Indianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Suksathan & Borchs., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 159: 393 2009. (Syn: Arundastrum virgatum (Roxb.) Kuntze; Clinogyne virgata (Roxb.) Benth.; Donax virgata (Roxb.) K.Schum.; Donax virgata (Roxb.) Schum.; Maranta virgata (Roxb.) A.Dietr.; Maranta virgata (Roxb.) Wall.; Maranta virgata (Roxb.) Wight; Phrynium virgatum Roxb.; Phyllodes virgata (Roxb.) Kuntze; Schumannianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Rolfe); . S. India, Sri Lanka, Andaman Is. as per WCSP; . Requesting id of a riparian component: Schumannianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Rolfe of Marantaceae plant of 3-5m height in the under-storey of Evergreen and Semi-evergreen also along streams and rivulets. Indianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Suksathan & Borchs. SN April 39 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Indianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Suksathan & Borchs. (= Schumannianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Rolf.), Fam : Marantaceae, Tall reed (shrub) in the western ghats area near streams, collected from Walparai, near tea estate, Coimbatore district Tamilnadu, elephants eat this. ANMAY25/26 Zingiberaceae for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11) Family: Zingiberaceae Excellent photos. It is Indianthus virgatus of Marantaceae ANSEPT29/29 Indianthus virgatus (Roxb.) Suksathan & Borchs. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Family: Marantaceae flower FOR ID :: Iruppu Falls, Coorg :: 12 NOV 19 : 6 posts by 4 authors. 1 image. Iruppu Falls Coorg Date: November 12, 2019 … Altitude range: about 850 – 1,000 m (2,800 – 3,300 ft) asl blank ! Dear friends, I have not seen this flower earlier; no idea. It was the sole flower there. The flower measured about 3/4th inch across. I could not make out any other aspects of it. I will be happy to know at the least the family it belongs! Indianthus virgatus (earlier Schumanianthus) Could be Murdannia sp, i don’t think so, … . Requesting a herb id (08112021)3: 2 high res. images. Segregating posts from …, clubbed due to same subject: Herb, epiphyte. It has needle like leaves and the flowers are white, delicate. Looks like Orchid I could be wrong, but the white flowers and the longish inflorescence remind of https://www.flowersofindia.WhiteIndianthus.html Here [ ] it’s mentioned under different name though!! Perhaps closer examination is required with pics of leaves and whole plant. Indianthus virgatus of Marantaceae . References: |
Indianthus virgatus
Updated on December 24, 2024