Justicia pectinata

Justicia pectinata L. (Syn. R. pectinata (L.) Nees in view of New Names and Combinations in Indian Acanthaceae by John R. I. Wood (2014));
Flowerless bracts mucronate often cuspidate flowering hairy for R.pectinata and flowerless bracts subobtuse for R. parviflora and spikes very dense, barren bracts ovate acute hardly longer than the fertile for R. muralis as per Sorting Rungia species;
comb rungia • Marathi: माशी mashi, सूत sut • Tamil: தவசுமுருங்கை tavacu-murunkai;
Annual herb, procumbent. Leaves petioled, elliptic-oblong, 4-7 x 0.7-1 cm, apex and base acuminate. Flowers in groups of 2-3 at the end of branches, bracts dimorphic. Corolla white with blue lines, hairy outside. Capsules ovoid, compressed, hairy at the apex. Seeds minutely echinulate.


Rungia crenata or some other species?:
In Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary, AP on 8/11/08.

– I too believe this plant to be R. pectinata (most probably this is the current name; reference: Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar; R. parviflora considered as its synonym).


Tinier blue flowers:
Here is another small plant with very tiny blue flowers again from Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai. One photo is a close-up of the flower. Kindly identify?

– It is a Rungia sp. possibly Rungia pectinata.


Rungia sp. Hooghly 10/12/12 sk2:

Is it the same species as in my yesterday’s post at –
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : wild herb of about 20 to 25 cm, erect, found on roadside in a shady place
Date : 1/12/12, 1.24 p.m.
Place : Hooghly

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees as per another thread.

Yes, Thank you again …


ANFEB36 Rungia sp. for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Family: Acanthaceae
Date: 1st November 2014
Place: Trekking route to Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
Habit: Herb

Can be Rungia pectinata ..

Thank you sir.

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
at Yeoor Hills on December 19, 2007

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
on Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 21, 2009

Really beautiful



Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 27, 2010

Really good

Thank you very much ….
I have purposefully uploaded most of my sightings of the tiny members of Acanthaceae, R. pectinata and Justicia procumbens.
Hopefully they get validated, if any of them are wrongly labelled.

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 21, 2009

From so many places

Yes … they were seen during different times.


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Rungia pectinata :: Tungareshwar WLS :: DVMAR97/108 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on March 13, 2010

Rungia pectinata from Lonavala.

This small, prostrate herb with minute flowers is fairly represented in our area, please help to finalize the id…
I hope this is Rungia parviflora..

efi page on Rungia parviflora

How do you differentiate with Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees? One point I have found in Haines is that in pectinata flowering bracts are hairy. Can you please confirm it, …?

I would also like to know the differences between this one and R. pectinata

Rungia parviflora (Retz.) Nees –
(i) fertile bracts obliquely oval-oblong, 4.5×1.5-2.25mm, mucronulate, narrowly scarious margined, long ciliolate = subsp. parviflora
(ii) fertile bract ovate to orbicular, 4-5×1.5-2mm, mucronulate, broadly hyaline margined, long ciliate = subsp. pectinata
[ref. A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon; M. D. Dassanayake & W.D. Clayton; vol 12; 1998]
This species is R. parviflora subsp. pectinata = R. parviflora var. pectinata (L.) Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Br. Ind. 4:550, 1885

Thanks, … It would be interesting to see images of the 2 subspecies side by side.

Karthikeyan et al. 2009 in Flowering Plants of India listed this subspecies as a species R. pectinata (L.) Nees (=R. parviflora var. pectinata); so is in The Plant List 2013.

Bhagamandala – Thalacauvery Road Karnataka
Date: 22 FEB 2017 … Altitude range: ~ 907 – 1122 m (2976 – 3683 ft) asl
Justicia pectinata L. … (family: Acanthaceae

Superb images, …


rungia pectinata perhaps mm1 23112011:

is this rungia pectinata
the flowers are very small
2 or 3 mm perhaps
at my place in alibaug, over the past two or three weeks

perhaps Rungia repens i guess

Doesnt look like R. repens. May be R. pectinata.

The flowers of Rungia repens seem to be atleast 8mm, these were maximum 3mm which is I thought R.pectinata, also the shape of the flower and upper lip seemed more indicative of pectinata rather than repens. Anyway, I shall try and get better photographs next time I am in alibaug so the construction of the flower can be seen better. If anyone is willing to share the keys for Rungia, would be very grateful.

…, this must be Rungia pectinata.
Rungia repens has relatively much larger flowers borne on a finger high and thick inflorescence …

… I had already seen your photographs before I thought this plant was R.pectinata

I guess photos of … on Flickr. is Rungia elegans and not Rungia repens.. please check once again, i may be wrong..

