Himalaiella heteromalla (D.Don) Raab-Straube, Willdenowia 33:391. 2003 (syn: Aplotaxis candicans DC.; Aplotaxis scaposa Edgew.; Carduus heteromallus D. Don; Cirsium heteromallum (D. Don) Spreng.; Cnicus heteromalla D. Don; Jurinea brassicifolia Bornm.; Jurinea malacophylla Rchb. fil. & Esfand.; Saussurea brahuica Boiss.; Saussurea brassicifolia (Bornm.) Rech. fil.; Saussurea candicans (DC.) C. B. Cl. (ambiguous synonym); Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz. (ambiguous synonym); Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Raiz. & Saxena (ambiguous synonym); Saussurea viridifolia Gilli; Theodorea brahuica (Boiss.) Kuntze; Theodorea heteromalla (D. Don) Kuntze) as per Catalogue of Life; . Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube, Willdenowia 33:391. 2003 (syn: (≡) Cnicus heteromallus D. Don (basionym); (≡) Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz.) as per GRIN 1; . Iran (S-Iran), Afghanistan (Kabul, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Nangarhar, Paktia / Khost, Parwan), Pakistan (Baluchistan, Kurram, Pakistani Punjab, Chitral, Swat, Hazara, Salt Range, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Murree), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit), Jammu & Kashmir (Jammu, Kashmir), India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar), Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, Darjeeling as per Catalogue of Life; . Punjab: Batula, Kaliziri; Mundari: Husuri puru; . Saussurea heteromella from Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Saussurea heteromella (D. Don) Hand.-Mzt (syn: S. candicans (DC) Sch.Bip.) from Kashmir, commonly growing on dry exposed slopes at lower altitudes. Photographed from Shankeracharya hill on June 22, 2010. Local names Punjab: Batula, Kaliziri Mundari: Husuri puru Seeds used as carminative; crushed leaves applied to wounds. Nice to see an endemic species from western himalaya and adjoining area. Kalatope id Al071712: An observation I had thought to be Carduus sp… but I think I am mistaken…. Please help in id.. I think Emilia sonchifolia (Asteraceae) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emilia_sonchifolia Not Emilia please. Saussurea heteromella, I hope Thanks for the correction sir…..!! Yes it is not Emilia… I was in hurry and didn’t see the infl. properly 😛 I think this is very close to Tricholepis I agree with … This is Saussurea heteromalla (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. Thistle growing wild in the Jim Corbett area on 24/3/13. Id please. Some leaves please. May be a Saussurea. Yes, can be Saussurea candicans…. Thanks for a possible id. I found this picture of the leaves. Saussurea heteromala. S. heteromella is current name for S. candicans S. heteromella (The Plant List & GRIN) & S. candicans (The Plant list & GRIN) are different as per GRIn & The Plant List.- from me. It is Saussurea heteromala. Some one needs to investigate and go at the root of confusion. Clarke had in 1876 described Saussurea candicans Clarke, described in Flora of British India with Cirsium heteromallum Spreng and Carduus heteromallus as synonyms. He also mentioned Aplotaxis candicans DC. as first synonym. It seems a combination was made before Clarke by Sch.Bip. in 1846. Flora of Himalayas as well as Enumeration of Flowering Plants of Nepal consider Saussurea candicans (DC.) Sch.Bip. as synonym of Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz., ; Symb. Sin. 7: 1152 (1936), citing also as synonyms Aplotaxis candicans DC. and Cirsium heteromallum Spreng. This plant is now correctly known as Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube, 2003. In above publications it seems there is no mention of Saussurea candicans Clarke, which is listed as distinct species, apparantly the synonyms mentioned in FBI were not correctly assigned. It now seems that Saussurea candicans Clarke and Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube are two very distinct plants, belonging to two different genera as per GRIN and The Plant List. The Million dollar question is what is our common Himalayan plant (and the above one) and whether one or both grow in Himalayas. And if both occur here how to differentiate them. Not to forget that description given by Clarke for S. candicans is based on West Himalayan specimens. Now Lipschitziella heteromalla (D.Don) Kasana & A.K.Pandey
This herb is common in dry places in Morni Hills.. I could fix the id as Saussurea heteromalla (Syn. S. candicans).. Please validate/correct.. this shows variation in texture/shape of leaves as well as the colour of flowers from the plant I have just uploaded as Saussurea candicans.. I think yes. Nice photographs. ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads Saussurea heteromalla from Uttarakhand_DSR_28 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Saussurea heteromalla (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. [= Cnicus heteromallus D.Don; Aplotaxis candicans DC.; Saussurea candicans(DC.) Sch. Bip.] is a common spring herb in Pantnagar. It is also found in Northern Plains of India and Himalayas. Perhaps my question in this thread needs to be resolved. I am repeating it again: Some one needs to investigate and go at the root of confusion. Clarke had in 1876 described Saussurea candicans Clarke, described in Flora of British India with Cirsium heteromallum Spreng and Carduus heteromallus as synonyms. He also mentioned Aplotaxis candicans DC. as first synonym. It seems a combination was made before Clarke by Sch.Bip. in 1846. Flora of Himalayas as well