Rotala juniperina

Rotala juniperina A. Fernandes, Bol. Soc. Brot., sér. 2.A, 48: 126 (1974 publ. 1975) (syn: Rotala decumbens A.Fern.);
N. Tanzania to Zambia, W. India: India, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zaïre as per POWO;

Rotala juniperina A.Fern. :: Koraigad :: October 8, 2011: 2 images.
Koraigad  Maharashtra
Date: October 8, 2011 … Altitude: about 923 m (3030 ft) asl
Rotala juniperina  A.Fern.
Many thanks to Arun Prasanth Ravichandran for suggesting the ID … iNaturalist.

Rotala juniperina A.Fern. :: Koraigad :: October 6, 2012: 6 images.
Koraigad  Maharashtra
Date: October 6, 2012 … Altitude: about 923 m (3030 ft) asl
Rotala juniperina  A.Fern.
Many thanks to Arun Prasanth Ravichandran for suggesting the ID … iNaturalist.

Please identify this Rotala seems like desiflora but could be floribunda : 4 posts by 2 authors. 1 correct high res. image.
Aquatic plant growing in Lonavala Pune

Images are not clear. Pl. post attach high resolution images, to see the details.
Plant in the 1st and last image appears to be different.
Also check comparative images at Rotala
Last image appears to be Ammannia auriculata Willd. as per images and details herein, as in your another post: please identify Rotala densiflora? growing aquatic
1st image may be of Rotala densiflora (Roth) Koehne, but can not be confirmed with this image

On further scrutiny, all images may be of Rotala densiflora (Roth) Koehne only, but can not be confirmed with this image

One image is R. juniperina and another seems to be R. rosea as per identification by Arun ji at discussion link Rotala biglandulosa


Here also I can not see the details of flowers.
It may be Ammannia auriculata Willd. as per images and details herein.

On further scrutiny, image may be of Rotala densiflora (Roth) Koehne only.

I will snap clearer pictures and repost.

Rotala juniperina as per identification by Arun ji at discussion link Rotala biglandulosa


Your Rotala juniperina images:
May I request you to pl. post your Rotala juniperina images, for incorporation eFI site.

Yes, sure …, will do on day after tomorrow; currently away from home.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  JSTOR Global Plants  (Specimen) Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post
New distributional record of Rotala juniperina (Lythraceae) for Asia with typification of three names– August 2021 Phytotaxa 514(2):167-172- Arun Prasanth R., Oshin Sharma & M. M. Sardesai (Abstract: Rotala juniperina, so far known only from East Africa, is reported here for the first time from peninsular India. The present paper encompasses a note on its taxonomy and distribution along with the designation of a lectotype for R. rotundifolia and epitypes for R. serpyllifolia and R. simpliciuscula)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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