… had not known about Rungia elegans.
If you have any link to visual representation of R. elegans on internet please let know. Will help me compare and understand.
Description of Rungia elegans will help to a great extent.
Please give me links to photos in my flickr photostream that could be Rungia elegans.
It will help me immensely.

check this photo link, its Rungia repens uploaded by …, and the photo you have in Flickr. i guess is Rungia elegans

I think it is interesting and there may be a lot of truth in what … is suggested. Perhaps many specimens from Western Ghats actually belonging to Rungia elegans may have gone under the name Rungia repens. Latter is reported to be growing throughout India, but Rungia elegans is restricted to Western Deccan Penninsula, Concan and Canara (Geographical position in 1880 or so). The two species are very close but differentiated as:

Rungia repens                                                          Rungia elegans

1. Stems pubescent or nearly grabrous                      Stems covered with white spreading hairs
2. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, up to 5 cm                   
Leaves ovate-acuminate, up to 7 cm long


    long, 16 cm broad, scabrid-puberulus                  4 cm broad, often white hairy beneath.
3. Spikes about 8 mm broad                                     Spikes 12-18 mm broad
4. Bracts glabrous, about 6 mm long,                       Bracts longer than 6 mm, white margin broader
    white-margined                                                    sometimes purplish. 
5. Corolla white with rose or purple spots                Corolla blue, 12 mm 
I have a feeling that plants uploaded by … on FOI, … photostream and few other photographs from Western Ghats actually belong to Rungia elegans, and my specimens from Morni hills actually belong to Rungia repens
It is a plant with much smaller leaves and spikes as compared to these plants. 
efi thread
Now coming to above plant by …, judging from size of inflorescence and dimorphic bracts, it may be Rungia pectinata as suggested by several members. It is no where near Rungia repens.

my apologies, plant posted here is Rungia pectinata,,

But thanks … Had you not raised the question of Rungia repens in FOI, … stream and other websites, I would not have had the chance to solve the mystery of three different plants. So basically all credit goes to you for raising the issue.

we can conclude it as Rungia pectinata

Many thanks … for giving me knowledge of Rungia elegans.
Many thanks to … for providing the keys for R. repens and R. elegans.
Another difference that I learnt from … and … is: R. repens is decumbent while R. elegans is an erect herb.
With so much of clarity from you all, my plant at flickr photostream is Rungia elegans.

That is why I call our group as “Forum of Taxonomic Research in India”. All of us learn from interactions, and Indian Taxonomy benefits.



Dear members: (mixed thread): 2 correct images as above.
Requesting for id this small herb was about only 30 cm from ground, found at yeooor, thane 15/11/2012

This is Rungia pectinata


Rungia for ID | Matheran: Posting few pics of possible Rungia species for ID

Small herb, on slope grassland

i guess Rungia pectinata

Seems an interesting plant. Pls provide info on leaves, size of flowers, raceme, fruit etc. Is it possible to collect a live plant or specimen. Would this plant be still flowering?

… this was a very small herb (almost ground touching or may not be more than 5-6 cms height. The flowers was as small as 3-4 mm with lanceaolete. alternative leaves. I will go again to see if it is still there or not. And will update you on that.

Thanks for more details. Inflorescence appeared like a raceme in picture which is actually a spike with 2 types of bracts. This is R. pectinata as IDd. Size (that can not be guessed from a picture) makes all the difference in ID. Leaves must have been opposite



Rungia pectinata:
Rungia pectinata

last week at alibaug
the flowers are not bigger than 2mm
and appear like tiny though brilliant blue dots on a small herb.



RUNGIA PECTINATA (L.) Nees. from Kamrup district (Rural) Assam:
Attached images are Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees.

Date : 06.12.2012
Location: Dist- Kamrup(Metro) Assam
Family : Acanthaceae
Genus & species : Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit : Herb
Flower : Blue in colour


Tiny herb ID request – RK59 – 16-Dec-2012:
Request identification of this herb with minute flowers of about 2 mm only in Tungareshwar. The herb itself is around 1 foot high at the most. Thanks.
This is the tiniest flower that I have seen so far. Would appreciate if other members could share their pictures of the tiniest flower seen by them.

Looks like Rungia pectinata

Thanks a lot …


Flora of Madhya Pradesh: 05022012 BS-1 Small Acanthaceae Herb for id from Maihar MP:
Small Acanthaceae Herb for id from Maihar MP
Growing wildly there. Shot on 20-1-12

some Rungia species….

Yes … I was also thinking about Rungia but could not search particular species!!!

