Salvadora persica var. angustifolia (Oman)

Salvadora persica var. angustifolia Verdc.;



Salvadora persica : Meswak : Oman : 010713 : AK-5 :  Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.
Recently, a picture had come up for id I think by …

Sharing pictures taken in Oman on 25/5/2012.
There are lots of these bushes/shrubs… I don’t know what to call them along the sea shore.
Hope my pictures will explain the habit of Meswak.
There are a lot of Mangroves found here too.

I think it may be Salvadora persica var. angustifolia Verdc. as per distribution given herein as per varieties given in Catalogue of Life;

Salvadora persica, no doubt. All kind of variations in habit are seen ……… small bush, small tree, behaving like liana, tree with thick trunk ……… this type of habit I see in areas getting inundated in high tide, otherwise dry, sandy.  

Thanks for the additional information.

that’s why studying habit and habitat and taking their pictures to submit is soooo very important and I keep asking for those photos

Updated on December 24, 2024

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