Salix acmophylla Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 7: 98 1846. (Syn: Pleiarina acmophylla (Boiss.) N.Chao & G.T.Gong; Pleiarina dealbata (Andersson) N.Chao & G.T.Gong; Salix acmophylla var. russanovii A. Skvortsov; Salix basraensis Toepffer; Salix daviesii Boiss.; Salix dealbata Andersson; Salix dinsmorei Enander ex Dinsm.; Salix glaucophylla Andersson; Salix louisii A.Camus & Gomb.; Salix octandra Delile ex Aitch.; Salix persica Boiss.; Salix pseudosafsaf A.Camus, Gomb. & Guillaumin); Native range is E. Medit. to Central Asia and India (Haryana) as per POWO; Turkey (E-Anatolia, S-Anatolia, SE-Anatolia), Iran (EC-Iran, E-Iran, N-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia, W-Iraq: Desert), Israel (coastal W-Israel, Rift Valley, N-Israel), Jordania (S-Jordania, W-Jordania), Lebanon (coastal W-Lebanon), Saudi Arabia (NE-Saudi Arabia), Sinai peninsula (C-Sinai), Syria (Jazira, NW-Syria), Oman, Afghanistan (Badghys, Bamyan, Farah, Helmand, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Wardak, Nangarhar, Paktia / Khost, Parwan, Samangan), Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Kurram, N.W.Frontier Prov., Chitral, Swat, Gilgit, Hazara, Punjab), Jammu & Kashmir (Murree, Kashmir), Turkmenistan (Kopet-Dagh), Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, N-India as per Catalogue of Life; This species occurs mainly in the Middle East, from Sinai and Turkey east through Iran and Iraq to Pakistan and Afghanistan, with a few scattered population in the Arabian Peninsula (Nasir and Ali 1980-2005). This species typically grows in ravines, wadis, near irrigation channels and in oasis, where it may be planted (Miller and Cope 1996). (From IUCN Red List (LC) on 16.2.14) Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix acmophylla??? from Kashmir-GSFEB-20 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors. Please help in deciding the correct identity of this plant a small tree photographed from Dachigam, Kashmir. Yes, it is Salix acmophylla Boiss. Thanks a lot … Salix and Populus are two genera with which I have been out of touch for nearly 35 years when I did not visit Kashmir and seem to have forgotten most species. I have been visiting Kashmir every year since 2010 but unfortunately only in Summer months when none is in flowering condition. I will plan March-April visit in near future to get them in flowering to get back a grip on the species. Awesome idea Sir. April-May would be fruitful for getting both flowering and fruiting. Please take numerous photographs of Salix and Populus. Kashmir is really heaven for the Salix lovers. Salix ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). kindly identify the Salix species from Kashmir Close up and catkins can help, but looks like S. acmophylla. |
Salix acmophylla
Updated on December 24, 2024