Sir, I googled Rungia on FOI website…and this is what I am close at http://www.flowersofindia.in/catalog/slides/Comb%20Rungia.html

rungia pectinata

Thanks … and … for id


Rungia pectinata from Kaithal-2012:
This one is Rungia pectinata (Linn.) Nees in DC, Prodr. 11: 469, 1847;
Justicia pectinata Linn., Amoen. Acad. 4: 299, 1759; Rungia parviflora Retz., Nees var. pectinata (Linn.) Clarke, Fl. Br. Ind. IV: 550, 1885
Annual herb, procumbent. Leaves petioled, elliptic-oblong, 4-7 x 0.7-1 cm, apex and base acuminate. Flowers in groups of 2-3 at the end of branches, bracts dimorphic. Corolla white with blue lines, hairy outside. Capsules ovoid, compressed, hairy at the apex. Seeds minutely echinulate.Shot from agricultural fields of my village in Kaithal District in January 2012


Acanthaceae for ID – 181211 – AR – 01:  1 image.

Date/Time- 21-Nov-2011 10:25 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Thrissur, Kerala
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild (growing in a corner of someone’s garden)
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 30 cms
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Dark green, ovate
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Multiple flowers emerging from light green bracts arranged in a comb-like spike
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Tiny light blue flower, lower lip has dark blue markings
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not known
Looking at Web sources, I am guessing this is Rungia pectinataComb Rungia. Can somebody pls confirm?

OK, an update on this… having photographed Rungia pectinata – Comb Rungia at Yeoor last weekend (posted on 5.1.12), I can confirm that the Thrissur photo is of some other species. The question is, which species?

Yes, I think the id is correct.

Taking this (2nd image) as Rungia parviflora var. muralis (Nees) C.B.Clarke with spikes very dense, barren bracts ovate acute hardly longer than the fertile, as per Flora of British India as per discussions in another thread at Sorting Rungia species

Hooghly : Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).


ANDEC64 Rungia sp.? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
November 2014

Rungia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

I agree with Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees.

ANFEB27 Please identify this Rungia sp. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

Family: Acanthaceae
Date: December 25th 2014
Place: Agumbe, Karnataka
Habit: Herb

Rungia species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) 

I find our eFI database of Rungia is of very little use and very confusing, it doesn’t help at all.

I copy what Haines, in his book BoBO, recorded about Rungia parviflora Nees – “common weed… erect in grassy places ….. prostrate in pastures … all specimens from our area appear to belong to the variety pectinata …..”
Sir Prain thinks we have (1) Rungia parviflora Nees var. pectinata and (2) Rungia repens Nees, in our region of Bengal.
I haven’t found R. repens yet, where flowers are 0.3 inch (7.5 mm). Flowers of R. parviflora are under 0.15 inch long.
Leaves of R. parviflora can be linear to lanceolate to elliptic.
Your species is Rungia parviflora surely. But which var.? I think it is not the type species (barren bracts are not cuspidate in type species). So, we are left with var. pectinata and var. muralis. In muralis both sterile and fertile bracts are of same size.
I think your species is Rungia parviflora var. pectinata, the current accepted name of which is Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees.

Thank you very much for narrowing down sir. Rungia pectinata it is. Thank you!

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees is very common here. I have three uploads – https://groups.google.com/d/msg/indiantreepix/1QsgcJ,
out of which two undetermined – /species/a—l/a/acanthaceae/rungia/rungia-pectinata-1 !
But, I assure you all three uploads are of same species.
This plant grows everywhere, roadside, moist places, old walls….. And their form vary a lot according to their habitat and growth stage. Their spikes look differently at different stages and in different habitat. But, bract characters are same.

ANFEB26 Please identify this Rungia sp. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Family: Acanthaceae
Date: December 25th 2014
Place: Agumbe, Karnataka

Habit: Herb

Rungia – species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Plants less than 15 cm tall, bracts villous, short spikes indicate it is Rungia pectinata


Hooghly Today : Rungia parviflora Nees var. pectinata ?: Bengal Plants” describes three Rungia species :-

  1. R. repens Nees = leaves subsessile, scabrid, …… bracts round, apiculate….
  2. R. parviflora Nees var. pectinata = barren bracts mucronate, often cuspidate, fertiles ones hairy, smaller than the others
  3. R. parviflora Nees var. muralis = barren bracts ovate, acute, fertile ones nearly as large as the others……
This is a small erect herb, about 15 cm high, found in rural roadside.
Is it the Rungia pectinata (Linnaeus) Nees of FoC?

There is lot of discussion & refrences in this regard at efi site:

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees as per another thread.

Yes, Thank you again …

SK1581 19 Nov 2018 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong 
Date: 2 November 2018
Elevation: 1300 ft.
Habit : Wild
Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees. ??

