Eriophyllum species- San Francisco, USA

Requesting to please ID this plant with yellow flowers captured on a beach in San Francisco, USA in May 2013.

A close look at the pictures gives me a clue – white tipped ray-florets in one or two heads! And linear leaves! Flowering season May.

Your plant may be Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) Forbes. Please check –

Thank you … for this detailed analysis…I had not noticed the white tips, it is very interesting.

On going through the links provided by you, I think that the ray florets of the Eriphyllum lanatum are longer than those in the attached pics.

I would lie to know your opinion of the same…

If you allow me to express my concern freely, i am more troubled with distal opposite leaves.

Instant check gave me the species i suggested. Please wait for more inputs. Other members may come up with more precise id.

But, last not the least of all is who knows if it is Eriophyllum or some other!

Eriophyllum ambiguum A.Gray ??

Updated on December 24, 2024