Salvia microphylla



Requesting to please ID this plant captured in a cultivated garden in Ooty, Tamil Nadu in November 2013.

Salvia microphylla

Attached are pictures of Salvia microphylla captured at Ooty in November 2013.
Was posted on the forum earlier and identified. 




Salvia microphylla cultivar Hot Lips, developed in SFO, with its bicoloured (red and white corolla) flowers often with pure white and pure red in different seasons.
Grown sometimes in California.

Salvia microphylla cultivar Hot Lips, developed in SFO, with its bicoloured (red and white corolla) flowers often with pure white and pure red in different seasons.
Grown sometimes in California.

Salvia microphylla ‘Free Speech’ photographed from California

Interesting Salvia from California and the power of Web : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
About a month ago I had photographed an ordinary looking Salvia with white flowers here in California, that I could not identify from my Hortus Third, web keys or Floras. A few days later I visited the same spot to find some white flowers and some with lower lip red in upper half. The curiosity deepened but no solution. Today I thought of a trick which worked last year. I found a climber with aerial tuberous bulbils and succulent stem and leaves. I came home, searched the net with line “succulent climber with aerial tubers”, the first entry in the Google search was Anredra cordifolia, the Madeira vine, found growing on walls and trees, and identification was right on dot. This time  I typed line “”White flowered Salvia with red lower lip”. I found a number of entries with name Salvia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’. This interesting cultivar was developed in San Francisco in 2002 only. This cultivar produces white flowers, flowers with red lower lip as well as pure red flowers (which I have yet to capture) on the same plant. Here are a few photographs. Read more and watch a movie if you like



MKP AU 012 June 2016 Snap dragon : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)
Sending herewith some images of shrub commonly called snap dragon. Due to co dominant genes various colour combinations are seen.
Commonly planted as ornamental
Saw some butterflies and a bird honey eater sucking nectar from it.
Honey eater have a photo too.

Is it some Misopates species ?
I am unable to get to the genus.

Where was it photographed?
It can not be Misopates species from Plantaginaceae.
It is surely a member of Lamiaceae. Observe the leaves, Calyx and corolla.


Plant for ID :: Florence :: EU-ARKNOV4 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
This plant was seen in a public garden in Florence, Italy. Pics were clicked in May 2016.
This sees to be a common garden plant but I cannot recollect the name. Requested to please ID.

Salvia Species seen in the garden.

A Lamiaceae member.

I suggest two species for checking 

1. Salvia microphylla or its hybrid
2. Dalvia coccinia

Thanks for the suggested ids.
Salvia microphylla, with smaller leaves looks close.

To me appears similar to your another post from the same place as at Salvia Species for ID : Red Flowers : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 30DEC18 : AK-41, identified as Salvia microphylla

Quite similar except the sepal is green in this plant, dark reddish in the other.

Pl check Salvia coccinia.



Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Salvia:  

Please help me to identify this Salvia sp., a common garden plant in temperate climates of India.
I have also seen this plant in Kodaikanal, TN.
Location: Kotagiri, Nilgiris
Date: 09 April 2011
Alt: c 1800 msl
Leaves: 5 x 3 cm
Flowers: 2 cm across

Salvia microphylla as pointed out by …, in another thread.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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