May be. Not sure. Appears to be highly variable as per images at

It does look close to Rungia pectinata although the inflorescence is not so long in this. Other species found in HK is Rungia chinensis to which this one doesnt match,
But then it doesnt match to anything else!!

I guess more close to R. pectinata..


Yes, …

Talegaon Dabhade Pune
Requesting to please identify this wild herb with small blue flowers 1-2 mm

flowers are out of focus

The plants seems to be Rungia parviflora

This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species 


Rungia sp_18-02-12_GK_01:
Species of Rungia of Acanthaceae family.

Place: Vythiri, Waynad, Kerala
Altitude: About 800m
Habitat: Cardamom plantation, on edges and earth cuttings
Habit: small herb
Height: about 10-20cm
Flower colour : Violet with purple blotches
Flowering time: September-December
I think it is Rungia muralis
Need validation of the id.

Of course Rungia muralis

From what ever recent book references I got on net as below, it (Rungia parviflora var. muralis) is treated as a syn. of Rungia pectinata

Floristic Plants of the World By Rashtra Vardhana (2006)-
Rungia pectinata (syn. Rungia parviflora var. pectinata (L.) C.B. Clarke; Rungia parviflora var. muralis)
Rungia pectinata (syn. Rungia parviflora var. pectinata (L.) C.B. Clarke; Rungia parviflora var. muralis)
Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Chhatarpur and Damoh By G. P. Roy, B. K. Shukla, Bhaskar Datt (1992)- Details with keys

Rungia muralis is usually seen as a variety of Justicia parviflora. I have made no combinations for the varieties as they are a chaos and need a thorough revision – most are probably of no value as per Dr. Wood.

This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species


Plant for ID : 30/11/2011 SMP1:
I took photographs of this plant from Purandar fort.
Small herb
Growing on walls of Fort Purandar.
Flower size very tiny 2-3mm. Inflorescence. Clustered axillary.
Leaves 1-2 cm.
I think this is some Rungia species.

I would like to mention that these plants were growing on the walls of fort. I also observed them on Sinhgad 2 days earlier. The plant had a long hairy leaves …sort of oval to linear lanceolate 3-4cm in length.
The leaves seen in the background in _IMG 6211 are of different plant.


I dare say this is Rungia pectinata
attaching some that I took last week.

I would post mine separate because I feel there is a difference.
Dear …,
I afraid whether your picture belong to the same species as that of … because in your pictures some of the inflorescence are stalked whereas, in … pictures all the inflorescence are sessile.
Further, the color and pattern of lower lip is different. I am not sure about the variation in this species.
Please also consider R. muralis before reach a conclusion.
I too got a similar one from Kerala and I am not yet concluded.
Expecting more comments.

You are right
the pattern of the lower lip is completely different
will check on R muralis

It would be interesting to keep a watch on analysis from different experts.
Thank you; at least both of you agree on it being a Rungia species… As this is probably my first encounter with Rungia.

Rungia sp. but not pectinata

May be Rungia parviflora!

This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species 

Yes Sir, it looks like so.



26102011-BS-2 another Acanthaceae member from TDL Park Yamunanagar:
Acanthaceae member from TDL Park Yamunanagar
wild about 5-6 inch high, flower about 5-6 mm

This looks like Rungia pectinata.

This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species


Sorting Rungia species : 26 posts by 3 authors.
Rakesh ji, in a recent thread, has expressed doubts about clarity in these species in efi site.
So let us look at these afresh with our literature.
Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Chhatarpur and Damoh (Description) gives the following keys:
1a. Sterile and fertile bracts dissimilar. Upper lip of Corolla acute. Spikes 2 cm- R. pectinata
1b. Sterile and fertile bracts similar. Upper lip of Corolla emarginate. Spikes 2.5-5 cm- R. repens
1a. Bracts dimorphic. Fertile bracts villous, petiole ca. 2 cm long- R. pectinata
1b. Bracts uniform. Bracts with white membranous margin, petiole ca. 5 mm long- R. repens
Does anybody has keys involving Rungia parviflora ?

We need to have descriptions of species.

…, the keys you have quoted are not enough.
For one, leaf is highly variable in size, so is petiole.
Two, bracts in all 3 are having papery white margin. While in bigger one margins do not overlap and they show prominently in contrasting colors, in two smaller ones bracts overlap and white papery margin is not visible on backside, though visible on side of flowers.
Attached photos belong to larger one, spike going up to 20 cm long. Habit prostrate, erect when crowded.

We will certainly go through the descriptions.
But before that we have to find keys between the three species., in differences sources of literature.

