Salvia plebeia R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 501 1810. (Syn: Lumnitzera fastigiata (Roth) Spreng.; Mosla virgata (Thunb.) Tanaka; Ocimum fastigiatum Roth; Ocimum virgatum Thunb.; Salvia brachiata Roxb.; Salvia minutiflora Bunge; Salvia plebeia var. latifolia E. Peter); .
. Annual, up to 60 cm tall, usually branched from base; covered with glandular and eglandular hairs; leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic to oblong, 2-6 cm long, base rounded to cuneate, margin crenate to serrate, finely pilose; flowers small, forming up to 25 cm long panicles,; calyx about 2.6 mm long, 2-lipped up to 1/3,; corolla pale pink to white, 2.5-4 mm long, tube 2 mm long, pilose; nutlets brownish, mucilaginous on wetting. . Mucilaginous seeds are used in menorrhagia, diarrhoea and hemorrhoids. Mucilage also used for giving gloss to hair. . Salvia plebeia from Morni Hills: Salvia plebeia R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 500. 1810 syn: Salvia brachiata Roxb. Annual, up to 60 cm tall, usually branched from base; covered with glandular and eglandular hairs; leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic to oblong, 2-6 cm long, base rounded to cuneate, margin crenate to serrate, finely pilose; flowers small, forming up to 25 cm long panicles,; calyx about 2.6 mm long, 2-lipped up to 1/3,; corolla pale pink to white, 2.5-4 mm long, tube 2 mm long, pilose; nutlets brownish, mucilaginous on wetting. Photographed from open hill slopes in Morni hills tract on April 9, 2011. Local names: Beng: kala-buradi, bhua tulasi Punjab: Sathi, samundar sok Mumbai: Kammar kas (seed) Mundari: jingiba Mucilaginous seeds are used in menorrhagia, diarrhoea and hemorrhoids. Mucilage also used for giving gloss to hair. . Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Salvia plebeia from Morni hills: Salvia plebeia, photographed from Morni hills, Haryana Lamiaceae herb for id from Panipat 26032011-2: Yes Salvia plebeia. We has seen this at Morni also. 14022012 BS-2 Lamiaceae Herb for Id from Maihar MP: Lamiaceae Herb for id from Maihar Shot on 23-1-12 from forest area of Maihar growing wildly height about 1 feet only, Leaves opposite Pls id for me it is Salvia plebeia. 25042013GS1 a Lamiaceae member for ID from Sonipat : Attachments (3). 13 posts by 5 authors. This Lamiaceae member was growing along borders of wheat fields in Sonipat. I initially thought it to be Ocimum americanum, having flowers smaller than O. sanctum, hardly 3-4 mm long, but now looking at calyx perhaps it is not. Kindly help in ID. … should know it. Sir This Mystry is lying unided with me also. In previous discussions it was suggested that this is Anisomeles indica but i was not agree This is most common lamiaceae weed along wheat field borders. Hope to get final id Yes … It can’t be Anisomeles, which has 15-18 mm long corolla, this one has flowers even smaller than Ocimum basilicum, barely 3-4 mm long. This plant is very common in our area, still the case is same with me, I have also stored this in unidentified category, the closest match which I could reach is Ocimum polystachyon Linn. I am also attaching a few pics (5) of this plant recorded in march 2013, from my village fields… Still the id of this plant is doubtful because the pics (2) which I am attaching with this message resemble more with illustration of O. polystachyon on Flora of China… the pics are really bad because they were recorded through a very low end camera.. I think your conclusion about Basilicum polystachyon (O. polystachyon) is more convincing. When I had photographed this plant I had no doubt about its being O. americanum, but when I saw the calyx in photograph (I did not doubt it while photographing, that is why I did not bother to take a close up of calyx) I was in doubt about its being Ocimum, but after checking your photographs and illustration at Flora of China, I am very much convinced about it being Basilicum polystachyon. I think it is better choice with us for now to consider this as Basilicum polystachyon… but my doubts will be cleared only after I get some better comparative pics of the two plants posted above..definitely we can reach to conclusion then..hope to find time very soon.. it looks like some Salvia sp, may be Salvia plebeia Thanks … I remember you had identified earlier also when it was uploaded from Panipat. We had uploaded it from Morni also. Thanks … for clearing the doubts…I am still unsure about the two of mine pics posted later in this thread… … to me, two pics posted later looks different. Thanks … for sharing the opinion.. I will definitely track out that later plant again and post for further clarifications.. Salvia plebeia R.Br. (Lamiaceae). As compared to other Lamiaceae members it has less aroma. small herb for id, mm1 28 07 2013 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. and aromatic leaves would very much appreciate an id photographed in may 2013 on a dried up open field near the lake This I have learnt after much discussion, thus hope I am right in saying this as Salvia plebeia R. Br. Image for identification 24092013-1 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. sending an image for identification from nasik 2409201-1 This could be Sage Weed [Salvia plebeia]. Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Salvia plebeia :: Ganeshpuri :: DVMAY61/61 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Salvia plebeia R.Br. at Ganeshpuri on January 12, 2014 . Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae-Salvia plebeia from Morni hills-GSMAY126/129 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: FOR genus ID :: Vangani :: DVMAY114/114 – concluding post : 3 posts by 2 authors. 8 images. FOR Genus ID Please ID … not sure of dimensions; tiny flowers, small herb. Will be glad to know the genus. Growing in scrub vegetation on dried-up bed of river Ulhas. at Vangani on April 17, 2011 this plant must be Salvia plebeia; thanks to … – she suggested this ID to me in one of my personal set of queries. Very nice habit and habitat pictures. appreciate it. also if … says so it must be Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: FOR genus ID :: Ratangad :: DVMAY109/109 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. Thank you very much … for resurfacing this query, and thank you too Nidhan ji for the possibility of Nepeta sp. Thanks, … If you point out the odd ones, I can take them up again. Yes …, this can be Salvia pleibia.. Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Salvia pleibia from Panipat- NS May 96/96 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) This is very common herb.. sharing few shots from Kaithal and Panipat.. Salvia pleibia.. Fwd: Identify of this plant species BR1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) May I request you to identify these plant specimens. Where & when these pictures have been taken ? ¿ Salvia plebeia ? Fwd: Identify of this plant species BR2 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Where & when these pictures have been taken ? ¿ Salvia plebeia ? I too think this can be Salvia plebeia as suggested by … Thank you Sir. This specie is collected from Ghatsila in Feb 2016. . DV :: 17APR11 – 1043 :: small herb of ¿ Lamiaceae ?: Attachments (8) Small herb standing about 1 – 1½ ft … flowers just about 1 – 2 mm across. The flower structure reminds of mint family … my guess could be wrong. Date/Time : April 17, 2011 at 10.43am IST Location Place : on banks of river Ulhas near Vangani … 19.102291, 73.309941 on Google maps Altitude : 73 ft (above mean sea level) This is Orthosiphon rubicundus. … had also recently posted photographs of this. you may be correct about the ID … but, picture of Orthosiphon rubicundus is a large herb in my mind as seen at FOI … Have this on my property. Sending a few of my photographs. Photograph 1 was identified by Dr.Almeida & his student Santosh Yadav as possibly Orthosiphon rubicundus. Have taken the other photographs later. … is it that the seemingly small herb seen in — P1370447.JPG … would grow to become as large as — Orthosiphon rubicundus 1.jpg ? Affirmative … The size definitely matches. … a close-up of the tiny flower(s) from your end will greatly help me get over any small doubts that are in my mind about our plants being same. The flowers are just about 2 mm across. Was able to locate a few more photographs but unfortunately this is the best I could manage. … Orthosiphon rubicundus 3.jpg is quite convincing me to believe our plants are same. Many many thanks … Forwarding again for Id assistance please as it is not a Orthosiphon species. Any possibility of Salvia plebeia ? Leaves are not visible in these pics (?). Many many thanks …, for pointing to the possibility of Salvia plebeia. I am attaching a cropped version of one of the photos of this post. May not be clear, but I am sure this plant must be Salvia plebeia. Attachments (1) Yes, this is Salvia plebeia..!! Yes it is! I have seen plants here with very few leaves at base and copious inflorescences. Identification of Lamiaceae member requested : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) It is some Salvia species please check Salvia pleibia in my opinion!! Lamiaceae herb SN201117 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Salvia plebeia.
