Rubus rugosus Smith (Rubus hamiltonianus Ser.; Rubus rugosus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (ambiguous synonym); Rubus rugosus var. cambodiana Card.) as per Catalogue of Life & efi thread; Rosaceae Week_Rubus mollucanus_RKC06_03102011: Rubus mollucanus for you. Loc.: Yingkyong, Upper Siang district (ca 550msl), Arunachal Pradesh Date: October, 2005. Locally called as “Tapa-Tara” by Adi community. Fruits are edible. Sorry for the Typo error… The name should be R. moluccanus L. Where The Plant List say Unresolved, it is better to just ignore it till they have a conclusion. For them most Indian names are unresolved. . Blackberry or Rubus molluccanus of Rosaceae (To be validate ) Vernacular : Nukkatte, Nuccatte (Kannada, Kodagu) efi thread Looks like R. moluccanus to me…but not sure about its distribution in S. India. Fruitlicious – 29Aug11AR01 from Thalacauvery: An edible fruit Date/Time-28 Jul 2011 11.06 AM Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Talacauvery- Bhagamandala Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, Wild, forest road side Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Climber Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape – Palmate, Alternate, 15cms Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- resemble pomegranate, fruit -3cms, 0.25cms each edible aril is 0.25 cms No. of fruit sightings -1 Blackberry or Rubus molluccanus of Rosaceae. Not too sure of sp. though. Must check with local flora. Vernacular name : Nuccatte / Nukkate – (Probably the name is in coorg/Kodagu language) It turns black/dark red (according to place, shade etc.) when it fully ripened, as we can see in the first picture. Rubus moluccanus to me also RUBUS SP: If you have visted Tezpur (Assam) and have been to a Hillock called Bhomraguri (at the bank of mighty Brahmaputra, in fact it is next to the bridge.), you know how rich is the area in terms of flora. There I came across a plant whose leaves attracted my attention. I came to know it is a type Raspberry. But not sure about the identity. I found one similar plant at Cooch Behar. Attaching two images of fruiting branch of the plant. I think Rubus moluccanus L. Yes, I agree. Unknown sp.-8 from Shillong, Meghalaya. : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Attached images are unknown sp. from Shillong, Meghalaya. Please ID the plant. Date :09.10.2013 Location: Shillong, Meghalaya Seems to be Rubus moluccanus ANSEPT06 Climber with spines for identification : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (4). Thadiyandamol August 2014 Is there a Vitaceae climber with minute spines? Climber has been identified as Rubus moluccanus
Eravikulam National Park :: Rubus indicus :: DV02JUL : 9 posts by 6 authors. 6 images. Eravikulam National Park Date: June 4, 2014 … Base elevation: 2000m asl Rubus indicus Thunb. … (family: Rosaceae) Excellent pictures … Did you try tasting the berries? Thank you very much … I did not try tasting the berries … I have never done that! Thanks, … Taxonomy of Rubus is very confusing. I could not find any refrence on net (in books (old or new) or in efloras or in any good reliable source) for Rubus indicus Thunb. This is really surprising. As per JSTOR, Holotype of Rubus indicus Thunb. is stored under Rubus lasiocarpus Sm. = Rubus niveus Thunb. Further there are three different Rubus indicus to confuse the matter as per The Plant List. Thanks … for the observations. The ID is based on placard in the National Park. It says nothing about the author. India Biodiversity Portal mentions Thunb. I hope someone throws light and validates the author citation. I find as many as 12 species of Rubus in Edible Wild plants of The Himalayas by R L Badhwar and Dr R R Fernandez . In that book there is an image of Rubus moluccanus which is similar to the images sent by … I have seen this plant At Tezpur and I found the same plant at Cooch Behar. In the book I am referring there is no mention of Rubus indicus. May be that book is of 1964 vintage, and there are lots of change since then. Thanks … As per India Biodiversity Portal the distribution of this plant is Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Thus there is possibility it may not be listed in Edible Wild plants of The Himalayas. Let us wait for more comments. India Boidiversity portal has made pages on all accepted & unaccepted names. Thank you … It will be of great help if someone validates the synonymy of Rubus indicus and Rubus moluccanus. Rubus moluccanus in view of discussions in the thread. . Names of Plants in India :: Rubus indicus Thunb. : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image.
