Rubus alexeterius var. acaenocalyx

Rubus alexeterius var. acaenocalyx (H.Hara) T.T.Yu & L.T.Lu, Flora Xizangica 1983 613 1985. (syn: Rubus acaenocalyx H.Hara);
China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, C-Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;


SK1974 05 June 2019 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11)- around 700 kb each.

Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 2410 m.
Date: 27 May 2019
Habit : Wild
Which Rubus sp.?

May be Rubus biflorus Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. as per comparative images at Rubus
Pl. check.

I guess it is other than R. biflorus. Enclosing R. biflorus flower.

What is the difference you observe ?
That is the closest I can go.

I feel most of the aspects like leaf, flower, stem, stipule differ.

Pl. check details and references at Rubus rosifolius

Does not match … Leaves are 5-7 foliate and in this case only 3 foliate.

Generally 5-7 foliate. 3 foliate also.

I mean this plant is only 3 foliate and I did not find any characteristics matching.

In that case, pl. check for species in Species with distribution in annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal, which have such leaves and has not appeared in efi site so far at Rubus 

Actually I had checked all listed in ACFPN but could not get match and some sp. did not have any description for matching.

Check with gbif. It many times have specimens, when no photos are available on net.

I find out that Rosaceae is updated in Online Flora of Nepal. So checked the keys and reached at Rubus alexeterius.
On checking detailed description and distribution, I got by and large convinced. As per it, it is Rubus alexeterius var. acaenocalyx.
I check on net for images and illustration and details & found one at Flora of China and FOC illustration.
I also found one image in Bhutan Biodiversity Portal, which can be seen as 2nd thumbnail on Google search as it is not getting loaded on the main page.
However, to be sure, I checked GBIF specimens as per

So, it is Rubus alexeterius var. acaenocalyx

Thank you …!  But I did not find its listing in Nepal !

I think you did not read my detailed reply.
I just missed this part. I checked only list ! Thank you …!

Updated on December 24, 2024

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