Scoparia dulcis var. abrahamii ?

Scoparia dulcis var. abrahamii S.N.Pardeshi & Srinivasu ?;
India (Maharashtra) as per Catalogue of life;


ID04032011PHK 3: A herb, growing as weed in paddyfeilds
with quadrangular stem.
At Alibag, Maharashtra

– This plant was previously included in family Scrophulariaceae but now it is removed from Scrophulariaceae and is incorporated in to family Plantaginaceae.

– Other genera included in the family Plantaginaceae are Veronica, Hebe, Parahebe, Synthyris, Penstemon, Plantago, Linaria, Bacopa, Stemodia, Russelia and of course Scoparia etc.

– Yes Most genera of Scrophulariaceae (originally with more than 275 genera) have been placed under Plantaginaceae (nearly 90 genera) with lesser (42, Thorne, 2007; 65 APG III with merger of Budlejaceae and Selaginaceae) remaining in Scrophulariaceae.

   The two families are distinct in that Scrophulariaceae members have, anthers opening by single slit; Plantaginaceae members have anthers opening by two slits. There are a few other combination of characters. Plantaginaceae was earlier also named as Antirrhinaceae.

Dint know about the re-classification. What are the reasons cited for doing so? Can any one throw light on it!

– Please check following link for more details.
Plantaginaceae was always a known family conserved over Veronicaceae but the recent classification placed it among Lamiales. Earlier it was under Plantaginales.

– please check the link  It provides you all the latest information regarding all the plants. You can browse by entering generic name or specific epithet and can find out all the details about the
nomenclatural aspects. It also provides all the existing synonyms also.

Could be Scoparia dulcis var. abrahamii as per another thread ?

I agree, …

I guess correct ID !


Scoparia dulcis var. abrahamii : 8 posts by 3 authors.

The Scoparia dulcis page on efi contains two subspecies. The one with narrower petals, and almost linear stem-leaves is
Scoparia dulcis var. abrahmii Pardeshi & Srinivasu

Thank you very much … for this ID to variety.

I did a quick check of all that I have in my collection as of today. They all are of this variety; thank you very much, will update my notes soon.

Thanks, …, for pointing out.

I will look into it.

The relevant paper is attached.

Attachments (1) – Scoparia dulcis var. abrahmii.pdf

I am finding difficulty in finding Scoparia dulcis var. abrahmii Pardeshi & Srinivasu at efi page at Scoparia dulcis page

Can you point me out ?

I think … images could be var. abrahamii:
But it would be good to have a closer look, and opinion of the others.

Thank You … for inclusion of this species in the database.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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