Scrophularia calycina

Scrophularia calycina Benth., Scroph. Ind. 18 1835. (Syn: Veronica thyrsiflora Wall.);
Pakistan (Swat, Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), NW-India
(Kumaon), Nepal
as per Catalogue of life;
Common name: Large-Sepal Figwort
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (Description & Keys- Scrophularia calycina, edgeworthii, himalayensis (himalensis in the Plant List), polyantha, exserta, obtusa, robusta, petraea, dentata, scoparia, nudata, stewartii, suffruticosa, stenothyrsa, koelzii, scabiosaefolia, moniliformis, decomposita & striata)  
Perennial herb easily distinguished from other species by linear-lanceolate long pointed herbaceous calyx lobes longer than corolla, included stamens, greenish corolla glandular pubescent outside, with upper lobes not longer than lower, long-pointed capsule, ovate-lanceolate cordate, coarsely-toothed sharp pointed leaves and flowers crowded in leaf-less cymes.


Scrophularia calycina from Kashmir: Scrophularia calycina Benth., Scroph. Ind. 18 1835.

Perennial herb easily distinguished from other species by linear-lanceolate long pointed herbaceous calyx lobes longer than corolla, included stamens, greenish corolla glandular pubescent outside, with upper lobes not longer than lower, long-pointed capsule, ovate-lanceolate cordate, coarsely-toothed sharp pointed leaves and flowers crowded in leaf-less cymes. 
Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir growing among rocks and shrubs, alt. 3100 m


VOF Week: Herb with greenish flower along Hemkund Sahib route..:  Seen this herb along Hemkund Sahib route.
Date/Time: 09-08-2012 / 12:45PM.
Habitat: Wild

…, perhaps my post at queries ID of the same plant.

Yes, U R right.

Open flowers are not seen, but I hope it is Scrophularia calycina. Please see my upload from Kashmir.

Thanks … It does look same.



Scrophularia calycina from Kashmir:  Scrophularia calycina Benth., Scroph. Ind. 18 1835.

Perennial herb easily distinguished from other species by linear-lanceolate long pointed herbaceous calyx lobes longer than corolla, included stamens, greenish corolla glandular pubescent outside, with upper lobes not longer than lower, long-pointed capsule, ovate-lanceolate cordate, coarsely-toothed sharp pointed leaves and flowers crowded in leaf-less cymes.
Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir growing among rocks and shrubs, alt. 3100 m



VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 0207 :: large-leaved herb along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail: 3 AUG 12
Hemakund – Ghangaria trailabout 12400 ft

Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: small erect herb, about 40 – 60 cm high; flower bud about 5 – 6 mm across (not sure)

I hope Scrophularia calycina as mentioned in … post

Thank you very much for the ID, …
Am convinced my plant matches your at the link you provided.



VOF Week: Scrophularia for id from near Hemkunt Sahib:

this was already uploaded and identified…wanted to know the id…and post my pics too…

… has identified this as Scrophularia calycina….rightly so…

Yes Scrophularia calycina



VoF Week: Scrophularia calycina from Way to Hemkund Sahib:

Scrophularia calycina from Way to Hemkund Sahib
pls validate

Yes … Nice photographs




Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Scrophularia calycina from VOF- NS 16 : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 2 authors.

This hispid herb was shot from Gobind Ghat-Ghangharia trek..
hope the id is right.. Scrophularia calycina Benth.

Yes … Very good photographs. 

Scrophularia calycina Boiss. is a sub alpine and alpine wild herb in Uttarakhand.
Photographed in Kedarnath area, Uttarakhand. 

Thanks … for this too.. saw this during VOF trip last year..



Scrophularia calycina Benth., Scroph. Ind. 18 1835.

Perennial herb easily distinguished from other species by linear-lanceolate long pointed herbaceous calyx lobes longer than corolla, included stamens, greenish corolla glandular pubescent outside, with upper lobes not longer than lower, long-pointed capsule, ovate-lanceolate cordate, coarsely-toothed sharp pointed leaves and flowers crowded in leaf-less cymes.
Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir growing among rocks and shrubs, alt. 3100 m





Scrophularia calycina ABJUL2017/08 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

This one was growing between rocks near water. One look at the flowers and I thought Scrophularia but could only confirm it once I reached home today afternoon. I found more plants growing lower down at about 3100m too. I think this is Scrophularia calycina. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

Scrophularia calycina
Ilaqa and below
10-11 July 2017  

I agree with your id …
Very beautiful images….!!


Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell  (1943)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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