Ribes heterotrichum ?

Ribes heterotrichum C.A. Mey. (syn: Grossularia adenophylla Rupr.; Ribes orientale var. heterotrichum (C.A. Mey.) Jancz.) ?;
Afghanistan (Wakhan), Siberia (W-Siberia), Tajikistan, Pakistan (Chitral), China (N-Xinjiang), Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan as per Catalogue of Life;


Ribes_Kashmir : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb.

Please help in I’d.
Kashmir, 1800 m, shrub,

What are the species reported from your area ?

As per Eflora of Pakistan, 5 species reported..

Ribes orientale ?

Seems matching.

that much reddish tinge makes me wonder if it is Ribes sanguinary or not though … says its Ribes orientale, i must go with it

But Flora of Pakistan key says:

Flowers greenish or yellowish …. R. orientale
Flowers reddish or purplish….. other species (…)

I tried almost all the species listed in Flora of Pakistan, but could not find a match as per

Ribes luridum Hook.fil. & Thomson ??
Did not find distribution for Ribes heterotrichum in India !




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WFO  Tropicos  PWO Flora of China  Flora of Pakistan  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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