Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult.f., Syst. Veg. 7: 357 1829. (Syn: Acyntha roxburghiana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Kuntze; Cordyline roxburghiana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Merr.; Sansevieria zeylanica Roxb. [Illegitimate]);
Bangladesh; India; Mauritius as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Indian Bowstring Hemp, Bowstring Hemp • Hindi: Marul, Murahri, Murva • Kannada: Heggurutike • Malayalam: Hatukapel • Marathi: Murhari • Sanskrit: Muruva • Tamil: Marul-kalang • Telugu: Ishaura-koda-udr
Flower In recemes on a stout scape; greenish, tinged purple. Flowering December-February and July-September. Fruit A globose berry, indehiscent; seed(s) 1-3, globose, fleshy. Fruiting throughout the year.
Field tips Rootstock short, often stoloniferous or a creeping rhizome. Leaves deeply concave, channelled, green transversely marked with number of darker bars, edges often whitish when old.
Leaf Arrangement Radical
Leaf Type Simple
Leaf Shape Linear-lanceolate
Leaf Apex Acute
Leaf Base Sheathing
Leaf Margin Entire
Habit: A stemless, fleshy herb, upto 70cm.
Occasionally found on dry forested slopes, gravelly soil and rock crevices, less in the plains. Foothills upto 1000m. Coromandel coast.
Found on rocky slopes, scrub jungles and hedges from plains to 1400m. Common . Coromandel Coast.
Attributions- Keystone Foundation)
Sansevieria roxburghiana FOR VALIDATION :: Puducherry :: 16 OCT 19 : 8 posts by 4 authors. 5 images. Puducherry near sea coast
Date: October 16, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl
Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult.f.
what a prolific fruit production. must have had a lot of pollinators. in the city we don’t see fruits, if any, only a few, on scantily flowered spikes
Thanks … The gardeners must be putting some extra efforts / resources, being a herbal garden !
oh, i see. thanks. so was this their Botanical Garden?
No, this was part of their very small herbal garden, just about 150 sq.ft.
How is it different from Sansevieria trifasciata Prain ?
I could only find the following differences from PROSEA:
Stemless, often xerophytic, perennial herbs with leaves in a rosette borne on a subterraneous rhizome. Leaves erect, flat or concave or terete, fleshy, fibrous, often variegated. Inflorescence a terminal, erect, branched raceme, with bisexual, often fragrant flowers fascicled in the axils of scarious bracts; pedicels articulate; perianth tubular with 6 narrow, equal, spreading or recurved lobes; stamens 6, inserted in the top of the perianth-tube, equalling the perianth or often much exserted, filaments filiform, anthers versatile; pistil with superior, sessile, broad-based, 3-locular ovary, (cells 1-ovuled), style long filiform, stigma slightly thickened. Fruit a 1-3 seeded berry.
S. roxburghiana . Leaves 6-24 over the life cycle, those of juvenile plants and the outer ones of a tuft spreading, others usually ascending; blade stiff, linear-oblong, 20-60 cm × 1-2.5 cm, deeply concave channelled down the face, rounded or slightly keeled on the back, margins entire and with age becoming narrowly whitish, apex tapering to a soft point, green, with transverse darker green rather regular bars on both sides and with 6-11 longitudinal dark green lines on the undersurface and often 1-3 on the upper. Raceme spike-like, 30-75 cm long (peduncle included), lower part with 4-5 erect acuminate sheaths 1-2 cm long; flowers 3-5 in a cluster; pedicel up to 8 mm long, jointed near the middle; tube 6-7 mm long; lobes linear, 8-9 mm long, greenish tinged with purple; stamens about 7 mm long, anthers dorsifixed; ovary obovoid, 1.5 mm long, stigma simple, obscurely lobed. Berry globose, up to 6 mm in diameter. S. trifasciata . Rhizome sympodial, robust, yellowish-red. Leaves in each plant 2-6, much broader than thick, fleshy to rigidly coriaceous, dark green, with numerous very conspicuous, light or greyish-green, irregularly confined transverse bonds, in the normal form with a narrow dark green margin; large leaves linear-lanceolate, 40-175 cm × 2.5-9 cm, base channelled, margins entire, apex acute. Raceme erect, 40-75 cm long (peduncle included); flower-fascicles scattered or arranged group-wise; pedicel 6-8 mm long, articulated at about the middle; perianth 2.5-3 cm long, greenish-white, scented, divided just below the middle; lobes narrowly linear, broadening towards the greenish tip; stamens 7-8 mm long; style 15-18 mm long. Berry globose, 7-9 mm in diameter, orange, 1-2-seeded. Seed globular-ellipsoid, 6-7 mm × 5 mm, cream-brown.
Thanks … for raising query for validation.
My posted plant has linear leaves (and is fitting in the range: 20-60 cm × 1-2.5 cm).
The Sansevieria trifasciata Prain page shows leaves of trifasciata clearly broader leaves.
Since I am not familiar with these ornamental, I may be ignorant of other aspects of both species.
Will wait for comments.
Smaller version of Mother-in-law’s tongue ??😁 Flora of Haryana: Sansevieria trifasciata Prain from CCSHAU Hisar:
Sansevieria trifasciata Prain from CCSHAU Hisar
Family: Asparagaceae
well done re the fruits, thata what we forget to follow up on
This plant is called as “Sasu Ma ki Jubaan” here I think it should be Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult.f. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Sansevieria efloraofindia:”For Id 15102011MR1’’ ? green shrub with orange berries Pune: Request for identification Date/Time-Oct 2011
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Private garden
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Potted plant
Height/Length- about 1.5 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green with alternate light and dark patches
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- not seen
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- green and orange berries on long shoots
Sansevieria cylindrica ? I think Sansevieria trifasciata
I will try to check tom if the leaves are cylindrical and smooth Looks like one of the varieties of Sansevieria trifasciata
This appears to be more closer to Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult.f. rather than Sansevieria trifasciata Prain
Last image may be from some other plant.
Sansevieria roxburghiana
Updated on December 24, 2024