. ID Required for plant : 1 image. Is this unidentified Melissa or Salvia genus member Herb from South India ? Family- Lamiacece Fort Bhairavgad, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Location is less disturbed hills area around Kalasubai Peak nearby Bhandardara Dam. Elevation can be approximately 4600 feet. December 25, 2010. Image is not clear, however I can only guess is Salvia plebeia R.Br. ! . Lamiaceae herb 2 SN21321a: 2 high resolution images. Wild from stream margin from Chindwara area of MP Please check Salvia plebeia DV :: 14JAN12 – 0409 :: some species of Ocimum: Place: at Ratanwadi (~2475 ft asl), near Bhandardara, Maharashtra … on map Time: January 14, 2012 at 4.09pm Habit: small erect herb, about 6″ – 7″ high Habitat: in a paddy field Flower size: about 2 mm Why not Mentha? Many thanks, …. It may be Mentha … not familiar with any Mentha species (other than some of the Pogostemon). looks like Salvia plebeia Many many thanks …, indeed looks like Salvia plebeia (family: Lamiaceae). For me it is correct Id ! Many thanks … for validating the ID. I am revising my notes at flickr; I too believe posted plant is Salvia plebeia. Thanks to … too for suggesting the ID, at the initial stage of this post. Finally resolved. Image is not clear for ID ! Seems to Basilicum polystachyon Leaves look a bit different from images at Basilicum polystachyon Can it be Salvia plebeia as per images herein? Might be …, it’s resembles SL 4 081113 : Attachments (1). 8 posts by 4 authors. Lamiaceae? Pogostemon sp.? It seems to be a Pogostemon. But I am unable to pinpoint its identity. Can you compare the plant with Plastoma sp. (syn. Geniosporum sp.) Difficult to ID due low image quality ! This is same as in Plant ID 060513 – ASP4 . Help Identification of Salvia sp?: 2 high res. images. Habitat: Near water body Habit: Approximately 1 ft tall herb Loc- kota rajasthan Date- 14032022 Salvia plebia…. . Lamiaceae plant for id: 2 high res. images. Pogostemon purpurascens? see above also. Cannot work out how to edit here. Melissa ?? I think it is Salvia pleibia… . I’d of a Lamiaceae plant: 3 high res. images. It can be from or allied genus. Elsholtzia fruticosa (D.Don) Rehder ? Salvia plebeia I hope, see the distinctive calyx of the genus. I will take the snap of calyx and post it shortly. No need for another image, it is already clear in photograph, bilipped calyx, that is how I could identify. Yes, I also agree as per images at . Fwd: Regarding identification of the species, Anugul Odisha March 2022: 5 very high res. images. Mosla dianthera (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Maxim. ?? Salvia plebia Yes, as per images at . Identification help 4: 2 high res. images. May I ask you to help me in identification of the attached plant. Habitat: Terrestrial Habit: Small erect shrub. Place: Karimganj, Assam. Elevation: 19m avg Date: 4.4.23 You did not shoot close up images of flowers and other parts ? Any idea about the possible genus? Tried but could not reach any close. Seems to Salvia plebia ? I have attached some more close up pictures for your reference. Flower close ups from different angles? Sir, if you allow, I will upload tomorrow after taking photo. Actually it’s a little away from my home. To me also appears close to images (as suggested by …) at Thanks Sir, I’ll check them out. . Isodon SN9723: 2 high res. images. Salvia plebeia R.Br. . References: |
Salvia plebeia
Updated on December 24, 2024