Rubus occidentalis L., Species plantarum, edition 1 Species plantarum, edition 1; 1753 493 1753. (Syn: Melanobatus michiganus Greene; Melanobatus occidentalis (L.) Greene; Rubus idaeus var. americanus Torr.; Rubus occidentalis subsp. eu-occidentalis Focke; Rubus occidentalis var. pallidus L.H.Bailey) ?;
Re: [efloraofindia:45039] Rubus ulmifolius from Kashmir berries from Ritterhude : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5). Just today I took these fotos of the berries. The red ones are not ripe yet.
Brombeeren grow here wild along the road. Going walking these days is a feast, if one is ready to get scratches or step into mud and let the small spiders crawl along ones arms. The berries are mouth-watering.
The ones in the fotos are from my neighbours garden. It is like Parijatak-Baum, the plant is in neighbours garden, the branches in my garden. My neighbours don’t mind, if I pluck the berries, I have also to clean the leaves from my garden in fall. Thanks for a nice set of blackberries. They are really mouth watering, but beware of Tanay, He may not fly down to Germany seeing these berries. These backberries grow plenty in Vancouver even as wild !! i have couple of plants in the house where I live hence I feast on them regularly!! just check the species. R. ulmifolius is with pruinose branches, not R. anglocandicans. it is Rubus occidentalis. The black berries with thorns. May be Rubus occidentalis L.. Clear images of leaves would help much . Blackberries : California : 07JAN15 : AK-10 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Didn’t it have a label… did you buy one pkt and eat them? were they hollow? It seems to be Rubus occidentalis Rosaceae Fortnight : Berries For ID : California : 14SEP15 : AK-35 : 35/37 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) when you had first submitted these last year i remember i myself and … discussed the differences
please find that thread or threads and may be you can remind us what was discussed then. Here is the earlier thread: Blackberries : California : 07JAN15 : AK-10 |
Rubus occidentalis (Germany/ USA) ?
Updated on December 24, 2024