I check the related species in Flora of Peninsular India, but could not find the keys between the three species as per
Only description is available for Rungia parviflora as below:
A small, soft annual herb. leaves membranous, variable, ovate, lanceolate or linear- spathulate. flowers in small spikes; barren and flowering bracts very different, the former in 3 rows on one side of the spike, thick, elliptic, mucronate; the later with the flowers on the other side, conspicuously hyaline- margined, ovate or orbicular- ciliate, calyx- lobes 5, corolla blue.

Checklist of Nepal, gives Rungia parviflora (Retz.) Nees as a syn. of Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
Flora of Pakistan did not mention any Rungia species.
Pl. see FOC illustration for this.
As per Dr. Wood (who changed the names from Rungia to Justicia)”
Rungia muralis is usually seen as a variety of Justicia parviflora. I have made no combinations for the varieties as they are a chaos and need a thorough revision – most are probably of no value.
Thus, from the above discussions, there are broadly two complexes, one related to R. pectinata (syn: Rungia parviflora var. pectinata (L.) C. B. Cl.) and Rungia parviflora (Bracts dimorphic) and other related to R. repens (Bracts uniform).
Thus, … posted species in this thread with uniform bracts should be R. repens
However, we have to still find keys and differences between R. pectinata (syn: Rungia parviflora var. pectinata (L.) C. B. Cl.) and Rungia parviflora (Bracts dimorphic

Description as available for Rungia parviflora is below:
A small, soft annual herb. leaves membranous, variable, ovate, lanceolate or linear- spathulate. flowers in small spikes; barren and flowering bracts very different, the former in 3 rows on one side of the spike, thick, elliptic, mucronate; the later with the flowers on the other side, conspicuously hyaline- margined, ovate or orbicular- ciliate, calyx- lobes 5, corolla blue.
India biodiversity Portal gives the following description for Rungia parviflora:
Diffuse or ascending herbs. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-ovate, 2 by 1 cm, base and apex acute, lateral veins c. 3 pairs. Spikes c. 15 mm long; floral bracts glabrescent; corolla pinkish-white. Capsule ellipsoid.  Flowering and fruiting: March-April. Wastelands in the plains. Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
Rungia pectinata (Linnaeus) Nees in A. Candolle in Flora of China:
Herbs 20-50 cm tall, annual or perennial. Stem basally prostrate and rooting at nodes then erect, minutely pubescent. Petiole 0-7 mm; leaf blade oblong-elliptic, 1-4 × 0.4-1.4 cm, glabrous except for a few trichomes along veins, secondary veins ca. 4 on each side of midvein, base cuneate and decurrent onto petiole, margin entire, apex acute. Spikes axillary or terminal, 0.5-2 cm, 1-sided, solitary or sometimes 2 or 3 compound; bracts dimorphic; sterile bracts green, elliptic, ca. 4 × 0.7 mm, glabrous, apex acute; fertile bracts circular to obovate, 4-5 × ca. 2 mm, pubescent, margin broadly hyaline, apex obtuse to rounded to emarginate and mucronulate; bracteoles elliptic, 2-3 mm, margin ciliate, apex 2-cleft and subacute. Calyx colorless, pubescent; lobes linear-lanceolate, ca. 3 × 0.5 mm, margin narrowly hyaline, apex mucronulate. Corolla blue or white, ca. 5 mm, outside pubescent; lower lip 3-lobed, lobes triangular; upper lip ovate, 1-2 mm, apex emarginate. Staminal filaments glabrous. Ovary glabrous. Capsule ellipsoid, ca. 2.5 mm, glabrous, 2-4-seeded, apex apiculate. Seeds orbicular in outline, ca. 1 mm in diam., minutely verrucose. Fl. Nov-Jan, fr. Jan-Apr.
But I am unable to find out the clear cut difference between the two from the above.

The Plant List Ver. 1.1 and POWO, both treat Rungia parviflora (Nees) Ritz as a synonym of Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees, although Catalogue of Life treat them as differently as Justicia parviflora Retz (India (throughout), peninsular Malaysia (Kangar, Perlis), Sri Lanka, Oman (Dhofar), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kayin, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon), Laos, Philippines (Luzon), Vietnam, Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives), Maldives) and Justicia pectinata L. (China (Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan), India (throughout), Bhutan, Darjeeling, Bengal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Andamans (South Andamans, Little Andaman Isl.), Nepal, Laos, Bangladesh).
Checklist of Nepal, gives Rungia parviflora (Retz.) Nees as a syn. of Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
Flora of Pakistan did not mention any Rungia species.
I do not find difference between the two in Flora of peninsular India at Rungia pectinata, Rungia repens, Rungia parviflora and Rungia muralis
In view of the above, my felling is to treat Rungia parviflora (Nees) Ritz as a synonym of Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees until we get some creditable key and differences between the two.

