Salvia mexicana L., Sp. Pl. 25 1753. (syn: Hemistegia mexicana (L.) Raf.; Jungia altissima Moench; Salvia amethystina Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Salvia lupulina Fernald; Salvia mexicana var. major Benth.; Salvia mexicana var. mexicana ; Salvia mexicana f. minor Sessé & Moc.; Salvia mexicana var. minor Benth.; Salvia nitidifolia Ortega; Salvia papilionacea Cav.; Sclarea mexicana (L.) Mill.; Sclarea mexicana (L.) Dill.); Mexico (from WCSP) Salvia mexicana (Mexican sage) is a herbaceous shrubby perennial native to a wide area of central Mexico, growing at elevations from 2,600 to 8,500 feet. It grows in tropical areas in the south and arid subtropical habitats in the north, often at the edges of forests.[1] Salvia mexicana grows 3–9 feet tall and 3–4 feet wide in cultivation, with leaves ranging from mid-green and glabrous, to gray green with short hairs. The inflorescences also vary, in length and in size of flower. The color of flowers and calyces range from midnight-purple to purple-blue. The flowers bloom in late summer, in whorls that are produced abundantly for several months. The earliest records of Salvia mexicana in horticulture are beginning in the 1970s at several botanical gardens. One popular cultivar is ‘Limelight’ (pictured at right), collected in the state of Querétaro, which has violet-blue flowers with large chartreuse-green calyces. ‘Lollie Jackson’ is a compact cultivar; ‘Ocampo’ is an upright cultivar growing to 7 feet—both are commonly sold in nurseries.[1] (From Wikipedia on 23.5.15) Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae, Salvia mexicana, from SFO, California-GSMAY164/167 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Found three more to upload Salvia mexicana, Photographed from SFO, California SK401 04MAR-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Shanghai, China Altitude: 100 -200 ft. Date: 29 October 2014 Salvia discolor Kunth (accepted name) ?? Salvia mexicana Hemsl., nom. illeg. (synonym) But did not find listed for China. Pl. check the following (Salvia mexicana ‘Huntington Garden’ ): |
Salvia mexicana (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024