Salvia officinalis L., Sp. Pl. 23 1753. (Syn: Oboskon cretica (L.) Raf.; Salvia chromatica Hoffmanns.; Salvia clusii Vilm.; Salvia cretica L.; Salvia digyna Stokes; Salvia grandiflora Ten. [Illegitimate]; Salvia hispanica Garsault [Invalid]; Salvia minor Garsault [Invalid]; Salvia officinalis f. bracteata Kojic & Gajic …..; Salvia papillosa Hoffmanns.; Salvia tricolor Vilm.); . SW. Germany to S. Europe as per WCSP; . “Sefakuss” in Hindi; . Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae ::Plant for ID.:: SMPMAY50/50 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. Plant for ID Manali Jun From the photo I assume it Salvia officnalis lamiaceae & verbenaceae week: Salvia officinalis from my garden in Ritterhude: Here are some fotos of Salvia Officinalis taken in June 2010 from my garden in Ritterhude. Salvia is native to the Mediterranean region but can be found in gardens in northern regions too. As the name suggests it has healing properties. Tee from Salvia leaves is very good against cold and cough. Fresh and dry leaves are used in the kitchen in many, mainly in fischrecipies. I have plenty of Salbei in my garden and I cut the branches and hang them over the fireplace. In winter, if we make fire the room is filled with Salbeifragrance. It is also supposed to be insectrepellent. Adding my pictures of S.officinalis from SF Jun 2011 Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae ::Salvia officinalis :: SMPMAY26/26 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images. Salvia officinalis SFO Botanical garden
. Garden Plant for ID : Lamiaceae : New York,US : 15NOV17 : AK-11 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Garden plant seen in June,17. Seems to be from Lamiaceae family. It is a type of Sage/Salvia. Cannot narrow it down. Too many possibilities. Salvia fruticosa Mill. ?? This appears to be Salvia officinalis, possibly the cultivar Berggarten or another broad leaved cultivar.
. References: |
Salvia officinalis (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024