Rosa chinensis (Cultivated)

Rosa chinensis Jacq.Observ. Bot. 3: 7, pl. 55 7 1768. (syn: Rosa bengalensis var. chinensis Pers.; Rosa borbonica Hort. Monac.; Rosa indica var. bengalensis (Pers.) K. Koch; Rosa montezumae Humb. & Bonpl. ex Red. & Thory; Rosa nankinensis Lour.; Rosa sinica L. (ambiguous synonym));
China (I), widely cultivated elsewhere, of cultivated origin, European Russia (I), Kazakhstan (I), Uzbekistan (I), Nepal (I), Bangladesh (I), Thailand (I), Laos (I), Vietnam (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I)), Peru (I), Cuba (I), Hispaniola (I), Puerto Rico (I), Nicaragua (I), Mexico (I), Guatemala (c), Honduras (c), Colombia (c), Niue (I), Andamans (I) (South Andamans (I)), USA (I) (Arkansas (I), Mississippi (I), Virginia (I)), Korea (I), Sao Tome (I), Principe Isl. (I) as per Catalogue of Life;

Rosa chinensis ‘Viridiflora’;'Viridiflora'.jpg?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrHvOo8gmFmeBblBTncDUhaRDYdKvhDlRWA-NF8X_rwi9mfomLraU0BIeB-dE1L0ljTGUb0_kjxTL7TUtcVCvDUP187ve4ReJIXEzJk5j8Wq7SP_vGk

Green Rose : Nasik : 021211 : AK-1: Green Rose seen at a plant nursery at Nasik on the 1st of Dec,11.
It had a very light fragrance.

Can one of our experts give me the botanical name?

Rosa chinensis ‘Viridiflora’

Simply amazing!

Really, …, it is hard to believe the roses can look like the one you have shared.
Rosa indica for you.
Loc.: Mariyang, Upper Siang district (ca 750msl), Arunachal Pradesh
Date: September, 2007
Pink Roses for ID : Bangalore : 01OCT20 : AK-03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Small pink roses seen in a society garden.

A cultivated, potted plant.

Rosa chinensis,Lalbagh%20Botanical%20Garden,Bangalore-P1360968.JPG?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFST2qDYPa3s8b47NsSOWK2GFVCU-z1ky6r79DOQpEqFgnoHTCx518ZHOAQ2AQ95uFWr69tUti0qL_gm7FFAxgkahUI7oS5R9fEjJLJLXZlqC_kInM
These Pink Roses were seen at the Flower Show held in Jan,20.

Similar to ones posted by me from Bangalore.
Would these be Rosa chinensis as well?

There are so many cultivars.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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