I doubt the ‘3 rows’ of sterile bracts. So far it is only 2 rows in all 3 types.
I checked my collections from 2015.
Larger one is J. repens (Rungia repens), two smaller ones need to be sorted out.
We agree on this.

Thank you … for this discussion.
I am not much confident to comment in this. Somehow I have always got confused when I see these plants with variations – especially when they interchange their habit – or may be I mistake them so. I am used to see Rungia pectinata as an erect herb with wiry stems / branches, typically 1.5 feet or so, and sometimes as tall as half a metre or so, growing in small colonies. I suspect having seen Rungia pectinata grow prostrate in open barren ground – though I could be mistaking the species.
Among the larger ones, I think there is one Rungia elegans too. I assume it is not included in this discussion, because it may not be posing any confusion.

Justicia concinna used to be Rungia elegans not so long ago .

Thanks, … Rungia elegans was causing confusion with lot of them earlier identified as R. pectinata.
I am correcting them now one by one. Pl. check.

Yes …, Rungia elegans flowers as well as bracts spike are quite stout – so it can only be mistaken by some, but certainly far from confusion.

From another thread:
I think the habit of J. parviflora is prostrate, mat-forming, while J.pectinata is an erect herb with diffuse branching … this is what I have been considering.
If their descriptions are on this lines, then confusion is taken care of.

Thanks, …, for the important feedback.
Pl. see the descriptions above.
Does they match with your observations ?

I decided to pursue 1st four specimens each from GBIf fro both species.
But there seems to be no clear cut demarcation between them as below:

Rungia pectinata (Linnaeus) Nees in A. Candolle in Flora of China:
Herbs 20-50 cm tall, annual or perennial. Stem basally prostrate and rooting at nodes then erect,…
This part of description fits what I recognize as Rungia pectinata. I am not seeing the other fine description.
Description as available for Rungia parviflora is below:
A small, soft annual herb. …
India biodiversity Portal gives the following description for Rungia parviflora:
Diffuse or ascending herbs. … Wastelands in the plains
These parts of descriptions fits what I see as Rungia parviflora … other fine points I am not able to discern in that small plant and further tinier and slender inflorescences.
Diffuse or ascending herbs.  ascending = at the most may be 5 cms or so.
I hope field experts put their thoughts here and correct me if I am wrong.

I finally got the details in Flora of British India. Pl. check. 

Top portion of it, I am copying and pasting from IBIS Flora as below:
Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. iii. 110, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 469, excl. syn. ; leaves small ovate or lanceolate nearly glabrous, bracts dimorphic barren elliptic or oblong subobtuse striate hardly margined, fertile obovate glabrous scarious-margined ciliate, bracteoles elliptic scarcely acute, corolla 1/4 in. R. repens, T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ix. 518 partly, not of Nees. R. longifolia, Bedd. Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 266, not of Nees.
S. DECCAN PENINSULA ; Weight (2011, 2285 Herb. Propr.). CEYLON ; Thwaites (C. P., nn. 257, 3354).
A small, ramous weed. Lower leaves 1 by 1/4-1/2 in., petioled, ovate, upper narrow sometimes linear. Spikes 3/4 by 1/4 in., nearly all terminal, markedly 1-sided ; barren bracts not cuspidate. Capsule 1/5 in. ; seeds small, minutely verrucose.—This, the typical R. parviflora, Nees, appears a very rare plant ; Nees, however, referred numerous specimens with the fertile bracts hairy all over to R. parviflora, but which are R. pectinata, Nees, as far as the description goes.
Lower portion of it, I am copying and pasting from IBIS Flora as below:
Revision of Rungia parviflora var. pectinata (Nees) C.B.Clarke from Fri, 2014-03-07 13:48     
flowerless bracts mucronate often cuspidate flowering hairy. R. pectinata, Nees in DC. Prodr. xi. 470 ; Wight Ic. t. 1547 ; T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ix. 517. R. parviflora, Nees l. c. partly ; Griff. Notul, iv. 144 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 195. R. polygonoides, Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. Hi. 110, and Cat. 7181, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 471 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 196. Justicia pectinata, Linn. Amoen. Acad. iv. 299 ; Lamk. Ill. i. t. 12, fig. 3 ; Roxb. Corom. Pl. ii. 29, t. 153, and Fl. Ind. i. 133 ; Wall. Cat. 2458. J. parviflora, Retz Obs. v. 9. J. infracta, Vahl Enum. i. 155.—Throughout India, from the Himalaya to Ceylon and Pegu, a universal weed.—Usually ramous. Leaves 3/4 by 1/3 in. ; petiole 1/8 in. Spikes 1 by 1/4 in., terminal and axillary, clustered, subsessile, distinctly 1-sided ; barren bracts 1/6 by 1/12 in., scarcely margined ; fertile 1/10 in. diam., orbicular, apiculate, scarious- marginate, hairy on back as well as on margins ; bracteoles 1/10 in., elliptic, subacute. Calyx 1/12 in. ; segments linear-lanceolate, pubescent. Corolla blue or whiteish, upper lip short. Anther-cells superposed, lower white-tailed.—The area of this abundant plant should perhaps be extended to Java, &c., but the examples thence (Dicliptera coerulea, Blume Bijd. 791) differ considerably from all the Indian material, which is very uniform in character, the size of the heads and bracts varying a little.
Thus from above flowerless bracts mucronate often cuspidate flowering hairy for R.pectinata and flowerless bracts subobtuse for R. parviflora being the key.