Rubus moluccanus in view of discussions in the thread. Posted plant is Rubus indicus Thunb. … the lobed leaves, its texture, the flowers are different than that of Rubus moluccanus L. Names compiled / updated at ROO-bus — red; also the Latin name for brambles … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Indian raspberry • Malayalam: എരുമച്ചുള്ളി erumachchulli, കാട്ടുമുന്തിരി kaattumunthiri • Tamil: இந்தியன் ராஸ்பெர்ரி indiyan raasperri botanical names: Rubus indicus Thunb. … heterotypic synonyms: Rubus wightii Gamble … POWO, retrieved 25 July 2024 Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ written and spoken widely, in most parts of India Indian raspberry
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep എരുമച്ചുള്ളി erumachchulli
കാട്ടുമുന്തിരി kaattumunthiri
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands இந்தியன் ராஸ்பெர்ரி indiyan raasperri
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~ Kerala, Tamil Nadu
~~~~~ Last updated: 19:05 25-07-2024 ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at Good effort with nice photograph. The correct English spelling of എരുമച്ചുള്ളി is erumachulli. English spelling of one Malayalam name corrected … commonly known as: Indian raspberry • Malayalam: എരുമച്ചുള്ളി erumachulli, കാട്ടുമുന്തിരി kaattumunthiri • Tamil: இந்தியன் ராஸ்பெர்ரி indiyan raasperri Names compiled / updated at Rosaceae Fortnight :: Rubus indicus :: Eravikulam National Park :: DVSEP20 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 10 images. Rubus indicus Thunb. at Eravikulam National Park on June 4, 2014 Nice images! id is correct Rubus indicus Rubus moluccanus in view of discussions in the thread. Thanks …; will take up making notes for Rubus moluccanus in my flickr photostream. But I think Rubus indicus must be listed among other synonyms on Rubus moluccanus page in eFI site. There are 3 unresolved names in The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1 Thanks, … I will put the necessary synonyms as per the reference books given by … Rubus indicus or Rubus moluccanus or both : 5 posts by 2 authors. There was lot of discussions in the matter in a recent thread. After seeing & adding all images of all the members at efi pages at Rubus indicus & Rubus moluccanus as well as after perusal of images at FOI links as below: I feel that all these images are of the same plant. I could not find any differences between the two species on net. As per the following links, there is no distribution in India of Rubus moluccanus except in Andmans & Nicobar. However, the following links give its distribution in Himalayas & India. However, very little details are available on net about Rubus indicus. The distribution of Rubus indicus is given in India, Sri Lanka & Thailand as per Catalogue of Life & GBIF. India Biodiversity Portal gives its distribution in Indo-Malesia with Notes: Western Ghats, Evergreen Forests. After doing all this research, I feel there is only one species & it should be Rubus moluccanus Your feedback in the matter will make me take a suitable decision. Enclosing exerpts from two major books of Nepal which would clarify that all three are same. Request your further opinion. Attachments (4) Thanks, … I think that settles the issue DESIGN OF A CARD : USE OF LEAF/PETAL/SEED : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) You will not have to be a botanist to appreciate beauty of plant kingdom. If some one knows names (not necessarily botanical) of some trees on the road side or in the countryside, his walk will be more enjoyable even if he happens to be walking alone. He will not feel loneliness as he will be able to make a rapport with the known trees. This was the motivation which initiated me to find out identity of a plant (Not from botanical point of view but from esthetic point of view). I use leaves of different shapes to design my cards. To add color I use petals of different flowers. One of the leaf I use quite often is of Rubus moluccanus. I saw this plant for the first time at a place called BHOMRAGURI (on the bank of mighty Brahmaputra at Tezpur). In shape of the leaf I see the outline of face of Goddess Durga as depicted in popular images. I saw this plant even at Cooch Behar. Attaching scanned copy of a card in which Leaf of Rubus moluccanus is used along with seeds of Aristolochia ringens and cut pieces of scales of bamboo. MS Sept.2016/08 for ID : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Place : Sairep, Mizoram Rubus! Rubus species in efi so far. According to the leaf and altitude I guess it matches with Accepted scientific name: Rubus indicus Thunb. (accepted name) Synonyms: Rubus rugosus Wight (synonym); Rubus wightii Gamble (synonym) Rubus moluccanus L. (accepted name) ??? : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Location: Bhotechaur, Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 28 September 2013 Any leaves ? Sorry ! Typical fruits! Very common and widespread species. Is the ID correct? Fruits are very typical. Rubus indicus :: Bhagamandala – Thalacauvery Road :: 22 FEB 2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Bhagamandala – Thalacauvery Road Karnataka Date: 22 FEB 2017 … Altitude range: ~ 907 – 1122 m (2976 – 3683 ft) asl Rubus indicus Thunb. … (family: Rosaceae)
