VOF.
Yesterday I sent this mail, but was not delivered some how. Resending…
Please identify, if possible from this single image.

Ribes himalaica

Ribes himalens ? Saxifragaceae

A feedback from another thread from …:
“………… I note that images a Ribes from VOF have been named as R.himalense. This needs to be checked. Flowers of the Himalaya
say “in drier areas only” for this species and I do not think VOF counts as a ‘drier’ area. Also, if one refers to the book, ‘Valley of Flowers’ it has Ribes glaciale Wall. …………..”

Keys in Flora of Pakistan lead me to Ribes glaciale Wall. only.




Requested to please ID these red fruits seen en route the Valley of flowers from Ghangaria, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.

Are these Ribes himalense?

Pl. check at 

Thanks … for providing the correct ID.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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