Thanks … Frankly, I will not be able to to discern the nature of the tiny bracts.
I will keep posting pictures of these plants with their IDs as I see, and hope that they turn out alright.

This is very easy to decipher in all our posted images.
For meaning pl. see:
I found flowerless bracts are mucronate or cuspidate in most of our posts and not subobtuse. Thus, most of our postings are of R. pecinata, including those shown at Justicia parviflora ?

Flora of British India also mentions two other varieties as below:
Spikes very dense, barren bracts ovate acute hardly longer than the fertile. R. muralis, Nees in DC. Prodr. xi. 470.
S. Deccan Peninsula ; Hohenacker, n. 18, &c. Chittagong ; J. D. H., &c. Distrib. Ava.
Spikes sometimes 1.3/4 by 1/6 in., densely strobiliform.
Leaves narrowly lanceolate, spikes dense narrow, barren bracts orbicular scarious-margined very hairy on the back nearly as the fertile. R. origanoides, Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. iii. 110, and Cat. 7182, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 471.
Pegu ; Wallich.

Thus the Image 3 by … and images which I have named earlier as R. elegans, but reverted back as R.pectinata (based on … observation), may be Rungia parviflora var. muralis (Nees) C.B.Clarke

Maza aa gaya aaj to !!!

What I could extract from the page
(same page … has copy pasted) is
Rungia parviflora has usually only terminal spikes, sterile bracts not acute (sharp , pointy ) tipped, fertile bracts glabrous.
Rungia pectinata has axillary multiple spikes, sterile bracts with pointed, acute tip, fertile bracts hairy all over.
I reviewed re-examined my photographs from yesterday. I can say that my Image 2 and 3 are variations of same species … Justicia (Rungia) pectinata,
in having axillary spikes as a rule, sterile bracts pointed tipped, fertile bracts hairy all over.
I wish to photograph it from a second spot and then present them properly.
A line in page from Flora of British India says … ” This, the typical R. parviflora, Nees, appears a very rare plant ”
I agree whole heartedly . I am seeing this plant since 2014 , on FOI , IF and 2015 on EFI , since 2016 in field. Never was I satisfied !!! 
I even asked during conversations on facebook (IF ) whether anyone had true Rungia parviflora images to share … never got any !! 
Now I seem to have found the key !!!
…! I can’t thank you enough !!! 

Thanks, …, We as a team (including …) are capable of solving many mysteries. Only constraint is a little bit of time.

Image 3 by you (…) may be Rungia parviflora var. muralis (Nees) C.B.Clarke with spikes very dense, barren bracts ovate acute hardly longer than the fertile, as per Flora of British India.

SK 2340 26 December 2019 : 10 posts by 3 authors. 6 images- 3 mb to 6 mb each.
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India
Date: 26 November 2019 
Elevation: 1350m.
Habitat: Wild
Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees??

This is similar to specimen 2 in my post. Typically, posterior, sterile bracts are larger.
What else I have noticed is, on hills of WG this plants expresses lot of red in its vegetative parts,
while in flat low land of Surat, red pigments are negligible.
I used to consider it Rungia pectinata, no longer sure now !

Yes, Justicia pectinata only.

PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION -62 :  Attachments (1). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Location : Karnagar, Dist. Midnapore, West Bengal.
Date : 21/12/2007.
Would you please identify this plant.

Id-62 is Rungia parviflora (Acanthaceae).

To me it appears like Rungia pictinata (Syn. Rungia parviflora var. pictinata)

Yes, …, same to me too.

Rungia parviflora (L.) Nees (Acanthaceae)

This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species

Most definitely yes !