as Enumeration of Flowering Plants of Nepal consider Saussurea candicans (DC.) Sch.Bip. as synonym of Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz., ; Symb. Sin. 7: 1152 (1936), citing also as synonyms Aplotaxis candicans DC. and Cirsium heteromallum Spreng. This plant is now correctly known as Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube, 2003. In above publications it seems there is no mention of Saussurea candicans Clarke, which is listed as distinct species, apparantly the synonyms mentioned in FBI were not correctly assigned. It now seems that Saussurea candicans Clarke and Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube are two very distinct plants, belonging to two different genera as per GRIN and The Plant List. The Million dollar question is what is our common Himalayan plant (and the above one) and whether one or both grow in Himalayas. And if both occur here how to differentiate them. Not to forget that description given by Clarke for S. candicans is based on West Himalayan specimens
plant for ID from Paddar valley J&K: 271111 SRANA 02: Request for Identification Can this plant be some Saussurea sp. Kindly confirm the species identification Date: 1.7th May and 2.15th June 2011. Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K. Altitude: 1800 and 2125 meters asl Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb Plant height: 30-70 cms
Flora of Chakrata- Saussurea for Id 2012: This composite was shot from Bairat Khai-Chakrata Road in May 2012, the pubescent, sharp involucral bracts point towards Saussurea candicans… Id please… Yes … Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Saussurea candicans from Chakrata- NS 24 : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. I am again sharing a plant shot from Chakrata region, identified as Saussurea candicans…. the previous link…. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Saussurea candicans C. B. Clarke or Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube. from Kashmir -GS56 : Attachments (6). 1 post by 1 author. This plant described as Saussurea candicans in FBI and earlier Indian Floras, the correct identity as well as nomenclature is not clearly understood This should be Saussurea candicans C. B. Clarke or Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube. The two are treated as synonyms in Flowers of Himalaya and Nepal Enumeration, but distinct according to both The Plant List and GRIN. Pl see this thread: . AKMAR2015 03/03 Please id this Asteraceae herb. : 5 posts by 5 authors. 4 images. FRI, Dehradun Please check for Saussurea candicans …!! It is Himalaiella heteromalla (D.Don) Raab-Straube (Asteraceae). what an interesting basal rosette of leaves.. From another thread Thistle For ID : Uttarakhand : 160413 : AK-1: Some one needs to investigate and go at the root of confusion. Clarke had in 1876 described Saussurea candicans Clarke, described in Flora of British India with Cirsium heteromallum Spreng and Carduus heteromallus as synonyms. He also mentioned Aplotaxis candicans DC. as first synonym. It seems a combination was made before Clarke by Sch.Bip. in 1846. Flora of Himalayas as well as Enumeration of Flowering Plants of Nepal consider Saussurea candicans (DC.) Sch.Bip. as synonym of Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz., ; Symb. Sin. 7: 1152 (1936), citing also as synonyms Aplotaxis candicans DC. and Cirsium heteromallum Spreng. This plant is now correctly known as Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube, 2003. In above publications it seems there is no mention of Saussurea candicans Clarke, which is listed as distinct species, apparantly the synonyms mentioned in FBI were not correctly assigned. It now seems that Saussurea candicans Clarke and Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube are two very distinct plants, belonging to two different genera as per GRIN and The Plant List. The Million dollar question is what is our common Himalayan plant (and the above one) and whether one or both grow in Himalayas. And if both occur here how to differentiate them. Not to forget that description given by Clarke for S. candicans is based on West Himalayan specimens.
Please Validate Himalaiella heteromalla???? Location: Maharajganj Elevation: 95 m Date taken: 10-4-2018 Yes. Looks like the suggested ID. Yes agree to the ID. SK366 06FEB-2017:ID : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7) Location: Anbu Khaireni, Gorkha, Nepal Altitude: 1100 ft. Date: 5 February 2017 Saussurea candicans? Sorry! Does not look like matching. Pl. check comparative images at Carduoideae Pl. check species under genera as in Arctium lappa L. & Cousinia thomsonii C.B.Clarke as per comparative images at Carduoideae I guess it is not matching to both specially leaves and altitude. Nothing like Arctium lappa or Cousinia thomsonii. I am not talking of species but of the genera. Only one each listed in Nepal as you have suggested which do not look like matching. http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=108214 http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=102484 This is Himalaiella heteromalla (D.Don) Raab-Straube
. References: Catalogue of Life GRIN 1 (Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube) The Plant List (Saussurea heteromalla (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz.) Annonated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz.) Flowers of India The Plant list 2 (Saussurea candicans C.B.Clarke) GRIN 2 (Saussurea candicans C. B. Clarke) |
Himalaiella heteromalla
Updated on December 24, 2024