Schima wallichii

Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth., Verh. nat. gesch. Ned. Bezitt., Bot. 143. 1842 (Syn. Gordonia floribunda Wall.; Gordonia integrifolia Roxb.; Gordonia mollis Wall.; Gordonia oblata Roxb.; Gordonia wallichii DC.; Schima antherisosa Korth.; Schima bancana Miq.; Schima brevipes Craib; Schima hypochra Pierre; Schima hypoglauca Miq.; Schima lowii Pierre; Schima mollis Dyer; Schima monticola Kurz; Schima pulgarensis Elmer; Schima rigida Miq.; Schima sericea Airy Shaw; Schima sulcinervia Miq.; Schima wallichii var. obtusata Choisy);
Central Himalaya to S. China and W. & Central Malesia: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sumatera, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam as per POWO;
Needlewood Tree, Schima • Hindi: चिलौनी Chilauni, Kanak, Makrisal • Manipuri: উসোঈ Usoi • Mizo: Khiang • Assamese: Makria • Bengali: চিলৌনী Chilauni;

Id please – indiantreepix | Google Groups: Mixed thread:
These trees were seen in Itanagar AP.

The second one is this beautiful tree called Schima or Needleweed Tree, which is native to NE India (Schima wallichii). During spring its
fragrant flowers litter the roads.



Popinjay (Stibochiona nicea)- Plants for Id? – indiantreepix | Google Groups:
Just record shots on 20/3/08 at Samsing, Duars, West Bengal, due to inability to use 500 mm handheld due to breakage of tripod. Any help on plant Ids.

The plant seems to me Schima wallichii (Chiloni or Makri sal as called in northeast).

Here is a good link for details of Schima wallichii (Chiloni or Makri sal as called in northeast):
Here is a link for the pictures:

Here is one interesting document I found in Project Gutenberg e-books, language english. perhps u may find it interesting.


For Id 020708JM – indiantreepix | Google Groups
On 19/3/08 at Samsing, Duars, West Bengal.

Is that the photographs of Schima wallichii, locally perphaps called Chiloni or Mekri sal??

After going through the books & net, I think your Id appears to be correct. I could almost match the description in the fillowing link:


Tree for Id – efloraofindia | Google Groups: No images.

Just returned from Gangtok.
I couldn’t take a picture but still I feel our esteemed members may be able to guess the name of the tree from the information I got.
This tree was huge with leaves a little bit like M Champaka and flowers are white.
The local name is Chilauni (which is Nepali for itching).
Would be grateful for id (if possible from this information).

Cud be Schima wallichii.

You are absolutely correct.
More info here:

I find two different plants with white flowers and similar leaves and similar local names:

Nyssa javanica Wang. (syn: N. sessiliflora Hook.f. & T.)
Nepal: Lekh chilaune
Beng.: Chilauni, kalay
Lepcha: Hlo-sumbrung
Assam: Gohari chopa
Here are the photographs.
The second is of couse Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. (syn: S. khasiana Dyer; S. mollis Dyer)
English/Trade: Needle wood, chilauni
Nepal: Aule-chilaune, goe-chilaune, sule-chilaune
Beng.: Makrisal, cheloni
Assam: Makria, chilauni, makriasal, noghabhe
Goalpara: Gugera
Khasi hills: Dieng-ngan, dingan
Cachar: Bonac, jam
Nagaland: Ingkhia-chin
Lepcha: Sambrang-kung
Here are the photographs
Please compare and decide

This is very interesting.
The one I saw was Schima Wallichi.


Plant of Central Java 11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Could you help to id our plant please. Location Purwokerto ca 100 m alt.

I think it is Schima wallichii


Schima wallichii : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments(2).

sharing pic of very beautiful tree
Schima wallichii Family; Theaceae
picture taken at Ravangla Sikkim

Yes, a common plant in SK

Common in Sylhet forest area, Bangladesh


Regarding identification of the species collected from Nagaland 3: 3 high res. images.
Posting again from … as clubbed in the same post due to the same subject.

Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.


Id of Fruit -ID08032024SH2: 2 high res. images.

Fruit for Id pl.
Location – Kolakham, Kalimpong Dist., West Bengal
Date – February 2024

Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.


Tree sp. from Assam KD 11 Mar 24: 5 images.
Attached images are tree sp. from AssamPlease ID of the tree sp.
Date : 29.02.2024
Location: Assam
Family : ??
Genus & species : ??
Habit :   Tree

Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.



Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.: 8 very high res. images.

Location: Osho, Raniban, Kathmandu 
Date: 29 May 2024
Altitude: 1451m.
Habitat : Wild 

Correct Nepali Name : चिलाउने Chilaaune

Updated on December 24, 2024

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