Velas, March 2014 :: Requesting ID confirmation of this plant at Velas, Konkan Coast, Maharashtra :: 24MAR2014 :: ARK-16 : Attachments (9). 6 posts by 3 authors.
Requesting to please validate ID of this plant captured at Velas near Harihareshwar, Konkan Coast, Maharashtra in March 2014. Is it Rungia pectinata?  This was growing abundantly in the wall crevices.

efi page on Rungia pectinataRungia species so far in efi. 

image 2864 and 2866 are known as MAYAJAAL in our folk medicine local language. we use it in hydrosil and allied ailments.it is abandoned in our area and one can find it even on roadsides.

another images are known as JANGALI NILAVANTI IN MY AREA AND IS AVAILABLE WHOLE YEAR near watery places.

this is Rungia sps for sure. according to species key from Almeida Sir flora of Maharashtra proper identification depends on the lobation of lower lip of the corolla. it seems this is R. pectinata.


Reconfirm an ID : 27122012 : RV 2: 2 correct images as above.
Is this small herb Rungia pectinata from Acanthaceae family? Picture taken today in CEC, Goregaon East, Mumbai, in the forest.

Affirmative. Sending one of my photographs.

Justicia pectinata L. (accepted name) ??? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (12)
Location: Bajrabarahi,Nepal 
Altitude: 4700 ft.
Date: 31 December 2016
Justicia pectinata L. (accepted name)  ???

Pl. check with images at Justicia pectinata and other images at other threads.

Justicia muralis


Location: Taudaha, Kathmandu, Nepal

Altitude:  4200 ft.
Date: 10 February 2017
I guess it is the same plant. Attachments (7)

I think matches with the illustration as per

Last five images taken at a time- to me it appears more closer to Justicia muralis than those at Justicia pectinata

It does not look like listed in Nepal ! GBIF and CoL have mentioned this sp. but POWO do not.

…, not listed because species are not really sorted out .. at least that is what I think. I have the occasions to see Justicia (Rungia) muralis in WG hills and J. pectinata in Surat and I can tell them apart with ease !.


Image in the top right corner is of Lepidagathis cuspidata

i have founfd this herb last month at Amboli. Sindhudurg MH
is it Lepidagathis ?? what?? what species?
please help me Id

Any chance for Lepidagathis incurva var. mucronata C. B. Clarke ? (from Cooke’s Fl. of the Pres. of Bombay, 2:475)

I think this represents Rungia sp. because of the secund inflorescence

This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species

Again I disagree and you wd too … inset image of spike and flower in right upper corner is so different than J. pectinata …. spike is not one sided, bracts not dimorphic.

Thanks, … It may again be Justicia crenatifolia

Images in Justicia crenatifolia page do not match with this specimen. Corolla lower lip is not matching as well.
And, when name is crenatifolia, leaf margin is entire ?

I am not sure that if it could be Justicia pectinata.

I am confused, …, it appears to me that “posts/threads placed under J. crenatifolia” may just be J. pecitinata.

No, … Images at Justicia crenatifolia are different from those at J.pectinata.

I want to second … And that means we do not know how J. crenatifolia looks? !
And, what is Rungia crenata then ? In FOI image by … is J. pectinata, by … may be J. parviflora var. oraganoides, seeing hairy sterile bracts, same opinion for posts in efi page.

Sir, it rather looks similar to Lepidagathis cuspidata Nees, as submitted in several threads in /species/a—l/a/acanthaceae/lepidagathis-1/lepidagathis-cuspidata
Would love to hear … opinion.

Thanks, … In fact, there are two different plants in the image posted by …
Inset small plant may be Lepidagathis cuspidata as suggested by you.
Outside bigger image is of Rungia only.

Actually a collage of 3 images. Lepidagathis cuspidata is a much better match.

Please identify purple flower : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 mb.
Please help me in identifying the purple flower. location neral near thane, maharashtra, on 19 jan 2020

Rungia pectinata i think

Thanks, … I agree with your id.


Justicia parviflora in FOI : 1 post by 1 author.
These are of Justicia pectinata
Pl. correct.


ID KANNUR 12/21: 1 image.
Acanthaceae! Justicia sp.??

Its Justicia sp

Rungia pectinata,

Comparable images in the NET are not matching with the proposed ID by ….   Any eco ariants in this species.

As per powo R. repens is synonym of R.pectinata

Thanks, …, for the id. Yes, Justicia pectinata is possible as per images and details herein. 


MS,Dec.,2022/02 Justicia pectinata ? for id/confirmation: 2 high res. images.
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram

Altitude : ca. 730 m
Date : 29-12-2022
Habit : Annual herb
Habitat : Wild

Yes, appears close to images at


Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal
Date: 02 January 2023
Elevation: 67 m.
Habitat: Wild
Nepali Names : उकुची झार Ukuchee Jhaar / बिसाउने झार Bisaaune Jhaar

Yes, appears close to images at


Justicia pectinata L.: 1 high res. image.
synonym: Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994




Updated on December 24, 2024

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