Salix alba L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1021-1022 1021 1753. (syn: Argorips alba (L.) Raf.; Argorips caerulea (Sm.) Raf.; Salix alba subsp. caerulea (Sm.) Rech.f.; Salix alba var. denudata Wimm. & Grab.; Salix alba f. ovalis Wimm.; Salix caerulea Sm.; Salix pameachiana Barratt; Salix regalis Wesm.);
Europe to N. China, NW. Africa; Native to: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Altay, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Central European Rus, China North-Central, Corse, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, East Aegean Is., East European Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kriti, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Morocco, Netherlands, North Caucasus, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Qinghai, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russi, Spain, Switzerland, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, West Siberia, Xinjiang, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Argentina Northwest, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Chile Central, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Denmark, District of Columbia, Finland, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Krasnoyarsk, Libya, Maine, Maryland, Masachusettes, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North European Russi, Northwest European R, Norway, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Québec, Rhode I., Saskatchewan, Sweden, Tadzhikistan, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Himalaya, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Yemen as per POWO;
Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix alba, from Hazratbal, Kashmir, SC06 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
This species is Salix alba L. The photograph (habit) was taken from the campus of The University of Kashmir, Srinagar. This is a cultivated one. The picture of the fruits was however, taken from the herbarium specimen deposited at KASH, Srinagar. Tree for ID : 031011 : AK-3:
This picture was taken on way from Srinagar to Sonamarg on the 9th of Sept,11. Could this be Silver Birch? . Salicaceae (Including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight : Salix alba : Kashmir : 04FEB14 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Salix alba seen on way to Sonmarg during Sept,2011. Posted on our group earlier and identified by … Many species of willow are cultivated in Himalayas which are important for the economy of villages. This one(Salix alba White willow) is amongst them along with Salix excelsa Crack willow. Salix babylonica Weeping willow.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix alba from from KashmirPl. validate-GSFEB-18 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 2 authors. Salix alba L. photographed from Kashmir. Pl. validate. You are right Sir.
Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix alba cv. ‘Tristis’, from Waukegan IL, US, SC 27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).
This is Salix alba cv. ‘Tristis’ (commonly known as golden weeping willow).
Due to its weeping nature looks very similar with Salix babylonica. It can be identified through its bright golden yellow twigs Very beautiful pictures … Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix alba cv. ‘Tristis’, from Chicago Botanic Garden IL, US, SC 30 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Salix alba cv. ‘Tristis’ This is my concluding post for the Salicaceae Fortnight. In human culture most of the major occasions in their lives are associated with nature and especially with plants. Many rituals in our country required plants or their parts.
As you know today is a special day …so I share a related picture of that.
The same plant, the same location but in two different seasons Thanks … for sharing these very beautiful and special pics…. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix species from New York, USA :: ARKFEB-01 : Attachments (4). 8 posts by 4 authors. Attached are pictures of Salix alba (that is what the placard said) from Central Park, New York, USA in May 2013. Requested to please validate ID. Fantastic photographs … Thanks for posting this wonderful cultivar. Thanks … for the ID and the appreciation..
Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix species from Michigan, USA :: ARKFEB-05 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Attached is a lone picture of a Salix that I have.
It is captured from a cultivated garden in Michigan, USA in May 2013.
Is it possible to ID this based on this pic.
This is also Salix alba cv. ‘Tristis’. It looks very similar with Salix babylonica
HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – small sized tree:: ARKNOV-46 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Starting on a new series, having visited Manali and Dharamshala in October this year.
Saw many new trees and flowers, but all new to me.
Hopefully all the uploads will be identified with so many experts on Himalayan flora…
Requesting to please provide ID of this short tree captured near Kothi, Manali, HP in October 2014.
Is this some Salix species? Yes, I agree with you, a Salix sp., but I cannot go further.. catkins in end of winter to early spring might help … so as is I agree with … …Salix sp.- Planted for soil erosion, as avenue along roadsides and for fuel & fodder as well. Pl. check Salix alba L. as per comparative images at Salix SK600 27 JUN-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Kagbeni, Mustang, Nepal
Date: 9 April 2017
Altitude: 10500 ft.
Salix …. ????
It is Salix species. Salix species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Salix disperma Roxb. ex D.Don ?? Pl. check species available in your area in GBIF and Efloraofindia. I remember observing similar species from Spiti valley. But not able to have any opinion. Pl. check Salix alba L. as per comparative images at Salix
Looks matching unless it is introduced in Nepal. No distribution in any sites. Yes … S. alba . Salix alba: 10 images- 6 high res. Yes Salix alba . 110822BUZ1 Please identification requested!!: 1 very high res. image. Maybe Salix alba L., as per images and details herein. . Ladakh, August 2022 :: Salix viminalis (?) for validation :: ARK2022-145: 3 high res. images. This was at the Leh resort in August 2022.
Is this Salix viminalis?
Requested to please validate. Salix disperma Roxb. ex D.Don ??? I think it is more likely to be Salix alba L., widely introduced in the area. .
Am posting photos of Kashmir Willow (Salix alba var caerulea (Sm)Rech f.) a species endemic to Kashmir and Ladakh in the Himalayas (Flora of Kashmir Himalaya by U.Dhar and P.Kacharoo p.169)).
Habitat: Cultivated. Propagated exclusively from cuttings especially along fallow lands on the banks of rivers and streams.
Habit; Tree. Height 10-20 meters.
Leaves finely toothed, lanceolate,1cmX10cm, silky white below, petioles very short. Flowers in dense catkins appear before the leaves in late February and early march. Male catkins are right yellow and form a prominent feature of the landscape in Feb-March. Male flower has two stamens.
It is economically very important. Cricket bats are made from the wood. The boughs along with the leaves are cut and dried in the Autumn and called Bache in Kashmiri. They are used to feed livestock in winter when the ground is covered with snow.
Notes on photos:
Photo1: Tree with catkins in early march before the appearance of leaves
Photo2: Tree after appearance of leaves
Photo6: Note bract, 2 stamens and nectaries at base
Photo7: Sticky pollen grains form clumps I did come across these trees around Tangmarg in the 3rd week of April 2023. They really looked beautiful. Yes, appears close to images at . Srinagar, April 2023 :: Salix-2 for ID :: ARK2023-005: 2 images. This Salix was captured at Tangmarg, J&K in April 2023.
Requested to please ID.
These are images clicked on the phone. When I upload these images here, they change their orientation. Is anyone else facing these issues?
From the silky white appearance of the ventral side of the leaves it seems to be the male tree of common Kashmir willow (“Wir” in Kashmiri) Salix alba. Its wood is used for making cricket bats and branches with leaves are economically important as after drying they provide fodder for cattle ,sheep and goats during the winter months. Its dense flowered yellow catkins are a prominent feature of the local landscape from March to April. Its range extends from Temperate to Subalpine, Alpine (As per Flora of Kashmir Himalayas by Dhar and Kachroo 1983) Incidentally Tangmarg (Height about 2100 m asl) is in District Baramulla and not District Srinagar (Height of Srinagar city and suburbs is about 1600 m asl). This is rather important as the flora changes markedly with the change in height above sea level.
JPG images attached Could be S. fragilis I do not think so. I think appears close to images at (as suggested by Taffazull ji): I am taking this as S. alba. . References:
Salix alba (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024