Pl. check To me appears close. To me the species seems to be Rubus moluccanus. Captured: 17th August 2018 Rubus species Family – Rosaceae Please check at Rubus species page of group. Pl. check with species available at To me it seems to be Rubus moluccanus
Fwd: RUBUS MOLUCCANUS : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) I was at Tezpur during 2001-2003. A beautiful place on the bank of mighty Brahamaputra. On almost every sun day and on holidays, I used to roam around on bicycle to observe plants, butterflies birds etc. The area is rich in biodiversity. Those were the days I used to collect leaves of different shapes to be used for designing cards. There is a hillock Bhomraguri on the bank of the river (on which the bridge connecting Tezpur and Nogaon is standing). This was one of my favorite place. On one such trip I saw this plant with leaves of distinct cut (as if it is the outline of the image of Goddess Durga), I collected some leaves from there. As I am a man with no botanical background, I did not know the identity. Those days I could lay hand on an excellent book EDIBLE WILD PLANTS OF THE HIMALAYAS. It was written by Shri R L Badhwar and Dr. R R Farnandez. Both from Forest Research Institute. The book is of 1964 vintage. It was gifted to the Armed forces. This is what then Chief of the General staff of that time said about the book. ” The troops on our Northern and Eastern borders have to be trained for mountainous terrain and jungles and may have to operate in small parties in difficult and inaccessible areas. These areas, generally, have poor communications and are cut off from habitation. It is with a view to help troops operating in such areas that this General Staff publication on “EDIBLE WILD PLANTS OF THE HIMALAYAS” is published. Some 450 different plants have been described in the pamphlet and a knowledge of these will provide a vast choice to meet the primary needs of hunger. “ This book helped me to identify this plant. I find few plants in a place called Mahis Bathan near Cooch Behar. At times I go there. But as the place is at a distance my trips are very few. Other day I saw a Red vented Bulbul relishing the fruits of this plant. Attaching a collage with leaves, flowers and fruit of the plant. Location: Okharpauwa, Nuwakot, Nepal Altitude: 5500 ft. Date: 13 September 2018 Habit : Wild Rubus moluccanus L. ?? To me also appear close to images at Rubus moluccanus . Descriptions for Rubus : 6 posts by 2 authors. Thanks, … There is a lot of confusion w.r.t. Rubus indicus Thunb., Rubus rugosus Wight & Rubus moluccanus Hook. f. We have bunched them together at Rubus rugosus as per discussions at Rubus indicus or Rubus moluccanus or both You can some descriptions at India Biodiversity Portal & Kerala Plants There is a lot of confusion w.r.t. Rubus indicus Thunb., Rubus rugosus Sm. & Rubus moluccanus Hook. f. Online Flora of Nepal has some details of Rubus rugosus Sm. I do not have keys in Indian floras for Genus Rubus. Thank you …!! Is there any taxonomic keys for Rubus sp in Indian flora? Thanks, … Some Flora were published, but all families were not covered. You can download pdfs of what ever was published at I checked these up. Rosaceae has not been published as yet by them.
. SYMBIOSIS : 1471: 1 image. . Rubus moluccanus: 2 high res. images. Rubus moluccanus Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam, India
Location: Godam, Chandragiri, Lalitpur Date: 16 September 2022 Altitude: 1811m. Habitat : Wild Image quality not good ! Endemic to Nepal Has it been identified by the authors (Rubus dorcheae (Rosaceae), a new species from central Nepal Authors MAAN B. ROKAYA)? Identified by Dorchee ! The principal author Dr. Maan Rokaya has informed me that this is not the Rubus dorcheei Rokaya & S.Subedi, rather it is Rubus rugosus Sm.. . References: . References for Rubus Indicus Thunb.: |
Rubus rugosus
Updated on December 24, 2024