Tree For ID : Kashmir : 12OCT16 : AK-16 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Tree seen on way to Doodhpathri on 27th April,16. These were seen in a number of places along the roadside.
These are willows (Salix sp.) – a genus which is commonly planted along water courses in Kashmir and Ladakh. They have been pollarded.
Unfortunately, this is a very difficult genus to identify, even with close-ups of flowers or fruits. Having only non-close-ups of the leaves, it would be highly speculative to offer a species name. A few are commonly planted, so IF you can send images of the flowers and catkins, it may prove possible.
Stewart says the commonest willow below 5000′ on roadsides, by irrigation ditches, water mills incl. Jhelum Valley Road is Salix acmophylla (which your photos do not match) but several other species have been planted. Just for good luck there are hybrids. Nor is it ‘Weeping Willow’ (Salix babylonica), Salix alba or S.excelsa mentioned in ‘Flowers of Himalaya’ as cultivated.
As Stewart states, Salix is probably the commonest woody genus in mountainous areas (of Pakistan & Kashmir) ascending into the alpine zone. Willows usually grow beside streams or where water is not far away. The larger woody species are very important in the economy of the villages in the dry inner valleys. Willows (and Poplars) are cultivated in every village for fuel, building purposes and for baskets – not forgetting shade and fodder. Willows also grow spontaneously beside streams and irrigation ditches.
In Hazara and Kashmir there are shrubby species which grow gregariously on alpine meadows. Different authors have tried to give names to our taxa and as the genus is vey difficult many of our species have been given half dozen names. I have tried to follow Skvortsov, the specialist on the willows of USSR. Thank you for the id of my pictures of Willow Species and the explanation in detail.
Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of the flowers or catkins as it was not possible to stop on the busy roads to take pictures.
These were seen on the way to Doodhpathri. Perhaps S. acmophylla |
Salix species- Doodhpathri, Kashmir
Updated on December 24, 2024